
BlackOps.... Well, I may be figuring it out. Stack Exchange safari00:03
arraybolt3BlackOps: You probably already know this, but do yourself a favor and make sure that any compromised important data on this system has been sufficiently locked down/reset/reported/etc. Knowing how some keen-eyed black hat got you hacked is no good if you lose your email password...00:09
BlackOpsYeah, my identity was stolen by a blackhat about three weeks ago and I caught him within about two hours of him opening up a checking account in my name.00:10
BlackOpsSo, haha, I learned the hard way that I'd make a decent threat hunter.00:10
arraybolt3+1, and yikes!00:11
BlackOpsSo, recruiters in the states ask for the last four of your soc and part of your DOB. Some of them have to and they're not social engineers. Some of them legitimately have to to put you in a database. But others are using them to crack then infiltrate00:11
BlackOpsAnd you cannot tell for sure00:11
BlackOps*job recruiters00:11
BlackOpsIt's a weird thing and there was a paper in a Cornell publication about it00:11
BlackOpsI can try to find it. But, they got me for two hours00:12
arraybolt3(Just as a side-note, off-topic conversation is sometimes frowned upon in this room. Glad you got yourself un-messed up, though.)00:12
BlackOpsThere is only an advantage because my preferred OS is always Ubuntu or a Linux variant so the trojans and other malware typically won't get me since the binaries are all for the most part .exe targetted to Windows. Yes, I won't go off topic. Sorry. This is an Ubuntu issue but I will stop. I don't want to break channel rules00:13
rodybigNot sure if this is the right channel but here goes:00:51
rodybigI'm running a K8s cluster on some Ubuntu VMs. I want network metrics for each container/pod, how do I get that?00:51
rodybigI have cAdvisor running (cAdvisor is now integrated into Kubelet it seems) and I have prometheus querying and storing the metrics exposed by cAdvisor.00:51
rodybigBut looks like cAdvisor only reports network metrics at the host interface level?00:51
rodybigIs there any special flags (like NET_ADMIN) that I need to start the pods or cAdvisor with?00:51
rodybigIn my local docker environment, I pass --NET_ADMIN on starting docker and it seems to be able to grab the right network stats.00:52
BlackOpsI want to point out that this is the most specific channel in terms of the ops and users being very very extremely hardcore ad naueam for on-topic. Either way, several channels have cross-over like #linux will include programmers and #programming is heavy on Linux. I think this channel is mostly troubleshooting Ubuntu issues01:28
=== LabMunkeh is now known as Mechanismus
MechanismusI'm connecting from Windows 11 to XRDP 0.9.17 and KDE Plasma 5.24.6 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 and the Meta key does not bring up the Application Launcher but Alt+F1 does.  Not sure which of these things is the problem here.02:36
MechanismusAlso, Meta+arrow works to snap windows to edges, so the key at least sort of works.02:37
NautilusI'm migrating from an old Debian VirtualBox system to a new Xubuntu 22.04 system. On the old debian system I have some files in /home/username/.ssh, and I'm wondering if that's the appropriate place to put them in Xubuntu, since I don't see an already existing .ssh dir in the Xubuntu install.03:43
lolokthis folder is normally created by ssh, you can try to generate a new key with your user and youll see this happen, afaik there is no reason you cant create it yourself 1st tho as long as the user ids match what they should and the permissions are sane03:52
NautilusI would like to generate a key for myself, unsure how to do that. Secondarily, I have placed the info for a server I ssh into which I later placed in that dir.03:53
Nautilusgoogling for info on the first03:54
Nautilusgot it03:54
lolokssh-keygen, all this stuff is in the manuals too, google is great but the authoritative documentation is distributed with the package04:00
NautilusHow does a command like this look?  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "myemail@example.com"04:01
bsmith0931you can absolutely just copy the entire /home/user directory. thats where nearly everything stores your configs04:01
NautilusI need to exclude some things from the migration, so a step at a time04:01
bsmith0931when installing ubuntu and its derivatives, good practice is to split the / directory into its own partition, and home into the other.04:02
NautilusI'd still have to exclude stuff ... I have too many archives in my home04:03
loloki prefer ed25519 but that should work04:03
lolok"better" than rsa04:03
Nautilusah, huh.04:04
lolokits eliptic curve encryption instead of discrete logarithms04:04
loloknow that you might have to google lol04:05
Nautilusyea, twisted Edwards curves04:05
Nautilusso just change the -t param?04:06
Nautilusoh it might not like the -b 4096 hmm04:06
bsmith0931rsa is fine. 8192 bits ftw!04:06
lolokiirc all the keys are the same size in this format04:06
bsmith093116384 is the max supported by spec.04:07
lolok16k of keyfile lmao may as well be an otp04:08
Nautilusso is the -b param not needed? Or should be 8192, or good lord so many Qs04:08
lolokif using ed25519 -b is not needed04:09
Nautilusis the -C useful for later? Maybe not, I might just need to keep notes04:09
lolokthat all depends if you use it or not lol, if youre gonna publish your public key somewhere, its nice to have your contact info embedded04:12
Nautilusah I see, does it need to be an email addy per the sample I found? I'm guessing no, now.04:13
Nautiluseg: example.com (where current contact info could be found)04:14
lolokits technically a comment line, like the one in /etc/passwd was for gecos info, i usually put what i intend to use the key for in there if im not publishing it04:14
Nautilusno idea what I'd use it for <grin>04:15
lolokwhich is usually the name or address of the server im using it to connect with or whatever i might call the purpose that server has04:16
NautilusI have a different rsa file for the server I want to connect to, that's the other files in my .ssh04:16
Nautilusbut it seems time to gen one for this machine04:17
lolok-C 'home.router' | -C 'gaming.vps'04:17
lolokif you let it idle it will tkae longer, ironically, using linux while its making the key will help it generate randomness04:18
lolokbecause of how the kernel derives randomness, and when is low on entropy, it will block04:19
NautilusSo I have this ready to go...  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "example.com"04:19
lolokyep looks good to me04:19
lolokthat will make the folder and a new key, and you can move your old keys to this folder, just match up the userid04:19
Nautilusshould I have a passphrase? That would be something randomly related to me, yes?04:21
lolokit doesnt have to be, it can be whatever you want, i highly recommend using a password for your key, and i highly recommend it be something you never used before, but wont forget...04:22
Nautilus10-4 thanks04:23
Nautilusgot it done, dir and keys generated. Now I'm stumped why I can't copy and paste to/from the VirtualBox VMs when I have bi-dir enabled.04:26
NautilusTrying to type out the rsa key for the server I want to get to is no bueno. lol04:28
NautilusTrying to find a #VirtualBox channel04:30
Nautilusback to the .ssh dir topic, the old debian had a config file where I defined hostname, port, user, and rsa file. Does that config work the same in ubuntu?04:36
Nautilusthat's for the server I need to connect to04:37
Nautiluseg: /home/username/.ssh/config04:38
lolokNautilus i would be surprised if it didnt work but without looking at the diff of which versions of ssh you had idk for sure05:09
Nautilusyea, wish I could just try it but am stuck trying to copy&paste files between two VMs. sheesh05:10
Nautilusthing is, I never know anything. came in to ask about rsa and ended up going ed2551905:12
Nautilusback when my first computer was a KIM-1 I could keep up   ;)05:14
Nautilusone more dumb question. The key's randomart is just a thing for fun, right? I don't need to keep that?05:37
=== beaver is now known as pong
DiagonAnyone point me to how I might add something to the nautilus context menu that appears on Alt-Left_Mouse-Drag_to_other_folder?05:39
Nautilussorry, but my nick is about the cephalopod, not the UI   ;)05:41
DiagonFunny guy.05:44
DiagonAny idea what happened to nautilus-actions package?05:44
Guest6668Hi, my laptop stopped being able to join the wifi network, and started automatically cycling through all networks in its reach (none of which it could join). When I restarted it, it no longer sees my wifi adapter. Can anyone think of anything I could do?05:53
arraybolt3Guest6668: Did this happen right after updating Ubuntu?06:07
Guest6668arraybolt3, after I turned my computer on today. I don't remember if I updated it at some point yesterday. I just tried a live flash drive with Ubuntu now, the one I installed from few months ago, and it doesn't see wifi either, so it looks like it's probably hardware.06:09
arraybolt3Guest6668: Oh crud. That sounds correct, sadly. If even a live USB doesn't see it, then the problem is probably your hardware.06:10
Guest6668arraybolt3, still, thanks!06:11
arraybolt3Guest6668: Do you have any other way to connect to the Internet with this system?06:11
arraybolt3If not, I can try to find a cheap WiFi dongle that should be likely to work out of the box with Ubuntu.06:11
arraybolt3(I guess, why not look anyway?)06:11
Guest6668arraybolt3, thanks, I don't. No, just wifi.06:13
Guest6668that would be great if you found something06:13
arraybolt3Guest6668: What brand of WiFi card was already in your system, do you know?06:13
arraybolt3(The USB adapters are either expensive or appear to get poor reviews, so I'm thinking maybe finding a suitable replacement internal card might be better.)06:14
Guest6668arraybolt3, no... but maybe BIOS/EFI could remember it... it's still in warranty though, I!m just not very keen right now on the idea of parting with it the company gets around to fixing it06:15
arraybolt3Ah, OK.06:16
arraybolt3Guest6668: Still looking, sorry for the delay.06:19
Guest6668arraybolt3, it's ok, thanks a lot!06:19
arraybolt3Guest6668: Hmm. The problem here is most everyone uses Realtek or Mediatek chips for their USB WiFi adapters, and Realtek and Mediatek are **not** out-of-the-box compatible with Linux. So I'm looking for something with an Atheros, Intel, or (worse case scenario) Broadcom chipset. Thus the delay.06:33
Guest6668arraybolt3, thanks a lot, I really appreciate it : )06:35
arraybolt3Thanks for your patience with me. I feel bad that you're just stuck waiting, but hopefully something good will pop up!06:36
arraybolt3Hmph, looks like I was mistaken about Mediatek, this might be a quick solution then!06:36
arraybolt3Guest6668: What version of Ubuntu are you using?06:37
Guest6668arraybolt3, Ubuntu Budgie 22.0406:38
arraybolt3Nice, thank you!06:38
arraybolt3Guest6668: One last thing, what nation are you in? That will influence which marketplace I look for an adapter in.06:42
=== greknod165366 is now known as greknod16536
Guest6666arraybolt3, hi, sorry, I lost connection after your "nice, thank you" message, since I tried to turn the router off and on (which didn't help, of course)06:52
arraybolt3Guest6668: One last thing, what nation are you in? That will influence which marketplace I look for an adapter in.06:52
arraybolt3Guest6666: (sorry wrong nick, see message above)06:53
Guest6666arraybolt3, Czech Republic06:53
arraybolt3Guest6666: Alright, I think we have a winner! Look for the Panda Wireless pau04 adapter. That one should just plug in and work.07:00
KottizenHello! I just updated from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 in my virtual machine in AWS EC2, and now I am unable to reach the server when I have start it. According to the EC2 console, the server is running, but any network connections to it time out. There is no particular firewall on the machine, so I suspect it's not booting properly. I am, however, able to mount the system disk in another VM to07:01
Kottizenexamine the files. What should I look for to troubleshoot this?07:01
Guest6666arraybolt3, thanks, I'll check it out!07:02
arraybolt3Kottizen: Is there any web console you can get access to? Seeing the exact errors the system spits out as it boots can be very helpful for this sort of thing.07:02
Kottizenarraybolt3: I'm afraid there isn't... Is that the same information as in /var/log/dmesg, though, or would I see more information with a console?07:03
Kottizen$ cat etc/os-release07:03
KottizenVERSION="20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)"07:03
arraybolt3Kottizen: You would indeed see more info with a console. If a kernel panic is happening, the only place it will appear is the console.07:03
arraybolt3Kottizen: The dmesg file would be worth a shot though, pastebin it and let's see.07:04
Kottizenarraybolt3: https://klistra.in/d4O5AitY07:04
arraybolt3Kottizen: I am really sorry to say this, but I'm a bit paranoid about unfamiliar links, and I can't find that pastebin website on Google. Would it be awful if I wanted you to use something like bpa.st or dpaste.com?07:06
KottizenI am able to get screenshots of the console, but it just shows an empty "_" character. I am thinking the issue could be related to Grub, or its replacement if Grub is no longer used (?)07:06
Kottizenarraybolt3: It's my own pastebin :) but no worries! https://dpaste.com/FE4HRSRA307:07
arraybolt3Grub is still used. Maybe it's getting hung up.07:07
arraybolt3Kottizen: Oh, that makes sense. OK, I'll trust it from now on.07:07
arraybolt3Kottizen: Good news, looks like it's booting! The problem appears to be related to network configuration.07:08
Kottizen(I think I am its only user, but I wanted a pastebin without advertisements and/or tracking mechanisms)07:08
arraybolt3I see tons of "stat() failed on /etc/init.d/resolvconf, ignoring: No such file or directory"07:08
KottizenAh, oh. That feels relieving!07:08
KottizenYes, maybe NetworkManager isn't starting (?)07:08
arraybolt3So... that's the good news, the bad news is I don't have a clue in the world how to fix that :) Thankfully, there's tons of other people here who may be able to help out.07:09
KottizenDo you think a good idea could be to specify a static IP address in /etc/network/interfaces and create a sample /etc/resolv.conf? Then, I guess it should work if somehow understand how to disable NetworkManager and/or /etc/init.d/resolvconf.07:10
KottizenAh hehe :) I'll try my own suggestion then! I can't imagine it would break anything, at least07:10
RicoI've enabled screen sharing in ubuntu (+ disabled screensaver and enabled autologin)07:25
Ricobut I'm unable to connect to remote desktop (on ubuntu server) just after startup07:26
Ricocan anyone help me with that please ?07:27
arraybolt3Rico: Are you running Ubuntu Desktop on a physical computer, or a virtual machine? Also, are you trying to access the system from another computer on the same network?07:29
Ricoarraybolt3: vm07:30
Ricoit seems it's related to the keyring manager07:30
arraybolt3Rico: Oh. Sadly, I don't have experience using GNOME Remote Desktop, but it looks like you found a hopeful answer!07:31
RicoI hope so07:31
lucagiSalve a tutti e perdonate la mia incompetenza e lentezza, è la prima volta che scrivo in chat.09:30
lucagiHo un problema con una USB HUAWEI E8372 LTE Wingle, non viene identificata come modem, riesco a connettere il wi-fi ma non viene rilevata la sim.09:30
lucagiHo provato a seguire quanto riportato alla pagina di ask ubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/790893/huawei-usb-4g-modem-not-detected09:30
lucagiquesto il risultato:09:30
lucagi$ sudo lsusb | grep Huawei09:30
lucagiBus 003 Device 005: ID 12d1:14db Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E353/E313109:30
EriC^^!it | lucagi09:30
ubottulucagi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:30
=== pah is now known as pa
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
DiagonHow do I find out if this package morphed into something new?10:24
guiverc[m]Diagon: why not look at the changelog found on a package on the site you mention10:29
ogradoes not look like it was continued at all10:30
ograbut i'd ask in #ubuntu-desktop about it (since there are commits from one of the team members in this package), perhaps they know more10:31
Diagonguiverc - I'm not seeing a changelog.  all I'm seeing is nautilus-actions becomes filemanager-actions, and then seems to disappear.10:35
DiagonThanks, orga.  Appreciated.10:35
guiverc[m]Diagon: pick a package; eg. https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/filemanager-actions and top right you'll see a link for changelog just under bug reports... ogra's advice will be more helpful though10:36
Diagonguiverc TY!10:39
=== nonada_ is now known as nonada
=== WaxCPU is now known as Andrew
podeniHi everyone. I have an EC2 Ubuntu AMI which I configured to only use 2GB of space for savings purposes. I'm now trying to upgrade that machine to the latest LTS, but the update crashes because of a lack of space. What could I do, apart fro, creating a new image and shrinking that?12:12
prologicI have a program I wrote that brings up another virtual ethernet interface. The moment it does that DNS stops working on Ubuntu 22.04 (fresh VM). Any ideas how I can debug/fix this? I find it very strange that just brining up another interface can break SystemD's resolver so badly :/12:20
prologicSep 19 12:20:49 box-ubuntu2204 systemd-resolved[637]: Got packet on unexpected (i.e. non-localhost) IP range, ignoring.12:23
prologicI think this is my problem12:25
=== pamal_ is now known as pamal
TecklaSuper dumb question time: How can I set a solid color for my desktop background on Ubuntu?13:32
TecklaI think there's some kind of optional GNOME program for it, though the name escapes me...13:33
brkcoreI masked accounts.daemon.service and cant load ubuntu. How do I use live usb session to access /dev/null and /etc/systemd and remove the symlink?. any good guide avaible online?13:44
brkcorethe only error message on boot is "failed to start Apply Kernal Variables"13:47
TecklaAh, it looks like a command line solution is available: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background primary-color '#000000'13:48
alkisgbrkcore: can you get a shell by putting an init=/bin/bash in grub?13:53
brkcorealkisg: I don't know how to get to shell, because on boot I don't have any input.13:54
alkisgbrkcore: if you press esc while it boots, you should see the grub menu. There you should be able to press "e" to edit the grub menu. OK so far?13:54
brkcorealkisg: I don't think grub is avaible at this point as it isnt loaded yet. But I will try now and will be back!13:56
alkisgThen when you get a shell, run: mount -o remount,rw /; systemctl enable --root=/ --no-reload accounts-daemon; sync; reboot13:56
brkcorealkisg: ok, great I will run it if I get to shell.13:56
alkisgbrkcore: grub is the boot manager, it's loaded before the kernel, a whole lot before systemd13:56
brkcoreoh thats good news then13:57
brkcoreill be back shortly13:57
TecklaIt looks like there's also a tool called "dconf Editor" for lower level access to changing things.13:59
Teckla(super weird that you can't change the desktop background to a solid color, though!  what a strange design!)13:59
TecklaOk, both gsettings and dconf Editor work, if anyone else was wondering  :)14:10
brkrootalkisg, it didnt help, it didnt enable the daemon, perhaps because it was masked instead of just disabled14:14
alkisgbrkroot: then use "unmask"14:21
brkroot".. mask -o unmask,rw/;" ....?14:23
alkisgNo, where it says "enable" replace it with "unmask"14:44
alkisg mount -o remount,rw /; systemctl unmask --root=/ --no-reload accounts-daemon; sync; reboot14:46
brkrootI just went though a rescue option and with root i was able to unmask and enable the service. Its all sorted now.14:47
brkrootI will mask it again, just so I can try unmasking and enabling it your way, as it seems much quicker and easier.14:47
brkrootlet me try14:47
ufkpleaset ell me there is an apt mirror for groovy packages still alive somewhere14:48
ravageufk, https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/groovy/14:49
ufkyay! thanks14:49
ravage!eolupgrade | ufk14:50
ubottuufk: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:50
ufkyeah i know i just need some package and some dependencies.. thank you so much14:51
brkrootalkisg, its not working that way either. Can we add something to the string to actually enable and start the service on boot. As if its unmasked, normmaly its not enabled until manually do so14:53
ufkravage: that's the release.. that's not the apt repository14:54
alkisgbrkroot: what's your end goal?14:54
ufkahh ok found it there thanks14:54
brkrootalkisg, to make your suggested string work, as its quicker to boot into the system, if a masked service prevent loading it14:56
alkisgbrkroot: my command unmasks a unit; if it showed an error for you, tell us the error; if it "didn't work", do you mean the unit is still masked?14:57
alkisgIf you want to both unmask and enable a unit, you need two commands14:57
brkrootalkisg, I cant see any errors on the screen, apart from Failed - failed to start apply kernal variables. How to i check for other errors at this point?15:01
alkisgbrkroot:  # systemctl enable asdf15:02
alkisgFailed to enable unit: Unit file asdf.service does not exist.15:02
alkisgWhen you run a command, if it writes any line below that, it's an error15:02
alkisgIf not, then it worked15:02
alkisgWe don't care about previous kernel errors, they are not related to this issue15:02
brkrootalkisg, all im saying, is that the command, has no output when I put it in the grub. (is it because of the reboot option at the end)?  So I can't really see if the service was unmasked or enabled. As on reboot, I am back to the loading screen where it hangs with no errors, apart from the one that it says fail to start apply kernal variables15:07
alkisgbrkroot: you only put init=/bin/bash at grub, not the rest of the command15:07
alkisgWhere it says linux .... quiet splash, you edit that line to say linux ... init=/bin/bash15:08
alkisgThen you get a shell; there, you can type the command. You don't type it at grub15:08
brkrootoh man, ok sorry15:09
Nautilusdarn, my icon was flashing like someone said soething to me, but it seemed to be out of scrollback. Or maybe someone just mentioned the file manager15:19
jhutchinsNautilus: Maybe you want to configure a larger buffer.15:20
Nautilusmore to figure out later15:20
brkrootalkisg, so ...systemctl enable... says that failed to enabled the service because is masked. System has not been booted with systemd (PID1) ..so cant operate.15:24
brkrootits the same with unmasking the service, PID1 cant operate15:24
alkisgDid you use the full command I gave? With root=/ etc?15:25
brkrootyes, the full command15:26
brkrootmount -o remount,rw /; systemctl unmask --root=/ --noreload accounts-daemon; sync; reboot15:27
brkrootroot@(none):/# .....15:28
brkrootthe syntax is right, I typed it with --no-reload on the other computer15:31
haysanyone know anything about ubuntu-core? like is there a way to mount the .img?16:05
ograhays, the image is partitioned ... you can not mount it but you can mount its partitions ... read up about kpartx16:06
ograhays, also forum.snapcraft.io has a "devices" category where you can ask questions about UbuntuCore16:09
brkroothow to make cat print first 10 lines and then continuing to the next 10 lines , when reading a big output?16:15
arraybolt3brkroot: I think you're looking for "cat <file> | less".16:21
arraybolt3Not sure that will do exactly what you want, but it should let you scroll through the output.16:21
rob0cat might not be the best tool for that. head(1) prints 10 lines. more(1) prints a page at a time, which depends on how big your terminal is. Also less(1) is a full service pager with basic features plus search, backscroll and more.16:22
rob0BTW less(1) can directly read a file, "less filename"16:23
brkrootarraybolt3, yes, it helps, thank you16:23
brkrootrob0, and if I use grep with -m10 ... how can use that option do show lines 10 to 20, 20 to 30 etc16:24
nteodosiobrkroot: What do you mean? grep -m10 will dump a max of 10 lines and quit. There is no line 10 to 20, 20 to 30 etc.16:33
brkrootnteodosio, that what i was thinking, if there is other option for grep, to show lines per intervals of 10 for example16:33
brkrootbut I realise now grep is not interactive so that wont be possible16:34
arraybolt3rob0: (re: BTW less(1) can directly read a file...) Oh cool, didn't know that! Thanks!16:34
nteodosiobrkroot: Doesn't 'grep pattern file | less' do that for you?16:34
brkrootlet me see16:34
brkrootnteodosio, I cant figure out how to use it16:40
nteodosiobrkroot: How were you using it before, when you suggested grep -m10?16:41
brkrootfor examble how to grep "reached" from boot.log, on intervals16:41
brkrootif i use grep with -m10, just shows 10 lines and then hitting enter to print nect lines16:42
nteodosiobrkroot: grep reached boot.log | less16:42
nteodosioIf you need line numbers, grep reached boot.log | less -N16:43
nteodosioAh, if you an interval of exactly ten lines per time, I'd have to ask why.16:43
brkrootdo you know why grep reached boot.log | less doesn't print anything?  just empty lines16:45
nteodosioNo I don't. Piping to less should give you the same, but paged output.16:46
hggdhbrkroot: two options: (1) there are binary (non-displayable) charaters in the file; (2) there are no "reached" strings in the file16:46
rfmanother possibity is brkroot is running grep in a user that can't read boot.log...16:47
adam_is it possible to cluster an Ubuntu pc to a Fedora pc?16:48
brkrootrfm, i use sudo.16:48
nteodosiobrkroot: But wait, does 'grep reached boot.log' output something in the first place?16:50
rfmI note there are no lines containing "reached" in my boot.log...  lots of lines with "Reached" tho.  Maybe "grep -i reached boot.log | less" ?16:50
brkrootcat displays all boot.log. ... cat boot.log | grep "reached" gives me permission denied. Using it with sudo, doesnt priunt anything16:51
brkrootnteodosio, permission denied on grep reached boot.log16:52
brkroothggdh, yes, all the files are flagged as binary, your right16:53
nteodosiocat can read the file but piping it into grep gives permission denied? That's absolutely crazy. Sorry, can't help you further.16:53
hggdhbrkroot: try grep --binary-files=text reached boot.log16:53
brkrootnteodosio, its not crazy, im not searching for text in a file, but for a ...variable or something like that16:55
brkroothggdh, grep --binary-files=text reached boot.log ... that works!16:57
hggdhcool. One less hurdle in the way :-)16:58
brkrootyeah, you guys are crazy knowledgeable, thanks a lot!16:59
brkroothave a good one16:59
dabblerIn the past, /etc/fstab used to specify the mounting of procfs. Looking at my new 22.04 installation, that's not in there anymore. Is it now specified in a different fstab kept more away from the user?17:21
dabblerOr is procfs itself not a thing anymore?17:21
dabblerRather, does it not need to be mounted at all anymore17:28
brkrootdo you know if I disable or even mask debug-shell.service, will I be able to access bash shell, if something go wrong with the system?17:37
rfmdabbler, well, it's still mounted, as "mount | grep /proc" will show.  I don't know, but I assume either systemd (which is what processes /etc/fstab these days) or the kernel itself just always mounts it at startup.17:39
rfmdabbler, yeah, "man systemd" says "It also sets up and mounts various API file systems, such as /sys/ or /proc/."17:44
ogradabbler, https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/APIFileSystems/17:44
brkrootI got it. It wont be able to use the root. the shell wont be automatically logged it and so wont be able to execute any root level commands. But would it be asking for a root password at least? or is it the entire shell be disabled at early boot ?17:47
rfmbrkroot, I found https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd_early_debug-shell  looks like it is not enabled by default, and never should be unless you're trying to debug a broken systemd...17:57
brkrootrfm, i found that too. It is currently disabled by default on the system. I was thinking this is responsible for the root password at bash shell when automatically logged with root18:03
brkrootbut it is not, because root is automatically logged with no password required18:05
rpnxDoes anyone work for Canonical? What is it like?18:15
leftyfb!ot | rpnx18:16
ubotturpnx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:16
leftyfb!discuss | rpnx18:16
ubotturpnx: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:16
oxphiIs there a way to "install" a .appimage on ubuntu, and also is there a way to set default "open with" on files as an .appimage ? I'm having trouble finding that18:20
leftyfboxphi: no and that would depend on the program18:26
leftyfboxphi: appimages don't get installed.18:26
brkrootwhere else i can questions and opinions apart from ubuntu and ubuntu-offtopic18:29
brkrootand does it matter, its the same users on all channels i gues18:30
leftyfbbrkroot: this channel is for support questions. #ubuntu-offtopic is for basically everything else and opinions18:35
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AjinomotoHow to run memtest?19:51
tomreynAjinomoto: depends on which one you mean, there are multiple.19:52
Ajinomototomreyn the one that tells me all about why my apps crash after isntalling new ram sticks19:53
tomreynwhat cpu architecture / family is this?19:54
tomreynsome recent amd64?19:55
Ajinomototomreyn amd ryzen19:55
Ajinomototomreyn ok will give complete info: I had 32g ram (16x 2 sticks). All were running fine. I bought 2 more to make it 64g. Now my browsers, VMs crash at some load (when cpu goes at peak). How exactly can I know whats wrong? Old ram:  BL16G32C16U4R.M16FE1 (slot 1, 3)  new ram:  BL16G32C16U4B.16FE (slots 2,4).  full dmidecode: https://termbin.com/r2zs19:56
tomreynAjinomoto: use the free version of https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm19:56
sarnoldAjinomoto: I installed the jammy package of pcmemtest onto an 18.04 machine without trouble: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmemtest19:56
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
Ajinomototomreyn sarnold shouldn't I go with the first option at the boot ? https://linuxhint.com/run_memtest_ubuntu/19:59
sarnoldAjinomoto: yeah if it's available that'd be fine19:59
morganu20.04 (with tweaks doing dashtodock) The brightness control in top panel does nothing. How Could I Dim My Screen? dell desktop9020 and acer monitor20:00
tomreynnot for this cpu family, i don't think20:00
sarnoldAjinomoto: there's enough complications around which one works on uefi vs legacy boot vs free vs not-free etc. pcmemtest just worked for me, so I thought i'd share it around and save the trouble ;)20:00
Ajinomotosarnold ok!20:00
tomreynsarnold: did you see the NOTICE at https://github.com/martinwhitaker/pcmemtest ?20:01
sarnoldAjinomoto: but if you've got something in your boot menu already, go for it ;)20:01
Ajinomotothe symptoms I am describing are usually due to ?20:01
sarnoldtomreyn: yeah, but I don't think that new thing is packaged in debian yet, maybe I'm out of date there20:01
=== morganu is now known as Appolinaire
sarnoldtomreyn: yeah, not in debian yet :( https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/memtest86%2B20:02
Ajinomotosystem error logs won't tell? if so, which logs?20:02
tomreynAjinomoto: broken or incompatible DIMMs, too high frequency, insufficient power supply, something along these lines.20:02
Ajinomototomreyn ok  , btw, it only happens at high cpu usage.20:02
sarnoldAjinomoto: I *think* dmesg may show you the bad memory address if you've got ecc; rasdaemon may also have it logged, if you've got that installed20:03
Ajinomotosarnold ok command?20:03
sarnoldAjinomoto: try: ras-mc-ctl --errors20:04
Ajinomotosarnold no errors20:04
sarnolddang. check dmesg then?20:05
tomreynhttps://github.com/memtest86plus/memtest86plus#trouble-shooting-memory-errors looks useful20:05
tomreyndmesg | grep RAS     # shoould say whether it was loaded20:06
Ajinomoto[    1.160578] RAS: Correctable Errors collector initialized. [    2.195807] amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: RAS: optional ras ta ucode is not available20:06
arraybolt3Ajinomoto: Quick thought for you, if you're using anything like RAM overclocking, maybe that's part of the problem.20:07
tomreynand    journalctl -b | grep RAS     should say that systmed started the RAS daemon to log RAS events20:07
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arraybolt3(CPU overclocking might cause the problem too?)20:08
tomreynit could20:08
tomreynlsmod | grep edac    should list edac_mce_amd, amd64_edac_mod20:10
Ajinomoto3400g kernel: RAS: Correctable Errors collector initialized.400g kernel: amdgpu 0000:08:00.0: amdgpu: RAS: optional ras ta ucode is not available20:10
Ajinomotosystemd[1]: Starting RAS daemon to log the RAS events...systemd[1]: Started RAS daemon to log the RAS events.20:10
Ajinomotoarraybolt3 the ram is 3200Mhz, but bios didn't had that option. I made it 3200 from 2600 I think.. But the old 2 were wokring fine20:11
tomreyn"Error Correction Type: None"20:14
Ajinomototomreyn I recall when the inital2 rams were new, I had this issue, I changed slots, it went away. Maybe MB slots are bad. But I hope memtest will tell about it. Will it?20:15
tomreynAjinomoto: the first thing you should do before installing new memory is to consult your mainboard manual to understand how to install it, and how to install it in a way that it can be working next to other memory20:16
Ajinomototomreyn "push in the slot"?20:17
AjinomotoMB: asus x570 gaming wifi20:17
tomreynnow you just need to look up the manual.20:18
AjinomotoMB: asus TUF x570 gaming wifi20:18
Ajinomototomreyn ok20:18
Ajinomototomreyn no such thing https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketAM4/PRIME_X570-P/E15829_PRIME_PRO_TUF_GAMING_X570_Series_BIOS_EM_WEB.pdf20:25
jamiew0whello. i upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04 yesterday and it appears that smooth scrolling has somehow been enabled, i can't figure out how to disable it. anyone have any ideas?20:25
tomreynAjinomoto: that#s the bios manual, not the mainboard manual20:26
tomreynAjinomoto: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/SocketAM4/TUF_GAMING_X570-PLUS_WI-FI/E15236_TUF_GAMING_X570-PLUS_WI-FI_UM_WEB_060319.pdf sections 1.1.4 and 2.1.420:27
tomreynAjinomoto: there's #hardware for hardware help, too20:27
tomreynand i got to go - read carefully, good luck!20:27
Ajinomototomreyn thanks20:40
ArtfulDodgerHi! The logs of systemd-timesyncd are unclear to me: Does message "Initial synchronization to time server" actually means that the time sync is successful or just that it has begun?20:44
ArtfulDodgerSee logs extract http://paste.debian.net/1254422/20:44
ppwhi. anyone know how to hide the battery indicator in gnome?21:06
OerHeks ppw see system settings > power https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/03/battery-percentage-ubuntu-2204/21:12
=== OpenSource is now known as QNX
ppwOerHeks: I do actually have that turned off. There's still a battery icon there.21:44
enigma9o7[m]I think you need a shell extenion to hide it.  You still wanna keep the other things in that group right?21:46
enigma9o7[m]theres probably several extensions that offer that feature, pretty sure "just perfection" has it, it has on/off switches for everything21:48
ppwenigma9o7[m]: I'll look it up, thanks21:50
=== Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees
hans_what's the difference between "jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz" and "jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.xz"  ?    (the root is about 300MB smaller)23:21
hans_over at https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/23:21
sarnoldhans_: check the .manifest files there, that might show you what the difference is23:22
sarnoldmostly stuff that involves booting23:23
hans_booting is overrated anyway :p23:29
sarnoldbooting brings nothing but trouble23:30
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cnnxwhere can I find an .iso I can write on my ssd as my regular primary drive? i dont want to install to a usb and then to ssd23:44
cnnxthe os directly on the ssd23:44
cnnxis htat possibled23:44
=== kitako is now known as carteli
OerHekscnnx, only when you have grub2 already installed, isoboot23:47
cnnxso install xubuntu on the ssd23:51
cnnxthe run isoboot?23:51

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