[13:09] Hi all [14:23] @RikMills , kinetic proposed repo conflict with beta repo ? [14:23] The following packages will be REMOVED: [14:23] kde-config-screenlocker kinfocenter kscreen kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-settings-desktop [14:23] kwayland-integration kwin-addons kwin-common kwin-wayland kwin-x11 layer-shell-qt [14:23] libkscreenlocker5 liblayershellqtinterface5 plasma-desktop plasma-discover-backend-flatpak [14:23] plasma-discover-backend-snap plasma-integration plasma-widgets-addons plasma-workspace [14:23] plasma-workspace-wayland sddm-theme-breeze xdg-desktop-portal-kde [17:23] will need rebuilding against the new Qt in proposed [18:10] 👌🏻 [18:36] I'll get on that later or tomorrow. New Qt in proposed is no landing in release pocket [18:37] I'll get on that later or tomorrow. New Qt in proposed is now landing in release pocket [18:38] ok thanks! [19:21] does debdelta-upgrade work for ubuntu? [19:51] @myfenris FYI for snap related stuff you want #snappy since snap is meant to be cross-distro. [20:10] U meant my question on the other channel? [20:16] yeah understood on the cross-distro .. [20:17] im still trying/struggling to add supported fonts for the asian language .. either from the distro package @ manually added font ..