
Unit193Ouch, xfce4-screensaver is borderline unmaintained, isn't it?05:51
ochosiguess that's ^ a question for bluesabre, no?09:37
bluesabreYeah, it's not in a great place. :(10:06
Unit193It came up, xfce4-screensaver issue #1 doesn't look good, and a Gentoo user that also uses Xubuntu hit the same (critical?) bug there and here. :310:09
Unit193(I missed the first part though, what the bug was...)10:10
bluesabreThat bug10:11
bluesabreIt seems to be graphics-driver-specific, and I don't have the affected hardware.10:13
bluesabreThat one bug alone had me starting work on a xscreensaver+xfce shim to add some extra events and timers to xscreensaver to replace xfce4-screensaver.10:15
bluesabreIt's frustrating10:15
ochosiyeah, I had my share of frustration around this topic with light-locker and after that I gave up10:16
ochosimaybe this will indeed be better with wayland, where not all clients are equal anymore10:17
Unit193bluesabre: I can check and see if that's his specific issue, if it'd help to find someone on IRC to debug?10:18
bluesabreI've had no luck with the debugging so far. Some drivers just refuse to draw a big black screen, seemingly. I'd hoped that with the bug sitting out there so long, somebody would come up with a patch, but so far nada.10:24
Unit193Ouch...Yeah, he had switched back to xscreensaver too, so dangit about the shim thingy. :310:24
bluesabreIt looks like a I made a pretty big dent on that shim in a private repo... maybe I'll finish that up and let folks test10:28
Unit193Dowh. :(10:29
Unit193bluesabre: ...Did you see I stupidly already packaged libxfcewl-0.0~git20220922.0dad675?21:38
bluesabreUnit193: I did not! Is this just a library to build against, or is it a functional wlroots client, (or something else, I've only been kinda paying attention lately)21:46
Unit193It's just a helper library.22:05

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