
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Hi :) New member here from yesterday!!06:50
guivercG'day Thonos, ask a Lubuntu support question if you have one, and people will reply/help as they're able to07:17
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> What do you use more ? Native deb packages or the snaps? I mean i want to install Gimp. What do you recommend me ?07:19
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Using Lubuntu LTS 22.04 with LXQT 1.1 with the lubuntu-dev backports07:20
guivercI don't use gimp often, but I'd usually go for the deb packaged product, only exploring the snap options if I wanted newer (snap often have newer)07:25
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> But the deb is a better option in case you dont mind about the version ?07:26
guivercIt's what I usually use; and if I was using a system that didn't have `gimp` installed; it's what I'd install/try first.. I can't say it's better; mostly that it's what I'd use.07:27
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Understood!07:28
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> 😀07:28
guiverc(everything has pros & cons... I'd likely use `rmadison gimp` to see what's available; or if devscripts wasn't already installed `apt-cache policy gimp` and use `snap search gimp` for info on what snaps were available (`snap info` if I wanted more detail etc)07:29
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Maybe I will use this practice: always checking if the package that I need exists in Ubuntu main repository as a deb and if exists install this and if it's not then search for the snap package07:38
guivercyou use what works for you, or what you consider best in a particular case.. I tend to look first before leaping/installing..  though I do have a preference for Ubuntu (deb) packaged version unless I have a reason to use something else07:44
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> is there any particular reason that you make you choose firstly the deb ?07:48
guivercmyself, I'm mostly using older/resource-limited hardware and find the snaps can be heavier; slower to start...   but some of it I've used deb packages for >20 years & thus know them better (or its just habit maybe)... I don't always use deb packages (I have a couple of snap packages now that are available in deb format too; but I chose snap) so I'm mostly speak general rules/behaviors07:51
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=== carlos is now known as Guest353
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Do you have to propose alternative to geany for LXQT?22:16
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Featherpad comes installed by default. (re @Thanos: Do you have to propose alternative to geany for LXQT?)22:17
lubot[telegram] <Thanos> Do you have use it to code?22:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> You don't have to, no. It can be used for regular text.22:22

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