
BluesKajHi all12:33
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> elo everyone.. anyone facing slowness with PPA ? or it just me14:16
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> trying updating plasma beta14:16
mamarleySlow downloads?  Yeah, I get that problem sporadically.14:20
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> reroute through UK having better connectivity ..14:20
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> owh .. finally .. its not only me (re @IrcsomeBot: <mamarley> Slow downloads?  Yeah, I get that problem sporadically.)14:20
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> reroute through UK (vpn) having better connectivity ..14:20
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so far so good ... (re @RikMills: )14:34
RikMillsclivejo: yes/no/maybe20:26
clivejovery diplomatic :P20:26
RikMillsgoing to havv to see how it pans out20:26
clivejojust reading Erich's reply20:26
RikMillscould be goo, but could be another white elephant20:26
EickmeyerIt's not ready for release, I think Nate's just looking for ideas/suggestions at this point. It's pre-alpha at this point.20:26
EickmeyerVery early stages.20:26
EickmeyerBarely even in design stages.20:26
clivejoLOL just tried building it, need ECM 5.9820:27
* RikMills is shocked20:28
clivejowhen is 22.09 out?21:17
clivejoBTW the links in topic seem to be broken21:18
clivejoI'm getting 503 Service Unavailable21:18
arraybolt3clivejo: Something blew up deep in the guts of Canonical's servers and a whole bunch of Ubuntu-related websites are down right now.21:20
arraybolt3They're working on it.21:20
clivejooh dear21:20
clivejois there a beta for 22.0921:23
clivejoI seem to have forgotten where they keep these things!21:24
clivejoah found it21:31

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