
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Oh crap, I meant Audacity, not Ardour. My bad.01:57
* OvenWerks feels better01:59
Eickmeyerteward: vorlon seems to have fixed the digikam debacle.02:00
OvenWerksAudacity is generally usable with no external plugins, though plugins are nice to be able to use.02:01
OvenWerksEickmeyer: that is why I did not question audacity being snapped when you were talking about that a few days ago.02:03
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah,  I dunno what I was thinking. In my mind I thought Audacity, and my fingers typed Ardour. Ardour is in no danger.02:05
arraybolt3Thank goodness. I heard Ardour and a red alarm in the back of my head started blaring in the background.02:09
EickmeyerYeah. We almost lost Ardour once before, and I fought tooth-and-nail for that one.02:20
ThomasWard[m]Eickmeyer: howd he do that?14:16
Eickmeyer[m]Thomas Ward: There's a vendor-provided qtav in the source code that I was unaware of. The build failure was due to a lack of CMakeLists.txt files inside the transalations directories, which I fixed by hacking the git snapshot archive.14:18
Eickmeyer[m]So, he mostly pointed me in the right direction.14:20
ThomasWard[m]so you dirtied the git snapshot tree to fix it xD14:24
Eickmeyer[m]Not exactly. The translations aren't part of the git snapshot to begin with. There's a KDE tool that creates the git snapshot with the translations that was missing the CMakeLists.txt files for some reason, so I just fixed that part.14:25
Eickmeyer[m]So, it's an official snapshot, as far as KDE is concerned.14:26
Eickmeyer[m]Basically, if it's a raw snapshot, it's completely missing the translations.14:27
Eickmeyer[m]And while the translations aren't 100% perfect, I'd rather have some translations when beta freeze comes along than not.14:29
ThomasWard[m]makes sense14:35
ThomasWard[m]at least its fixed xD14:35
Eickmeyer[m]And we'll see how the Audacity snap does today during the .iso image build.14:39
tewardEickmeyer[m] if all goes well then it should "just work" 16:03
Eickmeyerteward: Agreed. I've been working closely with Dani on this, and they've got it working pretty well. Seeding snaps can be finicky, though, as I found out with freeshow.16:05
tewardby this point it shouldn't be that hard though :P16:06
tewardjust saying16:06
tewardsince there's already seeded snaps in Ubuntu Desktop and such16:06
EickmeyerTrue. They had to drop the gtk2-common-themes requirement, and it still seemed to function correctly. The problem is that gtk2-common-themes can't be seeded because it doesn't have a base: declaration, not even on base: bare.16:07
EickmeyerBut gtk-common-themes, which is a newer, non-legacy snap, seems to fit the bill.16:08
EickmeyerWe just had a successful image build with the Audacity snap, and the latest digikam git snapshot just hit the release pocket! \o/ 16:38

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