
bingoJACKPOTI hope this channel is Aussie friendly, haha.05:12
zxmpi_it's a very quiet channel as of late. 05:18
bingoJACKPOTI see05:19
bingoJACKPOTI am being naughty the way I present myself in any of these channels but I dare not say until much later.05:19
bingoJACKPOTBut you are here ... So there is someone to talk to, eh?05:19
zxmpi_there's 3-4 folk around at random times. usually office hours in uk. it's 6:22am atm05:22
bingoJACKPOTYeah ... it's 1:27 pm here in Perth05:27
bingoJACKPOTHow is the weather in England? I've always wanted to visit.05:29
bingoJACKPOTWell, the queen died and that is sad. We all love her. Aussies, Americans, Brits ... Even Johnny Lydon the frontman of the band with the song, "God Save the Queen" liked her before she died so it is quite a sad affair, mates. Bloody hell.05:33
=== bingoJACKPOT is now known as ETCshadow
davefUh oh. Drunk Dave broke the seal on one of the Jaffa Cake packets last night.14:26
zxmpi_the tragedy!14:26
davefdiddledani: I need to know the game14:27
diddledanidavef: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1059990/Trombone_Champ/14:28
davefzxmpi_: it's a travesty!14:28
davefhow do you even play this game? you need a trombone controller?14:29
diddledanino idea14:29
zxmpi_would be hard to download such a controller on steam :-)14:32
davefwith a 3D printer in my possession, downloading a car is entirely possible.14:39
zxmpi_with a horrific crash test score, yes14:41
davefI need to learn to read: "a mouse is recommended. Move your arm forward and back, like a trombone, and the pitch of the note will slide up and down to match! Click or use the keyboard to blow!"14:43
zxmpi_sounds like a joystick waggler14:49
zxmpi_good old daley thomspons decatholon14:49
davefBut why? https://www.delish.com/food-news/a41300303/nyquil-chicken-fda-warning/14:55
diddledaniyeah, I don't even get why you would even think of doing that?14:56
davefthat trombone game now has been placed on my wishlist15:00
zxmpi_and if you don't get it you make sad trombone noises? :-P15:01
davefWhen a game hits my wishlist, it will eventually get played.15:03
davefI just got Return to Monkey Island to play this weekend.15:03
zxmpi_i really should get around to playing the first one :-P15:23
diddledaniI see Liz has requested that the UK no longer be considered special: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/09/22/white-house-suspends-special-relationship-label-british-us-relations/17:52
diddledaniright now, she's #winning more than Trump ever did, and he won a helluva lot!17:53
zxmpi_wonder what she'll try and kill in week 317:54
davefAnd here's me thinking there couldn't be a more buffoonish PM and Liz goes ahead and proves me wrong.18:09
daftykinswhat's she done so far?18:24
davefshe cursed the queen for a start.. days after Liz met the queen, she dies.18:25
diddledani*the very next day*18:25
diddledaniI swear Truss poisoned Queenie. Truss is on record as being an anti-monarchist18:26
daftykinscertainly possible!18:27
zxmpi_on other side queen waited till boris wasn't pm to die as she didn't want the twat making speeches at her funeral20:56
davefIf I found that, I wouldn't be mad.22:33
daftykinsnor e22:33

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