
=== NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey
=== pikapika_lunar is now known as pikapika
ririGood morning13:22
ririSomeone speak french ?13:22
arraybolt3!fr | riri14:55
ubotturiri: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:55
arraybolt3Oh, they're gone. :(14:55
arraybolt3thanantonop: o/18:52
thanantonopnew user to xubuntu!!18:52
arraybolt3thanantonop: Working OK so far?18:52
thanantonopyes and its goood!!!18:53
thanantonopi think better from ubuntu and ubuntu mate and lubuntu that i have tried18:53
thanantonopi think the best flavor so far18:53
thanantonopjust a quick question18:54
thanantonophow i can scan my filesystem to see if it has any errors without fixing them...and the root is mounted i am on the system18:54
thanantonopi have choosen classic erase everything with LVM and encryption18:55
arraybolt3Hmm, lemme see...18:56
arraybolt3thanantonop: From the e2fsck man page, "If e2fsck asks whether or not you should check a file system which  is mounted, the only correct answer is ``no''.  Only experts who really know what they are doing should consider answering this question in any other way."18:57
arraybolt3If you intend to do a filesystem check, you probably want to do that from within a live USB.18:58
arraybolt3As for how to do a filesystem check from a live USB, I don't know, I've never done that :)18:58

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