
lotuspsychjegood morning01:41
JerOfPanicmorning all *03:56
enigma9o7[m]I like Ventoy.15:48
lotuspsychjesame here 15:48
lotuspsychjefeels a bit like that multiboot but better15:49
Bashing-omForum too is down:  ping -c3 ubuntuforums.org >> 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2025ms :(21:21
arraybolt3Bashing-om: ubuntu.com, Launchpad, forums, Snapcraft... I wonder if someone spilled coffee on the wrong motherboard or something.21:21
ravagei hope that is not all on one host system :)21:22
Bashing-omarraybolt3: launchpad - answers too - for that list :(21:22
enigma9o7[m]I blame the autumnul equinox.21:22
sarnoldyeah, it's *far* from one machine :) I dunno how many are in which datacenters, but hundreds to thousands of machines wouldn't shock me21:23
sarnoldone of the firewalls is sad, and the other one that was supposed to failover for it seems unhappy too21:23
ograravage, it's a single Raspberry Pi and a 30TB USB disk 😛21:25
ravagewow! :D21:25
sarnoldarraybolt3: ow :)21:25
sarnoldogra: pfffff spill all the secrets why don't you21:25
ravagein other unrelated and annoying news: i fixed the PXE install of windows server 2022. i feel dirty and need a shower now21:25
ograsarnold, we're among friends, arent we ? 🙂21:26
sarnoldogra: well, true true :)21:27
ravageogra, when can we expect the podcast episode about snaps on Christians podcast? he wanted to talk to you about it :D21:44
ograoh ? 21:45
* ogra must have missed that 21:45
ravageor Isaac just forgot to tell you ;)21:46
ograChristian should perhaps just contact me directly ... ogra@ubuntu.com 😉21:47
ravagei dont know him that well. stankowic_devel is his twitter21:47
ograwhee !21:49
ravageit was just a little chat after his talk an your name came up :D21:49
ogralooks much better 21:49
ravage( for the rest of the room that understands german: https://cstan.io/?p=13062 )21:51
ograwow ... flatpak only exists since 2016 ... there is wrong info on the table 21:53
ogra(there was a personal xdg-apps project before though, that was renamed by fedora to flatpak)21:54

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