
vorlonEickmeyer: what are you seeing to indicate this?02:21
vorlon$ find www/full/ -name '*20220924*' | wc -l02:21
Eickmeyervorlon: Every single image is "Currently building" for several hours now: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/kinetic/ubuntustudio/02:24
EickmeyerNot just studio.02:24
EickmeyerAll are stopped at the same spot.02:24
Eickmeyer"helpers.go:147: error trying to compare the snap system key: system-key missing on disk"02:25
rs2009vorlon and Eickmeyer: the ubuntu-unity ISO seems to have built, just that the firefox snap wasn't installed (as expected)02:42
vorlonEickmeyer: "every single image" - this is not true, so please be specific07:28
vorlonanyway, I've killed the hung ubuntustudio image build07:29
vorlonit was hanging at the same place the ubuntu desktop images were hanging; checking there and sure enough there are hung builds there07:29
vorlonand as for ubuntu-unity, there's an infuriating livecd-rootfs autopkgtest regression that appears unrelated to any changes I made; looks like it may be a regression in the snapd snap07:35
vorlonexcept there doesn't seem to have been a snapd snap published in that timeframe07:36
vorlonhmm nope looks like it is my bug08:31
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Eickmeyervorlon: It doesn't take much to look at the builders to see Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Mate, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Unity, Ubuntu Desktop, Canary, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin, and Ubuntu Studio are all stalling at "helpers.go:147: error trying to compare the snap system key: system-key missing on disk".14:37
EickmeyerSo, maybe it's my fault and I should've rephrased and said "Any image where snaps are seeded." But it didn't take long for me to find them all.14:38
tsimonq2My intent has been to rewrite that part of the code given I have a more concise working version locally15:22
rs2009Eickmeyer: Lubuntu's build is stalling at the same message too15:37
Eickmeyer[m]rs2009: That's exactly what I typed.15:37
rs2009Eickmeyer: ah, thought you might not have noticed that since it wasn't mentioned in your message15:38
EickmeyerMaybe just missed, but I definitely noticed. It's basically every image except server.15:40
laneyhas anyone started working on the cdimage testsuite failures?18:47
laneyi dared to be bold and push the trivial one18:48
laneyok proposed the rest 👍21:34
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