[09:41] hey there, I'm trying to figure out why lightdm fails loading i3 and falls back to mate using 22.04.1. It's also happened to one of my buddies a while ago, but back then I dismissed it as classic pebkac and he didn't feel like actually digging into the issue. Here's a writeup and excerpts of the few things that feel relevant: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/dc18c696 [09:43] I didn't find anything relevant online then, and I haven't found anything relevant online last night before giving up [11:45] moshe: I've never used i3, but one thing you could try would be to change the Exec line of /usr/share/xsessions/mate.desktop, from mate-session, to xterm [11:46] From that xterm, try to launch i3 and see if everything works fine; if yes, then it's a tiny issue with the DM [11:55] good idea [12:00] that worked, the issue now is that I remeber the i3.desktop file being exactly the same on my 20.04 install than on my mate's 22.04 last summer\ [17:06] had a friend install i3 on his stock ubuntu 22.04 machine and it worked fine [17:06] we're thinking it's lightdm just crapping itself