[19:43] Good afternoon all [19:43] teward @teward:libera.chat: dak command pls I'll take care of it [19:43] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: Hey, you still alive? [19:43] 👋 [19:43] Yep, still here. Just been tied up with stuff lately. [19:43] I understand that all too well [19:43] What's the latest? [19:44] DMs incoming, I don't want it publicized ATM but I'm happy to tell you. [20:48] tsimonq2: i believe it's this: dcut dm --uid 0x5B8AD6F4C26ADDDD --allow pastebinit [20:48] tsimonq2: once you get that done I still need Salsa repo access, unless you did that already [20:48] (teward is my Salsa user) [21:28] $ dcut dm --uid 0x5B8AD6F4C26ADDDD --allow pastebinit [21:28] No host dm found in config [21:28] $ dcut ftp-master --uid 0x5B8AD6F4C26ADDDD --allow pastebinit [21:28] Error: Could not parse commands at "--uid" [21:28] (read: someone may have typoed one of those hex numbers) [21:28] nope found it in my bash history all good [21:29] Oh, nice! [21:30] . [21:30] $ dcut ftp-master dm --uid 5792F66164D057EFC6D06FAF5B8AD6F4C26ADDDD --allow pastebinit [21:30] Uploading commands file to ftp.upload.debian.org (incoming: /pub/UploadQueue/) [21:30] Picking DM Thomas Ward (Primary Key) with fingerprint 5792F66164D057EFC6D06FAF5B8AD6F4C26ADDDD [21:30] Uploading tsimonq2-1663968593.dak-commands to ftp-maste [21:30] yay [21:30] thanks tsimonq2 [21:30] no prob [21:31] it'll email me when i get upload granted, but i'll stil need the salsa repo access [21:31] so i can alter the source ther :P [21:31] there* [21:31] working on it [21:34] I can't find the setting [21:35] [telegram] it's in contributors give me a minute to find it [21:35] [telegram] link to the salsa repo? [21:35] [telegram] if worst comes to worst you can email another DD to do it :P [21:36] [telegram] you have to go into the repo and find the members/contributors and add me explicltly because i"m not a DD