
RAOFIs the matrix bridge still on fire?06:13
RAOF_3Oooh, it seems not! Hurray!06:13
amurrayhey ubuntu-release team - the security team is keen to get the latest apparmor-3.1.1 into kinetic - could you please take a look at LP: #1989309 ? thanks :)07:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1989309 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "[FFe] apparmor 3.1.1 upstream release" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198930907:44
sil2100amurray: looking o/07:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected adsys [source] (focal-proposed) [0.9.2~20.04]07:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: adsys (focal-proposed/main) [0.8~22.04 => 0.9.2~20.04] (no packageset)07:58
sil2100amurray: left a quick comment, if you could follow up that would be awesome07:59
rs2009hey sil2100, would it be possible to run the Ubuntu Unity ISO build?08:01
sil2100rs2009: how are things looking with the ubuntu-unity images btw.?08:08
rs2009sil2100: we're almost ready for the beta release (all packages in universe, unity works perfectly fine). there was only one outstanding issue (gnome-shell being present), which should fixed in this build08:09
sil2100Excellent. Build is running + I added unity to the crontab, should be building daily now08:10
rs2009sil2100: ah thanks! :)08:10
sil2100rbasak: hey! I'm still reviewing adsys for focal today, if anything o/08:21
rs2009jbicha: gnome-shell still seems to be pulled in (due to network-manager-gnome), even when it's blacklisted08:25
rs2009sil2100: is the blacklist file still considered? (gnome-shell is getting pulled in because of network-manager, which recommends gnome-shell, policykit-1-gnome or polkit-1-auth-agent, so it shouldn't get pulled in even without a blacklist; however, it gets pulled in even when it's blacklisted)08:30
RikMillssil2100: LP: #1990311 says that the uim armhf binaries have been removed by steve last night, but https://bileto.ubuntu.com/log/4927/publish/1/ fails as it thinks it is still a FTBFS08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1990311 in uim (Ubuntu) "Please remove uim binaries on armhf from kinetic" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199031108:58
RikMillshow do we solve that?08:58
RikMillscc mitya57 ^08:59
sil2100hmmm, tough pickle, let me think about that after the meetings09:00
sil2100If not I'll just bin-copy it by hand09:00
RikMillssil2100: no problem. we could remove uim from the ticket and handle it manually I guess, but there must be a neater way09:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon (jammy-proposed/main) [1.9~22.04.1 => 1.9~22.04.2] (ubuntu-desktop)09:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted adsys [source] (focal-proposed) [0.9.2~20.04]09:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: adsys [amd64] (focal-proposed/main) [0.9.2~20.04] (no packageset)09:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: adsys [arm64] (focal-proposed/main) [0.9.2~20.04] (no packageset)10:01
sil2100rbasak: I'll also be looking at flash-kernel, as I had pings about that earlier10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted adsys [amd64] (focal-proposed) [0.9.2~20.04]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-aerwyna-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-caesarea-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted adsys [arm64] (focal-proposed) [0.9.2~20.04]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-cahya-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-aethelberht-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted adsys [amd64] (jammy-proposed) [0.9.2~22.04]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted adsys [arm64] (jammy-proposed) [0.9.2~22.04]10:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted flash-kernel [source] (jammy-proposed) [3.104ubuntu13]10:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-cagatay-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]11:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-cagatay-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages)11:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-cagney-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]11:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-cagney-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages)11:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-cai-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]12:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-cai-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages)12:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted oem-sutton.newell-caia-meta [sync] (focal-proposed) [20.04~ubuntu1]12:32
sil2100rbasak: ...I'll also take a look at the u-a-d-d uploads, as some of those are in NEW12:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: oem-sutton.newell-caia-meta [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [20.04~ubuntu1] (canonical-oem-metapackages)12:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [source] (jammy-proposed) [1.9~22.04.2]12:34
kanashiro[m]release team: I have a FFe bug to sync ruby-tilt from Debian here: #1990389 . Could anyone please take a look ?12:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [source] (focal-proposed) [1.9~20.04.1]12:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: rejected ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [source] (focal-proposed) [1.9~20.04.1]12:53
LocutusOfBorgsil2100,  please NBS-proposed cleanup luajit/luajit2/luakit on ppc64el?13:13
LocutusOfBorgthat arch is broken.13:13
LocutusOfBorgluajit on ppc64el is no-go, no matter if we try the jit or jit2 backend13:14
rbasaksil2100: thank you for syncing. I'm going to start my SRU shift now, so might touch anything.13:26
tjaaltonI filed a FFE for mesa, bug 199038713:40
ubottuBug 1990387 in mesa (Ubuntu) "FFE: Mesa 22.2.0" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199038713:40
jbicharbasak: could you take another look at bug 1969901 (for bionic)?13:41
ubottuBug 1969901 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic) "network-manager fails to renew ipv6 address" [Low, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196990113:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [source] (focal-proposed) [1.10~20.04.1]14:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [amd64] (focal-proposed/none) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [s390x] (focal-proposed/none) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/none) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:02
rs2009jbicha: gnome-shell is still getting pulled in because of network-manager-gnome (even with the blacklist)14:02
jbichars2009: yes, sorry. It's a hard problem to solve. It might not even be triggered by the line in the log that appears to pull in gnome-shell14:03
jbichawe were told that the blacklist probably wouldn't help much, but it was worth a try14:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [arm64] (focal-proposed/none) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [armhf] (focal-proposed/none) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:04
jbichaone way forward is to try to add explicit alternate dependencies to the Ubuntu packages instead of relying on the alternate virtual dependency notification-daemon14:06
jbichathis issue was a headache for Ubuntu GNOME and Ubuntu Budgie years ago14:07
sil2100kanashiro[m]: hey! Left a comment o/14:18
sil2100LocutusOfBorg: might not be able to make to it today14:18
sil2100rbasak: ok, I'll handle the release of some python3.10 toolchain SRUs to -updates now if you don't mind14:20
rbasaksil2100: sure, thanks14:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntu-advantage-desktop-daemon [riscv64] (focal-proposed/universe) [1.10~20.04.1] (no packageset)14:22
rbasakjbicha: done, but sorry we found an issue on review. I've commented on the bug.14:22
rbasakIt's a pretty scary patch :-/14:23
rbasak(don't want to accidentally break networking for users!)14:23
Eickmeyerginggs: RE bug 1990320, obs-studio doesn't have a changelog in their source code, best I can do is attach their release announcement. As for the rest, since it's a debian sync, aiui, we typically rely on Debian to do the work there since they're the trusted source.14:30
ubottuBug 1990320 in obs-studio (Ubuntu) "[FFe] [Sync] obs-studio 28.0.1" [High, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199032014:30
Eickmeyerginggs: And yes, I'm fully aware of when it's ready for sync, I'm capable of doing the sync. I'm watching this like a hawk.14:34
ginggsEickmeyer: release announcement might sufficient.  We'd like to see build and install logs on Ubuntu because we do have some subtle differences in toolchain, etc14:35
Eickmeyerginggs: Then I'd have to figure out a way to sync to a PPA, but this has never, ever been a requirement for a sync FFe before. Is this a new requirement?14:37
jbichaEickmeyer: backportpackage -s unstable -d kinetic -u ppa:jbicha/dev (for instance)14:39
Eickmeyerjbicha: Thanks.14:39
ginggsEickmeyer: you could upload the debian version to a PPA with an ubuntu changelog entry 28.0.1+dfsg1-1~ppa1, or so14:40
ginggsa build log generated locally would be fine too, but I think PPA is easier (and can cover more architectures)14:40
EickmeyerFor me, local build log is last resort, I always build in PPA anymore.14:41
EickmeyerEnsures a clean toolchain.14:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libreoffice (bionic-backports/main) [1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.11 => 1:7.3.6-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~bpo18.04.1] (kubuntu, ubuntu-desktop)14:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nfs-utils [source] (jammy-proposed) [1:2.6.1-1ubuntu1.1]14:48
Eickmeyerrbasak: Do you have a spare cycle to look at SRU bug 1989611? It's a multi-step process.15:01
ubottuBug 1989611 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU] plasma-distro-release-notifier for Jammy, Focal" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198961115:01
rbasakEickmeyer: I don't see it in the queue. What do you need exactly?15:03
EickmeyerUhh... It should be in the queue for Jammy and Focal?15:04
rbasakWhat's the source package name?15:04
EickmeyerIt's definitely in source NEW, and it's in the archive already for kinetic.15:05
rbasakOh, OK. I can't process NEW, sorry.15:05
rbasakAAs needed15:05
EickmeyerThat's right.15:05
* Eickmeyer facepalms15:05
EickmeyerHeh, I knew this would be tricky.15:06
rbasakProbably easiest to find a person with both AA and SRU hats15:07
rbasakubuntu-archive: ^15:07
sil2100hm, I'm doing some slow NEW SRU queue reviews today15:08
sil2100Will try to get it, but there's uh, quite a few things!15:08
rbasakEickmeyer: sorry I couldn't help, but thanks again for continuing to drive this! It seems important for the flavours.15:09
Eickmeyersil2100: No worries, just wanted to get some eyes on it. It's a pretty serious UX issue that was neglected for several years.15:09
Eickmeyerrbasak: Yep! It's very important. In fact, got a bug report against ubuntu-release-upgrader that got marked as a dupe of this bug just yesterday. It's affecting users in a major way.15:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: lttng-modules (focal-proposed/universe) [2.12.5-1ubuntu2~20.04.3 => 2.12.5-1ubuntu2~20.04.4] (kernel-dkms)15:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: lttng-modules (jammy-proposed/universe) [2.13.1-1ubuntu0.22.04.1 => 2.13.1-1ubuntu0.22.04.2] (kernel-dkms)15:44
rs2009sil2100: would it be possible to add 'remove_package minimal.standard.live gnome-shell' for Ubuntu Unity? wasn't able to think of any other workaround to fix this issue, as germinate seems to be picking gnome-shell for a completely unknown reason (despite the ubuntu-unity-desktop metapackage not having any sort of recursive depends/recommends on15:50
rs2009also vorlon ^16:54
vorlonrs2009, jbicha: blacklist in seeds is only ever useful for causing image builds to fail in the case of a blacklisted package being pulled in.  it will never tell germinate which alternative to pull in instead; for that the only solution is to make sure your correct alternative is seen by germinate first17:47
rs2009vorlon: the correct alternative is present in the seed, but is still not recognized by germinate (and we couldn't find anything else causing gnome-shell to be pulled in), which is why we attempted to blacklist the package despite being warned17:50
rs2009is it possible to prioritize a package in the seed (to be seen before network-manager), as packages seem to be seen in alphabetical order?17:52
vorlonrs2009: that is the question.  This part of germinate is a dark art to me.  I'm going to have a look here17:55
rs2009vorlon: yep, I couldn't find anything related to this anywhere, which is also one of the reasons why I reverted to 'remove_package minimal.standard.live gnome-shell'17:56
vorlonrs2009: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-unity.kinetic/ onlly shows gnome-shell in the 'extra' seed which shouldn't affect tasks or image builds.  Can you point me to what exactly you're seeing?17:57
rs2009vorlon: it's in the ISO build logs: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/kinetic/ubuntu-unity/+build/374134/+files/buildlog_ubuntu_kinetic_amd64_ubuntu-unity_BUILDING.txt.gz17:58
vorlon? Unknown package policykit-1-gnome for seed desktop on arch amd6417:59
vorlonwell that doesn't look right17:59
vorlonis something causing germinate here to ignore universe?17:59
rs2009vorlon: yep, that's kinda confusing18:00
vorlonlive-build/auto/config calls germinate before the per-flavor definition of COMPONENTS lol?18:01
rs2009vorlon: oh lmao18:01
vorlonmay or may not fix this issue but let me dig18:02
rs2009vorlon: also, would be great if you could sync ubuntu-unity-desktop with the seeds18:07
vorlonI'm going to be afk here shortly for food, but I'll see if I can get to that today18:07
rs2009vorlon: ah, that would be great. thanks :)18:08
vorlonso it was 07873ec5285348165fd9f494cd7e09d7b12f4481 that regressed us running germinate before COMPONENTS is defined.  I'm not sure if that will fix this issue but I'm going to take a stab at it18:08
rs2009vorlon: ack18:11
kanashiro[m]vorlon: could you take a quick look at #1990389 ?19:22
vorlonback again23:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted unattended-upgrades [source] (bionic-proposed) [1.1ubuntu1.18.04.15]23:16
vorlonjbicha: there are reverse-build-dependencies of node-unicode-14.0.023:16
vorlonjbicha: why is ubuntu-archive subscribed to LP: #1990202?23:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1990202 in swtpm (Ubuntu) "Merge swtpm from Debian unstable" [Wishlist, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199020223:21
vorlonrs2009: uploaded ubuntu-unity-meta and launchpad rejected it with no explanation.  Will try again23:30
jbichathe reverse build-depends are cleared now. I don't know why I subscribed that team. Removed.23:30
jbichaoh it's because I used requestsync to start the bug23:33
vorlonDownloading http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/dists/kinetic/main restricted universe multiverse/binary-amd64/Packages.xz file ...23:36
vorlonum germinate takes a comma separated list of components how did this ever work23:38

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