
cabazonhi, can I do cloud-init with unikernel (like Nanos) ? 01:31
meenacabazon: if Nanos is POSIX based, has python3 support, then you could use it to bootstrap your Nanos VM with cloud-init08:55
meenahowever, you'd need to add support for Nanos as a distro: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/tree/main/cloudinit/distros08:57
meenaand the equivalent for networking… which should become easier, once I'm done refactoring cloudinit.net08:58
acibaDoes anybody know whether the machine-id of an instance is generated by sysvinit or not and if so, where could I find documentation about it? I have been trying to find doc about it in the context of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/156395109:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563951 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Cloud-init does not initialize systemd machine id" [Wishlist, Confirmed]09:25
meenaaciba: not by FreeBSD sysvinit10:13
meenaaciba: https://wiki.debian.org/MachineId seems to be how it's done10:14
meenaaciba: so it seems to be a dbus thing then?10:15
acibameena: systemd ultimately generates via dbus if not provided by other means, I was wondering if sysvinit does something similar, but didn't find info about it10:18
meenaaciba: it might, on some Linux distros, if you have dbus installed, link it in place10:19
acibameena: so it is distro dependent. Thanks!10:29
meenaaciba: most likely, i have no time to go poking10:30
acibameena: no worries, thanks a lot10:31
=== themachine is now known as t0days_n3ws
meenado we have types for IPv4/IPv6?20:54
meenathere's a module, ipaddress20:56
meenahere's a prototype for the ifconfig parser: https://gist.github.com/igalic/0b326b003b31650f8dda05b5f09aa5a522:17
meenathe emphasis, I suppose, is on "type"22:17
meenatomorrow I'm gonna write some unit tests with some of the pastes I've gotten, and then start writing actual code.22:18
meenaa lot of questions can be answered from this datastructure… is_physical() for example is an interface that's got a sensible media type, a mac address, and *no* groups.22:20
meenabut it makes me think i should attach our cloudinit.net methods to the IfConfig class, just so I'm not constantly shelling out to `ifconfig -a`, and parsing it again… because I don't know how sensible caching is here…22:23

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