
Guest56hi. anyone knows how to reconfigure network using command line netplan, withuout modifying files? I would like to use netplan (or dbus) to set wifi05:47
Guest56if I do this "netplan set network.ethernets.lan2.dhcp4=true", then this will set a new configuration file. how to configure wifi like this? documentation is not describing command line (or dbus) very well05:48
Guest56this will throw errors:05:57
Guest56busctl call io.netplan.Netplan /io/netplan/Netplan/config/NS2HL1 io.netplan.Netplan.Config Set ss "network:\n wifis:\n  wlan0:\n   access-points: myap\n    password:abc\n dhcp4=true;" 30-wifi-cfg05:57
Guest56I also tried this06:57
Guest56netplan set "network.wifis.wlan0={access-points=myap,password=abc,dhcp4=true}" 30-wifi-cfg06:57
Guest56but "netplan get" returns empty, and it didnt work :(06:58
Guest56netplan set "wifis.wlan0={dhcp4=true,myap.auth.password=abc}" 30-wifi-cfg07:13
Guest56is also not working07:13
Guest56can anyone write me a command how to set wifi in netplan in command line?07:13
Guest56or with dbus?07:43
schopinGuest56: the data payload on your netplan set commands are not valid YAML. The format is `netplan set dot.separated.key=$YAML`, e.g. wifis.wlan0={"dhcp4": true, "access-points": {"myap":{"password": "mypassword"}}}10:11

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