
InteloI already `sudo umount /dev/mapper/sdb3` but `sudo fsck.ext4 -pf /dev/mapper/sdb3`  says /dev/mapper/sdb3 is in use. Any clues? its an open luks encrypted partition. Does not shows in `df` or `/proc/mount`. If I reboot, open luks partition again, it will automound and open in thunar. then I will umount and land to same situation00:11
Bashing-omcross post: Intelo "Try to identify: ' sudo fuser -m /dev/mapper/sdb3 ; ps auxw | grep <that PID> ' ."00:14
oerheksjsut wait for fsck to finish00:14
oerheksmaybe it will never..00:14
sarnoldthe "filesystem is in use" thing prevents fsck from starting00:14
oerhekswhy abort such action?00:15
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oerheksi hope you have a backup of your precious data :-D00:15
sarnoldbecause filesystem implementations in the kernel are extremely brittle; if you change the disk while the device is mounted, you can do *anything* to the computer00:16
oerhekslets see what happens in @linux00:16
lorenzohi. i need help with a thing, please.00:17
lorenzoi'm using teamspeak 3, and i have "push to talk" option00:17
InteloI had drive sdb.  sdb3 was encrypted parition. I luks open i to . it shoudl be now /dev/mapper/sdb3. but it mounted the real os  to /dev/vgxubuntu/root00:17
lorenzowhen i have my click on teamspeak, it's working. when i have my click (mouse) on desktop, isn't working00:17
Intelosolved but i wonder00:17
oerhekslorenzo, so teamspeak prop software wants you to keep focus?00:18
InteloIs fsck.ext4 -c best for deep scan?00:18
lorenzooerheks, yes. i just want to use teamspeak in background00:19
lorenzowhen teamspeak is in background, i can't use my microphone00:19
lorenzoi'm new on linux and  I think i need to run teamspeak with "run administrator"00:21
oerhekslorenzo, sorry to hear that, contact the maintainer?00:21
lorenzoit's not from maintener. it's from my linux00:21
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lorenzoi need to give all permisions...00:21
oerheksnever run such as administrator, bad idea00:21
lorenzoand i don't know how to do that.00:21
sarnoldyou almost certainly don't need to do that; I've never used teamspeak but it doesn't feel like the sort of software that would require admin privs -- it doesn't even feel like it'd work well, since running GUI programs as other users is usually pretty difficult00:22
lorenzook, I understand...00:23
lorenzothank you, guys!00:23
Oski146hello can i know when kernel 5.20 with amd support is coming? i still cant await it that the support gets wider00:29
murmelOski146: wrong channel for that. and 6.0 will be probably released this sunday or next.00:30
Oski146which cannel can i go00:31
sarnoldOski146: kinetic will be released in a month with 5.19. probably the next ubuntu release in april will have a newer kernel. *maybe* there'll be a newer HWE kernel for jammy before then, but I'm not sure00:31
Oski146lk thsnkd for the explanation :)00:32
murmelsarnold: nah, 5.19 will come out when 22.04.2 gets released (which is around april?)00:32
murmeli mean released for 22.0400:32
Oski146oh that late?00:33
sarnoldmurmel: 5.19 is available in kinetic *today* https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux00:33
InteloIs fsck.ext4 -c best for deep scan? how do I fix and scan in depth?00:33
sarnoldIntelo: best is to switch to zfs and then you can run online scrubs00:33
murmelsarnold: yes. I was talking jammy00:33
Intelosarnold oh whats online scrub?00:34
Intelosarnold and is zfs better than ext4?00:34
Oski146i heard 5.20 would have amd  ryzenfirmware support so i cant download the kernel 5.19. on arch and such is not supported yet. can you give me the channel name that i candiscuss on the right place?00:34
sarnoldIntelo: zfs can repair faults without taking the filesystem offline00:34
murmelOski146: maybe ##linux ?00:35
oerheks5.19 gives zen support, it cripples performance with 50%++00:36
oerheksdue to retbleet00:36
Intelosarnold like it can repair on a mounted partition?00:37
oerhekssorry to tell you00:37
Intelosarnold and is zfs better than ext4?00:37
murmelIntelo: depends who you ask00:37
Intelowhat sarnold has to say?00:38
Intelomurmel which one is latest?00:38
sarnoldIntelo: It Depends :) I really prefer zfs for storing a lot of data; but ext4 is easier to use on a machine with only one disk00:38
murmelIntelo: latest of what00:38
Intelomodern, better, etc murmel00:39
Intelosarnold ok00:39
oerheksencryption and filerecovery is interesting00:39
Intelo$ sudo fsck.ext4 -c /dev/mapper/sdb300:40
Inteloe2fsck 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)00:40
Intelo./dev/mapper/sdb3 is in use.00:40
oerhekswhy sdb3?00:41
Inteloits luks00:41
oerheksit should be something like this; sudo e2fsck -v /dev/mapper/luks-ID00:41
oerheksbut this has been told before..00:41
Intelooerheks same message on that too00:42
Intelo$ sudo cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/sdb300:42
InteloDevice /dev/mapper/sdb3 is still in use.00:42
Newtown12hi, I'm trying to encrypt my storage device (eMMC) with LUKS. The GUI Lubuntu Installer Encrypt Option, uses aes-128, xts, plain64.00:43
Newtown12I'd like to use a different cipher00:43
Newtown12Is there a way I can change the cipher option for LUKs00:43
InteloBashing-om ' sudo fuser -m /dev/mapper/sdb3 ;  shows nothing00:44
oerheksno, somthing like `/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ,, sdb3 is useless00:44
Intelohow do I unuse it00:45
InteloI think I have bad blocks. What should I do? Is that the reason of browsers and apps crashing?  https://imgur.com/9iba2Zk.png01:25
sarnoldIntelo: what does your dmesg output look like?01:30
sarnold719 errors sure feels like you'll see a *lot* of block IO errors in dmesg01:31
Oski146like in other channel stated from someone replace the drive01:31
sarnoldyeah if it's throwing this many bad blocks it's way past time to replace it01:33
Oski146yeah :01:34
leftyfbIntelo: please do not cross-post. And as has been suggested, replace the drive01:34
Intelocan you talk in #linux01:36
Intelosarnold ok01:37
Intelosarnold https://termbin.com/bsj601:38
sarnoldIntelo: make backups immediately; this might be bad cable, bad motherboard, bad sata controller, bad power supply, but it is almost certainly a failing hard drive.01:43
sarnoldIntelo: I recommend replacing this drive immediately after your backups are complete.01:43
sarnoldIntelo: do not overwrite previous backups with backups from this drive now -- your old backups may be your only copy of the data at this point.01:44
InteloI see. I have 2 ssd. the one showing above is luks encrypted one. The ssd on which the os is; has no such errors01:44
Inteloso I guess it can't be ram, cpu, power? Its ssd specific?01:45
Intelobtw, all this started after I installed 2 more sticks of ram on top of 2 existing (contrary indication to what I said above)01:45
leftyfbIntelo: please stop cross-posting. Pick a channel and stick with it01:45
Intelosarnold don't know how to exactly know whats wrong here01:45
leftyfbIntelo: replace the drive01:46
Intelosarnold can we talk in #linux?01:46
sarnoldIntelo: heh, I'm in too many channels already :/01:46
Inteloexcept #linux :)01:46
Inteloleftyfb why can't we have more audience for same question in multi channel?01:47
Inteloare these just rules01:47
leftyfbIntelo: it's rude and confusing and a duplication of efforts01:47
Inteloleftyfb I never understood the raionale but ok.01:48
FigNewton18Hi, I read Ubuntu uses "Frequency checking" to detect attacks on encrypted data? is this true?01:48
FigNewton18Also, whats the performance difference between Ubuntu and Lubuntu01:48
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enigma9o7fig, thats kinda hard to quantify01:59
enigma9o7there was a recent article showing startup memory usage with various ubuntu flavors, and ubuntu/gnome used twice as much memroy as lubuntu/lxqt.02:00
enigma9o7but then of course apps are all the same memory usage, and there's other things besides memory usage to consider02:01
enigma9o7if you are using an old pc (10+ years) gnome is noticably slower.  on a modern fast pc, you wouldnt even notice.02:01
enigma9o7its all relative.02:01
enigma9o7and for everyone has who has something between 10 years slow and modern fast, its personal preference mainly02:03
usuariogood night03:05
usuarioi need a registration code03:06
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ddwwoh noes!05:44
Inteloapt error: https://imgur.com/wIEBKEd.png05:44
murmelwow, what an old kernel(-module)05:47
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Oski146why do you use ubuntu focal fossa?06:03
murmelOski146: some people don't want to upgrade when the new release hits06:04
Oski146but its a vbox06:04
murmelmaybe some testing, production server idk xD06:04
Oski146ah ok :D06:04
Oski146kernel 5.4 is from 2020 i think06:05
Oski1465.13 olde then?06:06
murmelfocal never used 5.13 (afair), so no idea what's going on06:07
BUSYif i want to break desktop audio into 'channels' for separate recording streams, is pulseaudio the right choice?06:08
Oski146can someone help me with the question, if theres a alternative software to minuet from kde?06:11
murmelOski146: next time, alternativeto.net :) https://alternativeto.net/software/kde-minuet/?license=opensource06:24
murmeldoesn't sound good :/06:24
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ibn-batotwhat should i do when i get this ==>> "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com"06:55
murmelibn-batot: is it only security.ubuntu.com?06:55
ibn-batoti sent u in /msg what i got06:56
murmelsounds like your dns is broken06:56
murmelcan you ping a domain?06:56
ibn-batoti am using ubuntu on vmware06:58
murmelplease stop msg me. keep it here in the chat. additionally yes your dns seems to be shot. sorry don't know enough to help you06:58
ibn-batotok murmel06:59
Princess15Hi guys, I want to use a different cipher instead of aes to encrypt my Linux OS, how can I set my custom LUKs settings, I'd like to switch from aes to serpent or twofish for LUKS, how do I accomplish this?07:08
InteloFailed to load R0 module /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0: Unable to locate imported symbol 'SUPR0FpuBegin' for module 'VMMR0.r0'07:08
murmelPrincess15: you would need to setup the partitions yourself, and then during the installer, select manual and assign the correct paths to the partitions07:10
saltdshe will figure this out07:11
Princess15So should I do a Linux OS install via COmmand line?07:13
Princess15Will this take 30 minutes of precise commands07:13
murmelPrincess15: you would need to create the luks containers in cli, but the rest you can do through gui07:14
Princess15So I create the luks container upon live usb boot up07:17
murmelPrincess15: first partitions, then containers07:17
murmelPrincess15: is there a reason why you want to use serpent/twofish?07:26
Princess15I think aes is more likely to be decryptable due to increased research due to mass usage.07:27
Princess15Thus, a less popular cipher might not have enhanced decryption capabilities07:27
Princess15due to lack of study07:27
Princess15on the cipher07:28
murmelPrincess15: but you do realize, because aes is also more popular more eyes look at it to secure it better?07:30
Princess15I realize that07:30
Princess15but AES is so much more used07:30
Princess15Its just a giant honeypot07:31
Princess15waiting for a decryption method07:31
Princess15I'd estimate, and Im sure you can find the data, that 80% of encrypted traffic is AES07:31
Princess15HTTPS, OPenVPN, etc07:31
Princess15of course theres camelia, wireguard now07:31
Princess15But just07:31
Princess15Majority is AES07:31
Princess15its a mega decryption target07:32
murmelPrincess15: please use enter less often07:32
murmelYes I get that. but at least with the disk encryption I have it in my hands, if aes would ever get broken, I can reinstall within half an hour (with a different enc)07:33
Princess15Yeahm thats what i want to do, install  another os07:34
InteloHow to run virtualbox? Failed to load R0 module /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0: Unable to locate imported symbol 'SUPR0FpuBegin' for module 'VMMR0.r0'07:36
murmelIntelo: literally the first search engine entry for the error message https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=10437807:37
murmelplease try to first search for a solution yourself07:37
Intelomurmel  you gooogle ANY question asked here and you will get a result on google.07:51
Intelomurmel take a positve water bath.07:51
Intelomurmel if you cannot solve any problem, don't ping others for no reason.07:53
Inteloif things were like that. All the planet would use google. no place for irc. btw, I did read that link.07:53
maaxineehi, my external hard drive has been corrupted during data migration. how can I recover the files in the external hdd?08:39
skuntee4try to do a 'dd' of the disk to another disk. then try to repair the partition with fsck etc otherwise you'll need a raw disk scan to try to recover thing...but i'm not sure undelete will work.08:44
skuntee4it work well for wronly deleted files as long as there was no read/write ops in between.08:44
murmelmaaxinee: don't write anything to that disk, and look into photorec (besides its name it recovers more than that)09:41
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Intelounable to trace the reasons of getting all sorts of browser crashes in box OS. How to exactly find out reason?  https://imgur.com/i096l7F.png   https://termbin.com/iago0    https://termbin.com/ehxp11:35
ograIntelo, that looks pretty trashed ... your package status file is corrupt (are you out of diskspace ?), something seems to have installed a wrong glibc (some third parts repo ??) this looks like you should re-install12:12
ogra*third party12:13
imiis there a howto regarding how do I boot ubuntu from an external hdd on raspberry pi 2?12:13
ravagethe pi2 does not boot from USB12:18
imiravage: well, it boots from an sd card, and then maybe you can make the hdd the rootfs somehow. Is there a howto?12:21
ravageim sure thars possible12:21
ravagecopy the files to the hDD. find the partition is wirth blkid and edit your cmdline12:22
ravage*find the partition UUID with blkid12:22
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BluesKajHi all13:09
saltdhi one13:17
Guest95does ubuntu come with command tools for zip and rar files? and if i need to install them, are these correct tools: rar, unrar, zip, unzip? and i install them like this: sudo apt-get install rar unrar ?14:35
wezGuest95: Correct on all counts, but why are you asking this question instead of just running the commands?14:36
rob0I bet you have at least zip/unzip by default.14:37
ravageGuest95, p7zip-full supports all of the above14:37
wezrob0: generally tar by default, depends on the packages installed14:38
Guest95thanks! i just want to be sure, so i don't spiral down the wrong rabbit hole14:39
wezGuest95: OK14:40
Guest95each of these will do only one file type? i mean unzip works on zip, and unrar works on rar? so i need to know which is which file type? thing is i am trying to untangle a big mess here with both zip and rar files in the same folder14:45
ravageit helps to read what has been written to you already14:46
rob0Typically zip and rar archives include the file type in the filename.14:48
rob0And shell globbing can easily distinguish them: "unrar *.rar", "unzip *.zip".14:49
rob0Note that those commands might be dangerous, as one archive could overwrite what another one contained.14:50
Guest95can i use p7zip to unrar or unzip a dozen files in one go? i want to extract all archives at once, each to its own folder, if possible.14:54
sauhi I have question about snap Freemind on Ubuntu14:55
sauCan anyone please help me14:55
lotuspsychjesau: contact:   https://launchpad.net/~jibel14:55
wezsau: Hi, what's the issue?14:56
lotuspsychjesau: the ubuntu volunteers cant help much on external maintained snaps14:56
sauI see14:56
saujust a general question.. is it possible to create a snap connexion for an app?14:57
sauor does the creator do that?14:57
sauthe issues is that Freemind does not connect to external drive.14:58
sauwhen I checked the snap connections, it seems freemind app does not provide a connexion14:59
lotuspsychjesau: did you check permissions on the snap in gnomes settings?14:59
sauyes, I did> snap connections freemind14:59
sauI think snap freemind does not provide a slot15:01
sauor plug.. I am not sure what it is called15:01
ioriasau, have you tried with :removable-media ?  e.g.  sudo snap connect freemind:removable-media15:02
sauerror: snap "freemind" has no plug named "removable-media"15:03
sauI am guessing the creator (jean baptiste lallement) has to include the plug, right?15:04
sauor is it something the app users can do?15:04
ioriamaybe not15:05
sauI see.. anyway, thank you ioria, lotuspsychje &  wez,15:06
ioriano prob15:06
saubye now.15:06
ioriatry #snappy or some snap channel15:06
SlartibartI haven't run virtualbox in a while but trying now, on 22.04. When I try to start the VM virtualbox says I need to run 'modprobe vboxdrv'. Problem is it isn't allowed, 'Lockdown: modprobe: unsigned module loading is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7'. Anyone managed to solve it?15:30
oerheksSlartibart, did you reboot after install, so the dkms builded the module?15:39
Slartibartoerheks: Yes, it's been a couple of ubuntu versions now since I installed virtualbox. Could it be worth reinstalling, to test?15:41
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: virtualbox has several issues/bugs on jammy currently, several users have been reporting16:10
lotuspsychjemight be worth browsing latest bugs and help affecting them16:11
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: this was one for hirsute; bug #192944216:16
ubottuBug 1929442 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "can't load voboxdrv after upgrade to hirsute 21.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192944216:16
Slartibartlotuspsychje: Thanks, will look into them.16:45
jhutchinsDoes Ubuntu have an equivalent of Debian's virt-manager for managing KVM instances?16:50
ravagesudo apt install virt-manager16:51
jhutchins!info virt-manager16:51
ubottuvirt-manager (1:4.0.0-1, jammy): desktop application for managing virtual machines. In component universe, is optional. Built by virt-manager. Size 256 kB / 2,298 kB16:51
jhutchinsAh, just no dedicated factoid.16:51
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM16:52
lotuspsychjejhutchins: always some nice tuts exist on linuxconfig; https://linuxconfig.org/install-and-set-up-kvm-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux16:56
jhutchinsVirtualbox did great for me, but it was hosted on Windows.17:38
jhutchinsVMWare workstation was worse than useless.17:38
jhutchins(That was several years ago when it was only available in 32b.)17:38
Slartibartlotuspsychje: It worked, virtualbox is happy again. Thanks a bunch.18:27
lotuspsychjeSlartibart: that reccomend from that bug solved it?18:27
Slartibartlotuspsychje: Yeah, reinstalling linux-headers-generic and virtualbox-dkms18:28
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ReventlovWhat could be delaying a boot for minutes (i'm still waiting) in the /script/init-premount phase ?20:30
Reventlov( https://i.imgur.com/H7pdd0z.png, Ubuntu 22.04, custom iso )20:31
mybalzitchwhat did you customize ?20:53
johnny_linuxprolly on an old lappy with "pre-load"20:56
johnny_linuxwith 5g of swap20:56
johnny_linuxpeople dont think anymore.. im quiet.20:57
Reventlovmybalzitch: right now, not much. It seems the behaviour changes if I remove the splash option from grub.21:01
johnny_linuxinteresting.. intel 200621:09
johnny_linuxpardon me, but with all that "vga" seems like a graphics problem. just sayin.21:12
johnny_linuxof course im guessing21:15
jhutchinsReventlov: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html21:15
jhutchinsReventlov: Got any network devices?21:15
jhutchinsReventlov: Network shares?21:15
Intelosarnold as you suggested zfs over ext4, I can go with it. What is the best way to convert the FS without loosing data? do I need to shift the data to another drive? (don't want that..)21:31
Intelozfs, as you said, there is no need to turn off the system to check and repair it. That is good!21:31
murmelIntelo: you would need to backup and format, there is no way to convert21:40
Intelomurmel no offense. put me on ignore21:45
Reventlovjhutchins: nope. It seems the main problem is gdm does not start, which means I see this message (I still can go to another tty and look at what happens)21:46
Reventlovand gdm does not start because there is no gdm user…21:46
Reventlovwhy on earth the gdm user is not created is another question21:46
johnny_linuxlike i said, either you upgraded or have graphics problems... just sayin.21:48
murmelIntelo: you do realize, you can just put me on ignore. idc if you can read my stuff or not21:49
Inteloya best you put but either way ok21:50
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Intelomurmel how about just stop responding to me or putting me on ignore?21:50
johnny_linuxmurmel,  fustration comes in many levels, dont take it personel .21:50
InteloYa don't take personal but do take /ignore intelo21:51
murmeljohnny_linux: nah i i am not frustrated. i just don't like people who don't have a brain21:51
murmelIntelo: just /ignore murmel and you are good to go21:51
johnny_linuxbe easy.21:51
Intelomurmel I don't like negative people either.21:51
murmelIntelo: one more reason to put me on ignore ;)21:52
InteloI hate people based on what is in their control. Not of what they have natrually. Thats the difference between you and me. murmel21:52
Intelomurmel ok, consider yourself on ignore because you won't put me on ignore. (I can feel negativitty and stubborrneess from far away. You are not that kind)21:53
Intelosome people just do not let it go. do not change. keep hurting people, poking people even if they are not welcomed,21:54
Intelojust to prove they have brain and others don't. just to prove they (HUH) are smarter.21:54
ravagei dont know if libera has a room for #childcare but that would be the place to continue this conversation21:54
Inteloand others should do, think, google, act, in the way what they think is ok21:54
* Intelo backsup21:55
johnny_linuxself control = maturity.21:55
Intelohence the backup21:55
Intelopatience is tough :)21:55
Intelosome people you just want to murder21:56
* Intelo appologies from all including murmel21:56
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