
eelstrebori'm trying to use zram but every tutorial i look at is either incomplete or the tutorials have different ways to set it up00:09
eelstreborthe ubuntu tutorial was incomplete00:13
lagunalorreis there a ppa for the google-chrome browser00:36
lagunalorreor is it in the snap store00:36
lagunalorrei can't see the full pictures of the screenshot player at www.msn.com with the chromium browser00:37
lagunalorrefor america's new00:38
lagunalorrefor america's news00:38
beagleboyI would use Chromium instead of Chrome00:39
lagunalorrebeagleboy but thats the problem chromium doesn't work00:40
beagleboyEspecially if you're surfing news.00:40
beagleboyI use Chromium00:40
lagunalorrewell on gnome i can only see about 3/4 of the pictures in the top picture player at www.msn.com00:41
lagunalorrethere is not enough room on the display to see the whole picture of the sequence of pictures00:41
beagleboyHmm.  I have no issues with it. Running Linux Mint 20.100:42
lagunalorrebeagleboy well it doesn't work well on ubuntu..maybe mint fixed it00:42
beagleboyAlthough I don't utilize liberal media sources like .msn00:42
lagunalorrebeagleboy well i look at many sources to try to get an overall unbiased picture of the news00:43
beagleboyYeah, could be. Mint 20.1 has been solid as a rock for me. In fact I dare not touch anything. Longest stretch of computer stability I've ever experienced00:43
lagunalorrebeagleboy if you block out the liberals your views will be slanted to the conservative position00:43
beagleboyThey're all slanted, so you get nothing but slant. What we need to know will never be on the news.00:44
lagunalorrebeagleboy well i like to try to keep up and to mix all the slanted stuff to get an unbiased view00:45
beagleboySo, I just peak my head out my door to see what's actually going on with my own two eyeballs. That's how I know it's real.00:45
lagunalorrebeagleboy well you can't always see everything ...such as will johnny depp star in the next pirates of the caribbean movie00:45
beagleboyIt's all engineered divide and conquer nonsense. Only the local town/city stuff matters...at all.00:46
lagunalorrewell johnny depp was fired after allegations of domestic violence regarding his wife...but he might work again in the next movie00:46
beagleboyBut back to your original issue. PPA for Chrome.00:46
lagunalorrebeagleboy..yes is there a ppa for google-chrome-stable00:47
beagleboyNot sure. But I can imagine there is one.00:47
beagleboyI found this link:   https://linuxhint.com/install_google_chrome_ubuntu_ppa/00:55
beagleboySeems pretty straight forward00:55
sarnoldbtw, that's chrome, not chromium-browser00:57
sarnoldif you care00:57
beagleboyYeah, I mentioned that to them, but they're having problems with Chromium.01:03
beagleboyPersonally, I'd rather see no news than use Chrome. lol01:03
lagunalorrebeagleboy man apt-key is deprecated to a newer gpg stuff..now how to get trusted to download chrome01:12
lagunalorrebeagleboy they don't like the openpgp open-source stuff anymore01:12
arraybolt3lagunalorre: I think you just download the Google Chrome .deb file from Google, open a terminal in the same folder, and run "sudo apt install ./<google chrome file name>.deb", replacing <google chrome file name> as appropriate.01:14
lagunalorrearraybolt3 yea that is ok but i already tried to install a trustable key for google now i have to figure out how to delete it01:15
arraybolt3Oy. I'm not sure how to do that. Other people here might know though.01:16
sarnoldif you copied the file into /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ you can delete it01:17
sarnoldif you did the apt-key adv thing, try apt-key list, and then try apt-key del01:18
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lagunalorreyea ok chrome displays msn better than chromium for the pictures and Bill Gates is making a very pessimistic outlook statement on the state of the world01:20
lagunalorrethanks sarnold01:20
beagleboyHe's just bummed he's not getting rub-n-tugs from 14 year olds anymore.01:22
beagleboyI mean, withdrawing from that could make a guy edgy.01:23
lagunalorrebeagleboy well Billy boy is just not getting over his wife leaving him and giving him the middle finger01:29
lagunalorrebut he's been around since the trs80 model 1 days when microsoft wrote the level 2 basic roms which were better than the level 1 roms01:29
lagunalorrebeagleboy poor billy boy having to part with all that money to give his wife what she wanted after she told him to fuck off01:35
lagunalorrebeagleboy some say that Angelina Jolie is going to stick it to Brad Pitt and hit him where it hurts01:36
lagunalorrebeagleboy he will have to part with a lot of that 450 billion dollars he racked up by making all those movies01:37
Eickmeyer!ops | lagunalorre01:38
ubottulagunalorre: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant01:38
sarnoldlagunalorre, beagleboy, somewhere else, please01:39
lagunalorresarnold ok i am checked into ubuntu-offtopic to discuss bill gates01:39
Eickmeyerlagunalorre: Still, check the !guidelines, we need to keep everything family friendly in our chats.01:40
lagunalorreEickmeyer..ok but families are disintegrating in the US01:40
Eickmeyerlagunalorre: That's not what we're discussing, please keep to the guidelines.01:41
lagunalorreEickmeyer ok01:41
puffI'm setting up docker and the docker docs here say to manually create /etc/apt/keyrings03:28
puffIn the past when I've needed to use a ppa, I've used commands like apt-key and apt-add-repository, no manual file creation.03:29
enigma9o7[m]that's probably launchpad03:31
enigma9o7[m]launchpad is run by ubuntu so easy to use apt-add-repository for there.  in fact dunno if you can use it at all for other places, cuz other places usually have you add key and repo manually.03:31
puffenigma9o7[m]: Thanks.03:43
bray90820What kernal did ubuntu 20.10 use?04:20
enigma9o7[m]could be wrong04:20
Bashing-ombray90820: Release notes for 20.10 say the 5.8 kernel: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/groovy-gorilla-release-notes/15533 .04:31
zonoxsorry ..04:46
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murmelhey, are there somewhere more detailed logs than snap logs? I can't figure out why multipass won't launch my instances (it errors out after 5 mins or so)05:55
kkkssfI can't upgrade my system through gnome-software06:10
murmelkkkssf: you would need to explain more06:11
kkkssfwhen i hit the reboot and install button it says "Prepared update not found:/var/lib/PackageKit/prepared-update"06:11
murmelkkkssf: did you by chance install your updates (automatically) or manually in cli?06:11
kkkssfi may have installed some updates in past through command line06:12
murmelkkkssf: just try to refresh updates, if that doesn't work we can try to force an update through cli (metadata)06:13
kkkssfi tried refresh and reboot several times no effect. Forcing update through apt would mark the packages as manaully installed or?06:15
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murmelkkkssf: do you still have updates in apt/flatpak/snaps?06:17
kkkssfyes i have some held back packages06:18
murmelkkkssf: on purpose or do you mean phased updates?06:18
kkkssfi'm not sure what is the difference?06:19
murmelkkkssf: phased updates are packages which are rolled out in "phases" so if something goes wrong not every person is affected06:20
murmelkkkssf: the on purpose part is when you pin packages to certain versions06:20
kkkssfwhen i do "apt-get dist-upgrade" these packages are held back: https://paste.debian.net/plain/125443406:23
murmelkkkssf: yeah those are phased updates. https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html I almost assume that gnome-software can't handle that there are packages which are not installed instantly06:25
murmelkkkssf: but maybe try to force a metadata update with "sudo appstreamcli --force refresh"06:25
kkkssfit says "Command '--force' is unknown. Run 'appstreamcli --help' for a list of available commands."06:29
kkkssfand without force "? Metadata cache update is not necessary."06:29
murmelkkkssf: ahh sorry, it wants "sudo appstreamcli refresh --force"06:29
kkkssfget still same error in gnome-software "Prepared update not found:/var/lib/PackageKit/prepared-update"06:33
murmelkkkssf: hm sorry, then no idea what's going on, here on 22.04 I don't have that issue :/06:33
kkkssfI'm on 22.04 too, It's a relative fresh install maybe 1Month without any thirdpart repositories06:34
kkkssfor ppa's06:34
murmelkkkssf: did you make sure that snap and/or flatpak don't have any updates (besides apt)06:36
kkkssfall snaps are uptodate. flatpak is installed but i have no remotes and no flatpaks installed06:39
murmelkkkssf: ahh so we can definitely say that it's apt then. which I really think now that phased updates messes with gnome-software :/06:41
murmelkkkssf: what we can try, if you are willing, install the apt packages with apt install <package> and then see if gnome-software reacts to that06:47
firc1d16a8c5Good day all. I'm encountering a issue after updating to Ubuntu 22.04, i'm unsure if the issue is in a piece of software, or something is wrong in Ubuntu. Is it still alright to ask?06:53
kkkssfi tried "apt-get install fonts-opensymbol" and it worked but i would prefer not to manually install every package when there are updates06:55
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: yes, just ask06:55
murmelkkkssf: if you want to install even the phased updates automatically, create a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ with the content of 'APT::GET::Always-Include-Phased-Updates "true";' (without ' but with ")06:56
firc1d16a8c5So, recently i updated from Ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04, for a long time i used Kdevelop as my IDE / Editor. Now after i updated to Ubuntu 22.04 it's like any IDE would not be able to find libs / includes / classes etc etc. Or like 90% of them, is not found.06:58
firc1d16a8c5So i took the major step, of even trying out Visual Studio Code, yesterday. But it was the same.06:58
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: do you have logs? (please use something like a pastebin)06:59
firc1d16a8c5It does find includes like <mutex> or <cmath> But nothing else, sometimes not even in root directory.07:00
firc1d16a8c5What would you like the logs for? kdevelop?07:00
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: yeah, as it's your main IDE07:01
firc1d16a8c5I have to try and locate the logfiles, i don't know where they are.07:03
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: they should be under /var/log, if not, you should be able to just start the program in cli, and it should put out also some errors, which should give us a hint07:04
firc1d16a8c5Never really had to do anything else than open individual files edit and save before. It just worked back then.07:05
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firc1d16a8c5Documentation also seems a bit "lacking" Irc community was also silent.07:05
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: sadly enough, upgrades can go wrong07:06
firc1d16a8c5I had myself a good lesson with Samba at the same time.07:06
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: for example, I don't dare to try to upgrade (I always fresh-install) as I have most of the time roughly 5k to 8k different packages installed on my dev machine07:07
firc1d16a8c5Got myself a "server" installed 22.04 on it in hope to then backup all my machines running 18.04 and update those.. Well turned out SMB1 was dropped sometime inbetween.07:08
kkkssfI'm back07:08
firc1d16a8c5Oh yeah i never "update" i always fresh install too.07:08
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: I think it was 20.04 if I remember correctly07:08
firc1d16a8c5My coffee got cold, trying to hunt down this issue already :(07:08
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: oh so you did fresh install or upgrade to 22.04?07:08
hans_what is the default username/password combo for https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk-kvm.img07:09
firc1d16a8c5Fresh install.07:09
firc1d16a8c5Always :)07:09
firc1d16a8c5I'm just slow. Last time was 2017.07:09
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: that's why I recommend reading the release notes ;) even from lts releases in-between releases07:09
hans_i tried both "root:blank" and "ubuntu:blank" but both are "login incorrect"07:09
murmelhans_: afair ubuntu:ubuntu07:09
firc1d16a8c5I could have sticked to 18.04 for a very long time still.07:10
firc1d16a8c5But, some libs that shipped with it i used, started to get really dusty and old.07:10
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: I can imagine :)07:10
firc1d16a8c5But heck, what do i do with the updated libs, if my IDE's can't find em anymore.07:10
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: well let's figure it out :)07:11
firc1d16a8c5Let me search for that log actually now.07:11
hans_murmel: that worked, thanks!07:11
murmelhans_: yw07:11
firc1d16a8c5Also, if it makes anything easier, i'm willing to try any other IDE that might be known to you. Because Kdevelop seems to be a bit hard to handle in general.07:13
hans_firc1d16a8c5: Visual Studio Code is pretty good07:14
firc1d16a8c5I can't even find mentions about where i could start looking for a log on kdevelop.07:14
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: idk, most use code, but I see it rather as a heavy (electron) based editor with a thousand plugins to make it somehow make it to an IDE07:14
firc1d16a8c5Well, i can grab anything that makes it easier to try and figure out whats going on. I actually tried VSC yesterday, and it was the same. Kemme grab ut again.07:15
firc1d16a8c5Aight i grabbed VSC, but it's the same on there :(07:17
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: how did you install code?07:17
firc1d16a8c5Actually, i just grabbed it from Software Center.07:17
ice99cron jobs are not working, I tried adding a new job using "crontab -e" and manually in /etc/cron.hourly/ but none has worked07:17
geirhafirc1d16a8c5: did you keep the homedir between installs?07:18
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: huh? which means it should be the snap then oO07:18
murmelice99: what do the logs say?07:18
firc1d16a8c5geirha: how do you mean? keep the homedir?07:18
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: talking about config files in your home directory07:19
murmeldid you copy them?07:19
firc1d16a8c5config files for what actually ?07:20
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: I assume kdevelop07:20
ice99murmel, I see the my job's command in syslog then: "(CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)"07:20
firc1d16a8c5I don't see any config files for it. Besides, i grabbed Visual Studio Code for now, if that is more familiar to ya'll :)07:21
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: well, as you installed it through snap, what does "snap logs code" say?07:21
firc1d16a8c5But the issue is the same in there, it's even having trouble finding a header, that is in the same directory as .cpp file07:21
murmelice99: sounds like you need to install an mta? I assume you want to send out an email?07:22
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ice99murmel, no, the job just echo some text to file, i think crontab itself is looking for MTA to send an error. but i have just very simple job for testing07:22
murmelice99: can you post your cronjob? (to a pastebin)07:23
firc1d16a8c5I have like zero idea what is going on.. Is this a permission issue ?07:25
firc1d16a8c5I tried both Kdevelop and VSC, by mounting / opening entire folders, that should be able to lead to all the paths.07:26
firc1d16a8c5But how on earth, can a IDE not find a header, in the same folder, as .cpp file ? :O07:26
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firc1d16a8c5And since i see this in several IDE's now, i'm questioning where the issue is. It does ofc not make it any easier, that i hesitate, both with coding, and solving issues like this.07:28
ice99murmel, this is the job "1 * * * * echo "test" >> testcronfile", I added it with crontab -e; but tail -f on syslog doesn't report it at all07:29
geirhayou have installed the necessary plugins for c++ in the IDE, right? Generic IDEs don't have support for every programming language out of the box07:29
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: hm, I opened a c project I have in code, and nothing is complaining :?07:30
firc1d16a8c5As far as i can see, everything looks to be in order in Plugins. Tbh, i never touched anything else than theme settings in Kdevelop in the past.07:31
murmeljust had a disconnect so don't know what went through, will repost07:31
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: hm, I opened a c project I have in code, and nothing is complaining :?07:31
murmelice99: do try it with absolute paths, otherwise it doesn't know where to put stuff07:32
firc1d16a8c5murmel: well, my case is very different. Do you mean you opened a single C file, or a entire project in some other form ?07:32
SteelRoseHi all! I must VPN in using topenfortivpn to work remotely. Once I'm logged in, I run sshfs to locally mount a remote directory. It would be nicer though if that sshfs-mount happened once the VPN connection has been stablished... I have not found that option on the NetworkManager GUI ... is it possible at all?? Thanks!07:32
firc1d16a8c5murmel: i never used projects, i only opened individual files, edited them and saved. I build elsewhere.07:33
geirhaice99: the emails cron sends are useful for this type of debugging. You can get a simple setup by installing the mailutils package, and then selecting "Local only". Then you just run the mail command to read any (local) mails from cron07:33
firc1d16a8c5Or try to build, should we say. :D07:33
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: hm, also working here :/07:34
firc1d16a8c5What on earth... Am i missing something else?07:35
firc1d16a8c5Since it's the same across several IDE's07:35
ice99murmel, "1 * * * * echo "test" >> /root/testcronfile" still not working and not showing up at all in syslog07:35
murmelice99: then try what geirha said07:35
geirhaice99: 1 * * * *  runs only once an hour. Try with * * * * *07:36
ThinkT510firc1d16a8c5: installed build-essentials?07:36
geirha(which runs every minute)07:36
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firc1d16a8c5ThinkT510: i have build essentials yes.07:39
firc1d16a8c5Puuhhh.. I'm absolutely lost on this one.07:41
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: did you try to open a file/project which is not from you ;)?07:42
firc1d16a8c5You mean made by me ? :D07:43
firc1d16a8c5Well no, but all of this worked a couple day's ago, on older versions. But sure, i'l go ahead and try opening something else.07:44
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: maybe kdevelop did something weird in the older version07:44
murmelI mean we do talk about roughly 4 years of advancements07:45
firc1d16a8c5Yes, but since it's the same with Visual Studio or any.07:45
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: which would still prove my point07:46
firc1d16a8c5well what actually also makes me question a thing or two, is the fact that i can not right click a .cpp file for example, and open with Kdevelop.07:53
firc1d16a8c5Nothing happens.07:53
murmelyou mean in the file manager?07:55
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: with nothing happens you mean even the menu doesn't come up?07:56
firc1d16a8c5And this is sus.07:56
firc1d16a8c5It smells like some permission to files issue.07:57
murmeleh almost sounds like there is more than that of an issue07:57
firc1d16a8c5Since it can't even find headers in the root directory alongside a .cpp file for example.07:57
murmellet me just download a kubuntu iso to test some more on plasma (afaik you are using that?)07:58
ThinkT510did you get any errors upgrading from 18.04?07:58
murmelThinkT510: fresh install07:58
firc1d16a8c5Yeah i always fresh install.08:01
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: btw, which flavor are you using?08:01
firc1d16a8c5Ubuntu 22.0408:01
murmelahh normal ubuntu08:02
firc1d16a8c5And just to make clear, i have Kdevelop from apt, and VS Code from Software center. currently. Both do the same.08:02
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: better to point out that vscode is from snap not software center ;)08:03
firc1d16a8c5It's like all headers coming from system would work. Like when i open my other project, i have GDAL. And that works, just as with <cmath> for example in the other project.08:05
firc1d16a8c5But any libs in the "project folder" do not work.08:05
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: do you have a public project where it fails?08:06
firc1d16a8c5Actually yes. If you mean if it is publicly available.08:07
murmelyeah, so can see if my fresh ubuntu vm can handle it08:08
firc1d16a8c5It will require some other dependecies and libs, though.08:08
firc1d16a8c5So it might be better i try to recreate something smaller.08:08
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: i don't mind, I mean it's a vm ;)08:10
firc1d16a8c5Alrighty, give me a moment, have to take the dogs out quickly, and i will get to it. Will first see if i can replicate something smaller.08:11
podeniHi everyone. If I want to set up a piece of code to run on system startup, what's the best way to go? I'm starting EC2 Ubuntu instances, which offers the option to run a piece of code when the machine is started.08:11
murmelpodeni: sounds like you want a cronjob08:12
podeniIn previous versions, the code would > itself to /etc/rc.local, and every time the system reboots.08:12
murmelpodeni: I mean there a quite a lot of ways to achieve this. so really depends on your needs/wants08:13
podeniSetting up a cron job doesn't sound like a bad idea.08:14
murmelpodeni: it really depends on what it should do, is it a program which should run at startup, is it a one shot script? or idk08:14
podeniI need to start a single instance of a long-running Java app. The way I'm doing it now may be a bit of a hack, I have a screen that checks if a screen instance exists, and if not, starts the Java app in that.08:18
podeniI've considered doing it as a service, but it's just more convenient to check the output by simply logging in and doing screen -dr08:19
podeniI have a script*08:19
murmelpodeni: sounds like you do want to create a systemd unit file, so it can also track logs, and you can see if it runs/crashed or the likes08:19
Guest47hi, despite looking hard, I can't find how to run an Ubuntu CLI installer from the server install CD manually if it doesn't start on it's own, what's the script/binary to do that?08:36
murmelGuest47: what is a cli installer?08:36
Guest47i mean the Ubuntu installer - something that's used in console mode to install the OS on a hard drive08:37
murmelGuest47: for the server install there is only subiquity (the live installer iso which you can download) otherwise you would need to bootstrap your own system08:38
Guest47I'm using a serial terminal and it's not launched automatically for some reason, I just get the prompt and a working live cd version, and I would like to run the installer somehow08:38
murmelGuest47: see if you can run the snap (as it's a snap)08:38
murmeldon't know the name right now :/08:38
murmelif that doesn't work, you would need to bootstrap your own system, as the old d-i is no more (for ubuntu)08:39
Guest47Ok, your help got me to the real problem, I asked someone to get me a ubuntu server ISO on a pendrive in remote location, seems like it's really a ubuntu desktop one :)08:41
murmelGuest47: oh, that is a huge difference :)08:41
Diagonnautilus: left-click drag alt release, opens a copy/move/link context menu. anyone know how to add to that menu ("hard link")08:44
firc1d16a8c5Alright so murmel: I'm a bit doubtful about that example project, as it would indeed require to grab and build several things. But the easiest way i can explain is. No IDE seems to find paths to libs that would have to go like `../headerfile.h`or similar, as in step back a folder in tree for example.08:47
firc1d16a8c5It might just be, that i have been misunderstanding something essential for years while trying to expand my little "knowledge"08:48
firc1d16a8c5All includes that come from Distro seem ok, also most of the times, headers in same directory seems fine.08:49
firc1d16a8c5But, for example a include like `#include "modules/voxel/storage/voxel_buffer.h"` gives `modules/voxel/storage/voxel_buffer.h file not found`08:50
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: ahh that is definitely something :)08:53
firc1d16a8c5Like, something is wrong, or am i nuts? lol08:55
zoomm10` command ` =  $(command) are the same, your example is not a command08:55
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: nah, you are right that that is wrong ;). I would include a path where it should find all header files then you can just #include <file.h>08:56
firc1d16a8c5But, what is wrong ?08:57
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: the IDE doesn't know where to find the file08:58
murmelas it's a not known path08:58
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: here is for code for example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65109262/how-to-tell-vscode-where-to-find-header-and-source-files08:58
firc1d16a8c5But how on earth, can i have been kept from having to deal with this, for so long ?08:59
firc1d16a8c5Now don't get me wrong, i'm a total noob coder. But i have been messing around, for a longer time.09:00
firc1d16a8c5I'm just about to look in to C / C++ coming from some scripting.09:00
firc1d16a8c5But ive been opening and looking at files, and complex projects with Kdevelop, for years. And never encountered anything similar.09:01
zoomm10` cp fil1 file2`,  'cp file1 file2', "cp file1 file2" : the first is a command, second and third are variable09:01
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: as I thought, since 18.04 quite a lot has changed, and I assume that includes how header files are being loaded09:01
firc1d16a8c5I mean, isnt `#include "modules/voxel/storage/voxel_buffer.h"`valid?09:01
murmelfirc1d16a8c5: afaik no, as it doesn't know where to look for it (is it from / or from /home/<user>/ etc) at least that's how I understand it09:02
murmeli am myself quite the noob in this regard09:02
ravagefirc1d16a8c5, try ##programming09:06
firc1d16a8c5Ahaaa. Now i understand.09:21
firc1d16a8c5My excuses.09:21
firc1d16a8c5It's all one me.09:21
InteloI installed memtest86+. It printed that it is updating grub but at boot, I do not see any such message to do memtest09:21
firc1d16a8c5But things have changed indeed.09:21
Intelomy newly installed ram seems like breaking the apps but I do not know how exactly to debug09:21
murmelIntelo: are you on uefi or legacy/bios?09:22
Intelomurmel I am on x570 TUF gaming asus wifi plus MB. I do not know what is uefi etc09:24
alkisgIntelo: run `ls /sys/firmware/efi` and tell us if it shows some things or if it says no such file/directory09:25
Inteloconfig_table  efivars  esrt  fw_platform_size  fw_vendor  mok-variables  runtime  runtime-map  systab  vars09:25
murmelIntelo: so you are on it, memtest86+ doesn't support uefi, so you would need to use memtest86 (without +, non foss) (which supports uefi)09:25
Intelomurmel `sudo apt install memtest86` ?09:26
murmelIntelo: memtest86.com09:26
InteloPackage memtest86 is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:27
InteloE: Package 'memtest86' has no installation candidate09:27
Intelomurmel do I need to make a usb?09:29
murmelIntelo: yes09:29
Intelomurmel any other option?09:29
Guest26Hi, I am having an issue with 22.04 whereby when the service sleeps it logs me out completely and I need to restart everything again. Any ideas on what the issues may be? See logs https://pastebin.com/EQ9DJbGv09:29
murmelIntelo: afaik no09:31
Intelomurmel another ubuntu live cd will do it? it has memtest too I gues?09:32
Intelomurmel how to exactly know if this is due to weak CPU or new ram?09:32
murmelIntelo: no other ubuntu live cd helps, the only option you have is boot the live ISO in legacy mode, so memtest should show up in the grub menu09:33
Intelohow to boot in legacy mode?09:33
murmelIntelo: when the memtest runs, it should pretty much show a few errors within the first few hours (mostly 1-3 hrs)09:33
Intelomurmel is there a way to do memtest on a running ubuntu os? Not  a good idea but how?09:33
murmelIntelo: most of the time legacy is activated so you just need to get to the boot menu (of the bios) (most use F12 for that) and there you can choose between booting uefi or legacy for the usb stick)09:34
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murmelmurmel: afaik no09:34
Intelosudo apt install memtester ; sudo memtester 200M 1   says ok ok ok to all in 2 minutes its over. https://linuxhint.com/run_memtest_ubuntu/ second option09:34
Intelomurmel was that not ok?09:35
murmelIntelo: no idea, as I never used that program09:36
murmelIntelo: if it's really the ram, I really hope that you have backups of your data09:36
murmelas you can't really trust your files that much any more.09:37
Intelomurmel https://pastebin.mozilla.org/yrsR9uYJ09:39
murmelIntelo: I have no idea what I am looking at. :) sorry, can't help you there09:41
murmelIntelo: so you have 128gigs of ram?09:41
Intelomurmel can't I change things in my bios to boot in legacy mode via ssd09:41
Intelomurmel I have 64g09:41
murmelIntelo: why do you have a size of 128000 then?09:42
Intelomy bad09:42
zoomm10Intelo: what is your problem?09:43
InteloI installed memtest86+. It printed that it is updating grub but at boot, I do not see any such message to do memtest09:44
Intelomy newly installed ram seems like breaking the apps but I do not know how exactly to debug09:45
InteloI am on x570 TUF gaming asus wifi plus MB. I do not know what is uefi etc09:45
Intelozoomm10 problem ^09:48
zoomm10memtest86+ works only in BIOS and not in UEFI. what is your mode? BIOS or UEFI?09:49
InteloI am on x570 TUF gaming asus wifi plus MB.09:50
InteloI think latest bios09:50
Intelomemtester app won't help?09:51
Intelowhat commadn should I give?09:51
zoomm10start to boot your ps by Live CD (Ubuntu), there is an option Test Memory09:52
Intelook by the way:09:52
Intelomemtester app won't help?09:52
Inteloon running os?09:52
Intelo` sudo memtester 64000 5`09:53
zoomm10cat /proc/meminfo09:54
Intelo$ sudo dmidecode -t memory | nc termbin.com 999909:57
zoomm10you have 64 GB memory09:59
zoomm10Intelo: free10:02
Intelozoomm10 ok. so what should I do?10:04
zoomm10Intelo: is not clear to me what is your problem with your memory? I see in your system 64 GB of memory, which memory works fine.10:07
zoomm10run in terminal the command: free10:09
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NetIssueI want to learn more about networking stack in Ubuntu 20.04. For example network card management and DNS. Is it the same as Debian? Can I just read the Debian Admin Handbook?11:05
NetIssueI looked on the Ubuntu docs https://help.ubuntu.com, but it is to vague. I am in China and having a lot of issues with VPNs and DNS.11:06
ograNetIssue, ubuntu uses netplan (see netpla.io for documentation) for all non GUI installs ... on graphical installations it uses NetworkManager ...11:08
NetIssueogra thanks11:09
mgedminNetIssue: newer ubuntu versions use netplan out of the box (backed either by systemd-networkd, or by NetworkManager), but Debian's ifupdown is also still supported11:14
NetIssuemgedmin thanks11:15
NetIssueHow can I check what is being used by the system? is there a config file or log that controls what apps are used for DNS or network management? Is it all controlled by systemd or by network manager?11:16
mgedminyou can check whether the netplan.io package is installed, and then look at whether it has configuration in /etc/netplan/11:18
mgedminfor DNS check whether /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink11:18
mgedminon typical systems it is a symlink to /run/systemd/..., which means systemd-resolved is responsible for DNS11:19
mgedminsystemd-networkd or NetworkManager tell systemd-resolved what the local network's DNS server is when they handle DHCP autoconfiguration (for IPv4; I've little experience with IPv6)11:20
mgedminifupdown is probably not worth mentioning, I expect only old ubuntu systems still use it11:20
NetIssueThis is great stuff thanks, i will go read the docs for the products.11:21
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firc52b3549fGood day again. I did go from #programming, to #kdevelop and so on. But my issue with including libraries still is present, and i'm going nuts.13:22
BluesKajHi all13:22
lotuspsychjefirc52b3549f: is your issue ubuntu related?13:23
firc52b3549flotuspsychje: I am very unsure, but since it happens across all IDE's i would suppose so.13:25
firc52b3549fBut i really can't say i'm afraid.13:26
lotuspsychjefirc52b3549f: well ask away, and we will see if the volunteers can help or not13:26
firc52b3549fWell i updated to Ubuntu 22.04 just a couple of days ago.13:26
firc52b3549fAnd now it seems like any IDE i install, only can find libs correctly in usr/share/includes and also in root directory of a project.13:27
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firc52b3549fBut a path like `module/includelib.h`Does not work, just say's it can't be found.13:27
firc52b3549fWeird thing is, everything was working fine on Ubuntu 18.04 a couple days ago.13:28
NetIssuefirc52b3549f you need to tell the compiler/linker where to find the libs. Different IDEs have different places for setting this.13:28
NetIssuemost compilers/linkers like gcc you can add it to an environment variable that will also get picked up by the IDE sometimes.13:29
NetIssuewhat programming language? what compiler/linker are you using?13:29
ograit might also be that some compiler defaults simply changed between the releases you used ...13:34
EckoHi. I have an sql file on my local machine and want to import it directly into mysql on a remote host. So I came up with `cat file.sql > ssh $remotehost`13:46
EckoBut I have no idea how to go on further. How do I redirect the input stream directly into mysql13:46
rbasakEcko: ssh $remotehost mysql < file.sql13:53
rbasakOr to use your approach, "cat file.sql | ssh $remotehost mysql" would work as well, but the "cat" isn't really necessary.13:55
Eckoso....mysql will automatically get stdin?13:56
EckoWhat if I need to specify a database too? would ssh $remotehost mysql db < file.sql work?13:56
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lagunalorrei tried to do snap refresh firefox for the 105 version and it says it has autorefresh change in progress but it still is 10414:24
lagunalorrewhat does autorefresh change in progress mean14:24
ravagelagunalorre, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1167566/snap-not-allowing-me-to-remove-or-refresh-anything14:27
NCEricHi, I'm booted into an Ubuntu live environment... how can I install a package while on the live environment?14:32
alkisgsudo apt update; sudo apt install package14:39
eelstreborwhy doesn't zram-config create init-zram-swapping utilizing all cpu cores?14:39
alkisgassuming you mean to install it on the live environment, not on some chroot14:39
NCEricalkisg that doesn't work14:43
NCEricrunning this seems to work... sudo add-apt-repository universe14:44
lagunalorreravage wierd ...while i was reading the url...i did sudo snap changes and everything said done instead of inprogress and now firefox reads 10514:44
lotuspsychjelagunalorre: 105.0 here aswell14:45
lagunalorrewow chromium took 2 entire days to compile on gentoo...what a pain14:51
lotuspsychjenot a topic for here lagunalorre14:51
lagunalorrelotuspsychje ok but ubuntu is much easier14:52
coconutlagunalorre, that's why gentoo is not for new linux users14:53
lagunalorrecoconut yes you are correct14:56
NCEriclagunalorre how many parallel threads?  Did you set the correct make options for your processor?14:57
lagunalorreNCEic i used j2 and native for this old hardware14:58
alkisgNCEric: if you're using ubuntu gnome and the program is in universe, then yes you need that14:58
lagunalorreNCEic it maxed out both cpus for 2 days14:59
NCEriclagunalorre if you have better hardware somewhere else on your network you can always setup distcc14:59
ogra!ot | lagunalorre14:59
ubottulagunalorre: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:59
lagunalorreNCEic ok i will talk about it in #ubuntu-offtopic...not here15:00
ograthanks 🙂15:00
lagunalorrei guess snap fixed itself while i was looking at the 20.04 url issue15:08
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stevenmon a fresh install of ubuntu... I can't help but notice that /dev/kvm is crw-rw----+15:28
stevenmwith the + being (as getfacl says)... user:admin:rw-  and mask::rw-15:29
stevenmnow 'admin' is actually the non-root user on this machine (i.e. uid 1000 - the one that setup makes)15:29
stevenmand admin isn't a member of group kvm - even though it does exist15:29
stevenmso how on earth is this meant to let a 2nd user access /dev/kvm by default?15:30
ograsudo adduser foo kvm15:31
ograsimply add the new user to the group15:31
stevenmyeah you've missed the point here15:32
stevenmtake /dev/rfkill for example, it's owned by root:netdev15:33
stevenmbut the default user 1000 of any ubuntu fresh install isn't a member of group netdev15:33
ograkvm acces can allow a user to theoretically take over the machine ... rfkill is just blocking devices15:33
stevenmbut the acl says user:YOURUSERNAMEHERE:rw-15:33
ogradifferent levels of threads15:34
stevenmso if you've got a multi-user system... where you want say 5 people to all have the same access as the default user 1000... is there *SOME* reference somewhere which says what all the missing groups and random acl's that need to be applied on files are?15:35
stevenmit just seems a bit all over the place15:35
stevenmor is something running around setting these acl's at login time?15:37
ograstevenm, i'd ask in #ubuntu-security ... they maintain acl stuff and such15:41
stevenmogra, I have a feeling it's something called 'uaccess'  -  some systemd mechanism15:42
ograIIRC ACL support was added even before we switched to systemd15:43
ogra(but i could mis-remember)15:44
stevenmyeah I think whatever this uaccess thing is - it's running off and setting acl's as appropriate for the user which systemd thinks is most likely going to be using it15:44
stevenmpresumably whomever is running logged in physically at the console15:44
stevenmwhich is fine for being physically at it - but useless for a termserver :S15:44
ograeither way, the guys in the securty channel can surely answer this15:44
ogra(IIRC it is also not systemd but udev managing it ... but again ICBW)15:45
stevenmyeah it's udev, but it's a udev rule which is part of systemd15:46
stevenmin /lib/udev/rules.d15:46
stevenmhmm i wonder if that could finally fix the annoying thing of adding a user to 'dialout' for access to usb serial adapters15:49
stevenmnope - no one thought about adding that as a default rule15:51
iomari891what does "aptitude reinstall '~i'" mean? mainly what does '~i' mean?15:51
KBari think it means list installed packages16:09
quotemstrIs it because of phased updates that I might observe apt unexpectedly holding back packages?16:12
KBar`reinstall ~i` means reinstall all installed packages, in your case16:12
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KBaris it just me or firefox doesn't show characters entered in Unicode input anymore? with Ctrl+Shift+U an underlined "u" appears and characters are displayed in any text entry in any app but firefox. does it have to do with the fact that its a snap now?16:21
KBarinstalled a deb package of firefox v104 on my Debian VM and it works there so it doesnt look like it a firefox issue?16:23
KBarquotemstr: yes16:31
quotemstrKBar: Thanks16:36
quotemstrI was worried I just had a broken package repository16:36
KBarquotemstr: tbh its also possible that you set some packages on hold16:40
KBar`apt-mark showhold` should give you the list of packages you marked as held16:41
quotemstrChecked for that already. Phasing is the only explanation. Makes sense16:42
quotemstrI just wish that the apt output were more explicit16:42
KBarah okay16:42
rfmquotemstr, you can see the list of packages that are currently phasing at https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html  -- if the packages being held are on the list, that's what it is16:44
rfmquotemstr, also apt-cache policy <package> will tell16:48
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ograKBar, please file a bug against firefox, i dont think that is known ... (see "snap info firefox | grep contact")17:03
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eelstreborwhat's the difference between swapon and zramswap start? are they interchangeable? can they be used together? not much explains how to properly setup zram18:30
diaz-xu-helpIs there anything that can be done in BIOS to decrease the time it takes to boot GRUB?18:33
sarnoldperhaps, some systems have a "memory test" feature that ran quick enough when computers had four megs of ram but might not make sense today..18:35
sarnold(I don't think it's intensive enough to actually find memory errors, either)18:35
leftyfbdiaz-xu-help: "boot GRUB" should take about a second18:35
sarnoldman, I've got one system where it takes like 30s before it gets to grub18:37
sarnoldI've heard some of the Big Systems with terabytes of ram can take eight minutes or something hilarious18:37
leftyfbis that grub booting or is that silly stuff in POST/EFI?18:37
leftyfbright, but that's not the time it takes to boot grub, that's the time till it gets to the point of even attempting to boot grub18:37
sarnoldefi, giving the NICs and HBAs a chance to do whatever it is they do, spin up drives, that sort of stuff18:38
diaz-xu-helpsarnold, I have some option called something like "Fast boot", it's enabled, it's explained there smth like "Disabling some tests on the startup"18:38
leftyfbyeah, Dell PE's have their lifecycle stuff which can take multiple minutes to get past18:38
sarnoldsure, so step back a moment and make sure you're thinking it through the same way :)18:38
sarnolddiaz-xu-help: that's probably helpful, assuming that is unrelated to the windows feature Fast Boot18:38
leftyfbdiaz-xu-help: if you're talking about the time it takes your motherboard to finish POST, then maybe ask in #hardware. It's not related to Ubuntu18:39
nteodosioKBar: In the Url bar, Ctrl+Shift+U 0400 <enter> prints the expected È for me in Firefox stable (105.0-2). If you changed input method (e.g. GTK_IM_MODULE=xim firefox), though, it will not work.18:39
sarnolddiaz-xu-help: there are replacement bioses out there designed to boot quickly, but you'd have to have a *very* good reason to replace your bios https://www.coreboot.org/users.html18:40
diaz-xu-helpsarnold, surely it is not the windows feature, it's BIOS' own one :)18:44
sarnolddiaz-xu-help: good good; try flipping it then :D18:45
diaz-xu-helpleftyfb, thank you a lot for the piece of advice, my bad :)18:45
Dainohi to all. I'm trying to learn how to use photorec, but i have a problem. I can't choose an external hdd to write report and recovered files. So now i'm trying first to have a list of the biggest files on my pc (old reports in wrong positions), in order to delete them, otherwise the pc crash18:45
leftyfbdiaz-xu-help: also, if the "fast boot" option you found is in Windows, you need to disable that18:45
leftyfbdiaz-xu-help: it will cause problems18:45
KBarnteodosio: yes, but does it show the underlined u and code point (eg 00e7) while you're typing18:46
DainoAnd second how to choose an external hdd in photorec18:46
diaz-xu-helpsarnold, flipping what? disabling/enabling it? Disabling "Quick Boot" surely makes it load slower. I thought maybe there are some roundabout ways to win at least a second. Got tired of waiting every single reboot. Wondering how many times I did that...18:47
sarnolddiaz-xu-help: oh, I had the impression your bios was currently set to "slow boot"18:48
diaz-xu-helpleftyfb, when I'm going to use Windows again, I'll be sure to check if it's disabled, thanks. But now SSD containing Windows is just removed from the case. So... no Windows there :)18:49
Dainoby the way i have founded a big file made by photorec, but when i try to delete it, the system tell me that i have no permission18:50
arraybolt3Daino: Are you running Photorec as root? And is the external HDD formatted?18:50
arraybolt3(Also do NOT do any more writing to the drive you're trying to recover data from - the more you write to the drive, the smaller your chances of successful data recovery get.)18:51
Dainoi think yes and yes18:51
leftyfbDaino: use sudo to delete the file18:51
leftyfbDaino: also, what is the filename?18:51
arraybolt3Daino: OK, can you open a terminal and run "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link from that?18:52
diaz-xu-helpsarnold, wow, I checked the link you provided... I'm wondering how it's going to work on different mobos :)18:54
sarnolddiaz-xu-help: very poorly, if at all :D18:55
Dainobut first of all i would like to do space in the pc before it crash18:55
arraybolt3Daino: Really, that's a bad idea. Are you booted from a live USB?18:55
arraybolt3Daino: If you're trying to recover data from your current drive, while booted from that drive, that might be part of your problem. You should boot from a live USB and do the recovery from there.18:56
Dainothe hdd where i will recover photo is the toshiba18:56
Dainonow i'm not on the toshiba18:56
Dainoi need sppace on pc, to work. Then i will like to recover photto from toshiba to another external disk18:57
arraybolt3Daino: Oh, so the Toshiba is the drive with missing data?18:58
arraybolt3Daino: And you need to recover to a second external drive?18:58
arraybolt3Daino: If that's the case, I didn't see your second external drive in the list of drives from lsblk.18:59
Dainoyes, but before i need to do space in this pc, and only after thinking at photorec18:59
arraybolt3Daino: OK. So what is the big file that you can't delete?18:59
Dainosecond drive is a smb connected hdd mounted on a router. The big file is an old report of a previous bad usage of photorec19:00
arraybolt3Daino: Oh. OK, that's important info.19:00
Dainoso how i delete this file? just from terminal with sudo? And what if is an entire folder?19:01
arraybolt3Daino: To delete the big file, find the exact path to it (something like /home/user/myBigPhotorecLogfile.txt), and then run "sudo rm /home/user/myBigPhotorecLogfile.txt", replacing the file path as appropriate.19:01
arraybolt3If you need to delete an entire folder with admin privileges, you use "sudo rm -rf"... BUT BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH THIS COMMAND, IT CAN NUKE YOUR WHOLE SYSTEM IF YOU MAKE A SLIGHT TYPO!!!19:02
Dainook thak you i try. Is possible to delete a folder? or before i need to empty that?19:02
arraybolt3So to delete /home/user/badFolder with admin privileges, "sudo rm -rf /home/user/badFolder". Again, treat that command like a bomb waiting to explode in your face, because one typo can have disastrous consequences.19:03
nteodosioKBar: It does. After reading your response I'm not sure whether you can't input by unicode value or if you're only missing the underlined value.19:03
Dainook let me try19:03
KBarnteodosio: im not getting underlined u1234 as in other places. essentially typing in blindly. its the latter19:03
KBarnteodosio: so you have it working?19:03
nteodosioKBar: I do have it working completely19:04
nteodosioKBar: Which version is your Firefox?19:04
KBarnteodosio: well, thats weird. v105. you have it installed as a snap?19:05
nteodosioKBar: Yup.19:05
nteodosioKBar: It's actually ibus that is responsible for the underline thing.19:05
KBaralright, thank you for testing.19:06
nteodosioKBar: You're welcome.19:06
KBarwell, the strange part is that it works everywhere else, be it terminal or text editor19:06
KBareven created a new profile, still invisible unicode input :(19:07
nteodosioKBar: I've had problems with input methods in snaps too, but for composition symbols.19:07
nteodosioBut it looks as the sort of thing difficult to track down. Bug 1989475.19:08
ubottuBug 1989475 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snaps don't respect .XCompose" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198947519:08
arraybolt3Daino: \o/19:10
arraybolt3Daino: OK, so does Photorec allow you to select a folder to save the recovered files into?19:11
Dainois there a way to hace a list of the biggest file on pc to make more space?19:11
arraybolt3I think so, can't remember the command, I'll look and find out unless someone beats me to it.19:11
KBarnteodosio: very pesky indeed. thanks a bunch, ill look into it later19:12
Dainoyes but only in the same pc that is installed. I think, i cant find a way to. But first i would like to make more space19:12
arraybolt3Daino: Try "du -BM . | sort -g".19:13
arraybolt3Daino: Don't go randomly deleting stuff that you're told about with that command.19:13
arraybolt3Daino: That should show you which folders have the most stuff in them.19:14
Dainoyes, i just would like to see if i have forgotten old photorec reports. That the only way my pc is full19:14
Daino'du -BM . | sort -g'   it works, but in a strange way difficult to read. How to know how much free space is on my pc?19:17
arraybolt3Daino: You should be able to do that by opening System Monitor (if you're on Ubuntu Desktop).19:17
arraybolt3Open it and then click the File Systems tab.19:18
arraybolt3Daino: Also that command might be better as 'du -BM ~ | sort -g' - that way it scans your whole Home folder rather than just whatever folder you happen to be in.19:18
DainoSystem Monitor is settings?19:19
arraybolt3Daino: It should just be an app that you can find in your Application Menu.19:20
arraybolt3Daino: Just open the menu, then start typing "Monitor" and it should show up.19:20
Dainook done. So ubuntu partition is too small. I will need to enlarge it. But for now space is enough to work. Now i try photorec installed on pc, to recover from toshiba to an external smb hdd, but i dont know how to tell photorec to set external smb hdd as destination19:25
arraybolt3Daino: Most likely you need to mount the SMB share on a folder.19:27
arraybolt3Daino: I'm guessing that the way you're currently accessing it might not be doing that. So... one moment while I dig up documentation19:27
Dainothank you very much! I can see second hdd (usb readyshare) from file explorer but i don't know if it's enough.19:29
Dainohttps://termbin.com/ia9w     here is not listed19:29
arraybolt3Daino: Yeah, just being able to see it in the File Explorer is probably not enough.19:30
arraybolt3Daino: Try "mount -t cifs -o username=<share user>,password=<share password> //IP/share /mnt", replacing the placeholders as appropriate. (This assumes you don't have anything mounted at /mnt.)19:31
Dainobut maybe i have understand what you mean. I can disconnect second hdd from router, and than connect it at the pc via usb, just like the toshiba hdd19:31
arraybolt3Daino: Yeah, that would likely work also.19:31
Dainook i try my way, that command looks like not for me...19:32
DainoHow can i show you a screenshot?20:03
arraybolt3Daino: Upload it to Imgur?20:04
Dainook thats the problem. How can i see external hdd here?20:06
arraybolt3Daino: Select the ".." folder to go up one folder, that should work.20:06
arraybolt3I'd try using Enter to select the folder.20:07
arraybolt3Navigate up until you're to "/", then go to /media.20:07
arraybolt3Then from /media, go to <username>, then find your external drive in there.20:07
arraybolt3(<username> will be your username.(20:07
arraybolt3Daino: To be clear, /media/<username> will contain folders inside of it, one of those folders is your external drive, which one, you'll have to figure out. You can probably figure it out by looking at the contents of each one.20:09
arraybolt3*one of those folders is *probably* your external drive20:10
skuntee4just 'bingo' we write no xclamation mark...usyally.20:26
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ws2k3i kinda ran into a bug and i wanted to check what is the status of this bug in ubuntu 20.04 https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=100632421:49
ubottuDebian bug 1006324 in libvirt-daemon-system "In debian bookworm: virt-install fails to reinstall VM when automatic UEFI firmware is set" [Normal, Open]21:49
ws2k3i think it is a bug in the apparmor profile for qemu21:50
ws2k3kernel: [1926811.773859] audit: type=1400 audit(1663709336.660:573): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="libvirt-9d865b09-589d-4fc6-b2cd-6fac6d0c021e" name="/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/nvram/debian11_VARS.fd" pid=2412916 comm="qemu-system-aar" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=64055 ouid=6405521:50
eelstreborwhat's the difference between swapon and zramswap start? are they interchangeable? can they be used together? not much explains how to properly setup zram21:54
rbasakws2k3: looks like it's fixed in Jammy onwards: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/196203522:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1962035 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "apparmor blocks VM installation when automatic UEFI firmware is set" [High, Fix Released]22:03
arraybolt3eelstrebor: I don't know what zramswap start is, but I know how to set up ZRAM compression.22:06
arraybolt3eelstrebor: This is a guide for how to do it on Lubuntu, but the same general steps should work on any Ubuntu system: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/enabling-ram-compression-on-lubuntu/332322:06
arraybolt3(Disclaimer: I am the author of the guide linked above.)22:07
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jhutchinsarraybolt3: That's no disclaimer, that's an admission of guilt!  At least we know who to report errors to.22:26
arraybolt3jhutchins: LOL22:26
bleiis there a desktop ubuntu app that can send/receive verizon sms messages22:35
sarnoldblei: gammu looks promising https://docs.gammu.org/faq/general.html22:41
bleisarnold that is a cli interface23:02
avihhi, i have an 22.04 LTS system which started about 10 years ago, and kept updated to LTS versions and usual updates between. since 22.04, apt dist-upgrade shows more and more "The following packages have been kept back:....', (currently 40) and all of those seem to be things i don't care about (e.g. about half are related to libre office). i vaguely understand why i get the message, but i really want apt to just upgrade everything. results on ask ubuntu23:05
avihsuggests that dist-upgrade is the most aggressive and "dangerous" solution because it can delete some packages, but even that keeps these 40 "kept back" packages. any advice or starting point docs on how to resolve it?23:05
arraybolt3avih: It's just phased updates. You can safely ignore those messages.23:07
bleianyone know of a gui SMS app that supports verizon23:07
arraybolt3avih: The idea is, when an update is released, rather than releasing it to all users in one go, it is released bit by bit.23:07
aviharraybolt3: i'm listening...23:07
arraybolt3avih: This makes it so that, in the event an update breaks things, the problem is spotted early on.23:07
arraybolt3avih: That way you're less likely to get an update that breaks your system.23:08
arraybolt3avih: And it also spreads out the load on Ubuntu's servers.23:08
arraybolt3avih: You can check to see if a package is phasing or not by running "apt-cache policy <packagename>". It will show you a phasing percentage if the package is still phasing.23:08
arraybolt3avih: If you see that, there's no need to do anything. Just wait, when the time comes the package will install normally. (Or it will be discovered that there's a bug in the update and the phasing will reset to 0% so that people stop installing something that messes them up.)23:09
aviharraybolt3: is this a new thing which started, or started being applied, after 20.04?23:09
arraybolt3avih: It's relatively recent AFAIK.23:09
arraybolt3It started in Ubuntu 21.04 according to this: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/phased-updates-in-apt-in-21-04/2034523:09
avihright, so this at least explains why i haven't seen it in 20.0423:10
avihhowever, these phased updates are quite a big list which adds a lot of noise to my regular dist-upgrade, and it interferes  with me reviewing what's about to get updated23:11
bleidid anyone else notice that the libera.chat web app uses the equivalent of <blink> in your tab to get your attention23:11
avihthe kept back list is quite bigger than the list of things to update...23:12
arraybolt3avih: That happens. There are some UI problems with the phased update system (namely that apt tells you packages are being held back but doesn't say *why*). Lots of us want that to change, hopefully it will.23:12
arraybolt3(There's a bug report on it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1988819)23:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1988819 in apt (Ubuntu) "When apt keeps back packages due to phased updates, it should say so" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:13
aviharraybolt3: if this is indeed the standard order of things, why am i being shown at all what it's NOT going to install for reasons not related to errors or conflicts?23:13
sarnoldavih: hah, that's a good question. can you pop that into the bug report? :)23:13
arraybolt3avih: That's a great question, and it's one I have too. :)23:13
arraybolt3avih: My original idea (and the one mentioned in the bug report) was to say why the packages were being held back. But just not showing them at all might be even better, and easier to implement.23:14
arraybolt3Maybe throw on an extra APT switch for if you want to see the updates that are still phasing?23:14
arraybolt3(To be clear, others had the idea of showing why packages were being held back before me. I'm not the one who made the bug report.)23:15
arraybolt3blei: I don't remember noticing it, but it makes sense.23:15
arraybolt3(I don't use the webchat anymore, so I can't remember if it ever flashed at me or not.)23:15
nickzxcvis there an HWE build of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz ?23:16
nickzxcvi need a newer i40e driver to install :(23:17
nickzxcvgetting this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1887703 i think23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1893956 in linux (Ubuntu Focal) "Intel x710 LOMs do not work on Focal" [Medium, Fix Released] [duplicate: 1887703]23:17
avihsarnold: arraybolt3: i don't have an account to add to bug reports, but you two seem to do, so would you do the courtesy of asking it there?23:17
sarnoldavih: sure23:17
arraybolt3avih: No problem. (Actually, sarnold's gonna beat me to it :P )23:18
nickzxcvits weird because i have some other servers with quad port X710s and they're running focal ok23:19
nickzxcvidk what installer kernel they managed to run at the time of their install, they're in production now23:20
nickzxcvbut my installer kernel now is 5.4.0-42-generic23:20
aviharraybolt3: also, yes, saying WHY it's kept back could avoid a lot of head scratching, first mentioning it's related to phased updates (first time i hear this term, but it's at least googlable), and something like "kept back temporarily as part of phased updates, and are likely to be upgraded soon"23:26
avihto me, and despite my searches and results i've found at stack overflow and ask ubuntu, it all pointed to it being related somehow to conflicts. nothing suggested it's a regular course of action23:28
sarnoldyeah, "conflicts" was the definite cause of that for about two decades23:29
sarnoldand about a year ago, we got a new cause! isn't that fun? :)23:29
sarnold(I'm not actually opposed to the phasing idea, I just think we rushed it out too soon)23:30
avihyeah, phased updates sounds great, but users should not start running possibly destructive commands because all the google results says it's related to conflicts...23:33
avihsarnold: saw your post to the bug. thanks :)23:42
sarnoldavih: it's a good idea :) thanks, hehe23:43
avihhmm.. now that i think about it, this can actually have much worst issues: when there ARE conflicts which the user should be aware of, they're 100% going to be unnoticed inside the list of kept updates which the users will learn to ignore23:47
avihbecause every update will have held back packages, users will simply learn to ignore anything related to it23:47

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