[00:25] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 4f7ccc5 Jeremy Bicha debian/ control control.in * Don't recommend libnss-myhostname * https://deb.li/zBhl [00:25] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 055a7c0 Jeremy Bicha debian/changelog * releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:43.0-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/38OyI === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:03] good morning [06:13] good morning desktoppers [06:15] hello didrocks, oSoMoN [06:28] hey ricotz & didrocks [06:44] hey oSoMoN, ricotz [07:36] goood morning desktopers! [07:38] salut seb128 [07:41] lut didrocks, en forme ? [07:45] seb128: ça va, et toi ? [07:46] seb128: encore plus une forme si tu pouvais jeter un coup d’oeil à binNEW pour aad-auth (la partie cli :p) [07:49] didrocks, ça va, on a la collection des toux et nez qui coule, à voir si je parviens à passer au travers... [07:52] j’ai les mêmes à la maison :p [07:53] didrocks, aad-cli est bon, j'attends le build riscv et je NEW toutes les archs en même temps [07:54] parfait, merci ! [08:07] Good morning all! [08:08] jibel, morning, how are you today? [08:28] oSoMoN, do we have tooling to check execution of scripts? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1772902#c37 [08:28] Mozilla bug 1772902 in Firefox Build System "[Snap] Firefox crashes because of gdk-pixbuf-loaders.cache" [--, Unconfirmed] [08:37] lissyx, I don't think so, unfortunately [08:37] I just read through the entire bug report again, and it seems really weird that the cache wouldn't update for that person [08:42] didrocks, aad-cli NEWed [08:42] (sorry, I'm debugging some iwd issues so no stable connectivity for IRC) [08:45] and going back to it, bbl [08:51] lissyx, I commented on the bug to request more info, let's see if we manage to get to the bottom of it [09:07] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs doesn't cover where to report installer bugs. [09:07] Did 22.04 ship with the new installer in the end? [09:07] https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/README.md doesn't say, and nor do the Jammy release notes that I could find. [09:08] (and I didn't notice because I upraded up) [09:41] seb128: thanks! [09:41] didrocks, np! [09:45] rbasak, 22.04 desktop still uses ubiquity [09:45] Thanks [11:19] gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel tags 66c17be Jeremy Bicha upstream/51 * Upstream version 51 * https://deb.li/YvbF [14:10] gnome-builder signed tags dd79a1c Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/ii13c [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest 8fb75f9 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 82 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/jWGx [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest db6a827 Christian Hergert src/libide/projects/ide-recent-projects.c * libide/projects: add delay before reloading recent projects * https://deb.li/3D1jE [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest 9446d3d Christian Hergert src/libide/gui/ide-style-variant-preview.ui * libide/gui: use content-fit=fill for wallpaper * https://deb.li/BPMl [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest 3e708d2 Christian Hergert src/plugins/codeui/ codeui.gresource.xml gtk/menus.ui gtk/keybindings.json * plugins/codeui: bring back alt+period accelerator * https://deb.li/3TyRI [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest c4f641d Christian Hergert src/plugins/vim/gbp-vim-editor-page-addin.c * plugins/vim: handle gd/gD commands * https://deb.li/Lyyj [14:10] gnome-builder upstream/latest 0e49cd6 Christian Hergert src/libide/webkit/ ide-url-bar.c ide-url-bar.ui * libide/webkit: use inscription for url display * https://deb.li/31WDR [14:11] gnome-builder pristine-tar 6fca726 Jeremy Bicha gnome-builder_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-builder_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-builder_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3p34D [16:26] Eickmeyer, are you good to go with Audacity via the Snap now, or is there more we need to get done before Monday's beta freeze? [16:27] diddledani: Yeah, it's installing solid, however, the problem we're having now is the probably well-known firefox snap issue with hunspell. [16:27] but that's a general issue that will be fixed [16:27] oof.. that'll need more changes in either firefox or snapd I guess [16:27] ogra: Exactly, that's why I'm not worried. [16:27] yeah 🙂 [16:27] <3 [16:27] diddledani: Thanks for everything! [16:28] glad to help :-) [19:16] gdm signed tags fb953b7 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/Jmde [21:23] librsvg signed tags e1018e9 Jeremy Bicha upstream/2.54.5+dfsg * Upstream version 2.54.5+dfsg * https://deb.li/3VQVE