
hankAnother bad date ("unknown") popped up in the OVAL XML for CVE-2022-32886 on 20.0415:35
ubottuA buffer overflow issue was addressed with improved memory handling. This issue is fixed in Safari 16, iOS 16, iOS 15.7 and iPadOS 15.7. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-32886>15:35
hankwould it be possible for the generator to attempt to parse the dates it creates?15:37
ebarrettohank, it could, but then what? this shouldn't stop the process from generating the data imho15:54
ebarrettoI think this is something to be fixed in CVE generation, or avoided during CVE generation 15:54
ebarrettohank, what kind of issues is the date causing to you? 15:59
hankI mean, if the generator is producing a bogus date, that's something to alert on16:16
hankI ask because this has happened multiple times, and could be noticed during the generation process if it just tried to read what it creates16:17
hankthe problem this causes to me is that my software is parsing the OVAL feed and erroring out because "unknown" isn't any sort of valid date16:18
ebarrettohank, the generator is not producing a bogus date, it comes from CVE file: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/tree/active/CVE-2022-32886 ... the OVAL data is still a valid one with this bogus date (oscap oval validate will succeed)16:27
ubottuA buffer overflow issue was addressed with improved memory handling. This issue is fixed in Safari 16, iOS 16, iOS 15.7 and iPadOS 15.7. Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-32886>16:27
ebarrettohank, which software are you using? 16:28
ebarrettomy colleague fixed the CVE date status, should take a few hours to have this reflected in OVAL16:37
ebarrettoI will personally take a look tomorrow on what is happening with the CVE generation to create this bogus date 16:37
hankClair, but the code handling this is specifically https://github.com/quay/goval-parser/blob/master/oval/types.go#L13416:53

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