
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected cockpit [source] (jammy-updates) [264-1ubuntu0.22.04.1]07:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: cockpit (jammy-proposed/universe) [276.1-1~bpo22.04.1 => 264-1ubuntu0.22.04.1] (no packageset)07:41
tjaaltonping, mesa FFE needs review, bug 199038707:58
ubottuBug 1990387 in mesa (Ubuntu) "FFE: Mesa 22.2.0" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199038707:58
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, question w.r.t. haskell ghc /armhf and your findings08:05
LocutusOfBorglooking to https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=ghc&arch=armhf08:05
LocutusOfBorgwe have 1d build time w.r.t. 7h on some other machines08:05
LocutusOfBorgcan it be related to arm64 kernel with armhf fs?08:05
LocutusOfBorgin case it depends on the kernel host, we might find some wrong configure check on architecture maybe, is this consistent with your lxc tests you did some months ago?08:06
ginggstjaalton: looking08:48
tjaaltonginggs: thanks, added a comment about the ppa and testing I've done08:51
ginggstjaalton: I was just about to ask :)08:52
tjaaltonyeah, didn't realize that was lacking..08:53
xypronPackages gsfonts and gsfonts-x11 need to be dropped from the archive to let fonts-urw-base35 migrate from kinetic-proposed. See LP #1990820 #199082309:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1990820 in gsfonts-x11 (Ubuntu) "Drop package gsfonts-x11" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199082009:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1990823 in gsfonts (Ubuntu) "Drop package gsfonts" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199082309:00
ginggsubuntu-archive ^09:01
laneylet's add a hint to let fonts-urw-base35 migrate and then remove those09:27
laneythen we can avoid a gap09:27
ginggslaney: thanks09:31
laneyI had to clone the hints branch09:32
laneybeen a while :-)09:32
rs2009laney: any solution for the stalling desktop ISO builds?10:41
fheimesHello sru-team, would you mind having a look at 's390-tools(-signed)', 'zfcp-hbaapi' and 'qemu' in the jammy unapproved queue, where there are stuck for a while, and ideally approve them?11:51
cpaelzerfheimes: IIRC the qemu one waits for another ongoing SRU to complete12:17
cpaelzeryep, still the case12:19
cpaelzerfheimes: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/623178064/qemu_6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.5_source.changes waits for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.412:19
cpaelzerand the latter is stuck on SRU verification12:20
cpaelzerfheimes: you might help or nidge the people that own it to finally do so12:20
cpaelzerI hav efixed the autopkgtest of it and I have updated the SRU template notifying people that another one is waiting12:20
cpaelzerbut no update AFAICS12:20
fheimes@paelzer: ok, let me have a look at LP#1980896 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.4 then ...12:21
fheimesit was opened by vicamo from Canonical - I think I can do the verification on this one ...12:24
tsimonq2ubuntu-release: POC for the Lubuntu Kinetic Beta is me. I have quite a list... I'll lay a fresh set of eyes on the current freeze pages but please don't be afraid to let me know if you think I'm too rusty on something. Thanks.12:25
rs2009tsimonq2: hey12:39
rs2009"My intent has been to rewrite that part of the code given I have a more concise working version locally" - what change(s) did you need to make to get the Lubuntu ISO building successfully locally? (would be great if you could create an MR too)12:40
tsimonq2As a temporary "here's what I did" I'll PM you the relevant tasks in my Ansible role, but you'll pretty quickly see once you compare and contrast how it may look once re-implemented12:41
tsimonq2(Give me a few minutes)12:41
rs2009tsimonq2: that would be great, thanks! :)12:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: update-notifier (bionic-proposed/main) [ =>] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-server)12:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: update-notifier (jammy-proposed/main) [3.192.54 =>] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-server)12:44
tsimonq2<rs2009> "Simon Quigley: that would be..." <- Of course :) maybe loop Josh in cause his issue is kind of Germinate related too?12:48
rs2009tsimonq2: sure, I'll ask ItzSwirlz to check this channel on TG12:49
kisakgood day, is this an appropreate medium to request an adjustment to the per-release i386 whitelist? I'm a mesa PPA maintainer and every 6 months llvm changes their name which puts it out of alignment with the whitelist.13:33
kisakI'm specifically requesting for i386 builds of llvm-toolchain-15 to be allowed on Focal and Jammy for https://launchpad.net/~kisak/+archive/ubuntu/kisak-mesa .13:34
xnoxapw:  reviewed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=debian-installer such a rebuild will result in a correct upgrade of grub being singning key upgrading from 2017 to 2021v1; and shim-signed upgrade from 1.40.4 -> 1.40.7  (aka upgrade from snapshot, to v15.4 upstream release with many bugfixes on top). Changelog is correct, the test case on the bug report is13:46
xnoxincomplete, but easy to test "enroll latest dbx updates, and try booting daily iso".13:46
xnoxplease accept above debian-installer SRU13:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: update-notifier (focal-proposed/main) [ =>] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-server)14:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: update-notifier (xenial-proposed/main) [3.168.15 => 3.168.16] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-server)14:07
LocutusOfBorghello, why is this channel not mentioned here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:41
krytarikLocutusOfBorg: I'm not entirely sure I remember right, but I think the channel was hidden (+s) originally on old freenode, which would be a valid reason for that - now though I'd see no reason not to include it there.14:58
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: all of my armhf ghc tests were certainly with an arm64 kernel15:05
LocutusOfBorgok so vorlon you say that kernel is not the culprit15:06
vorlonsounds like it is not, no15:07
LocutusOfBorgjust FYI ghc is fixed (abi issues)15:07
LocutusOfBorgI'm *trying* to do the rebuilds on bileto15:07
LocutusOfBorgfor all haskell15:07
LocutusOfBorgis it ok to publish in one week if I can sort it out?15:07
LocutusOfBorg(I'm also removing some other armhf parallel=2 slowness in rules file)15:08
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: is the fixed ghc going to require one more rebuild of the whole stack?15:09
LocutusOfBorgyes, this is why I do all the rebuilds directly in bileto15:09
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: then yes, we should be able to do that next week15:16
LocutusOfBorgbtw only armhf and s390x changed ABI, so maybe I can speedup a little bit15:22
tjaaltonlibllvm15 wants to move to main due to mesa15:25
vorlonI just promoted llvm-toolchain-15 per https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.html15:28
xnoxvorlon:  or maybe you can self-accept d-i SRU, i have reviewed it, and it looks correct from a local rebuild an inspection.15:31
xnoxvorlon:  hopefully d-i-requirements seed removal is not causing any errors in seeds generators.15:32
rs2009vorlon: looks like snap-preseed might be broken, which is resulting in the stalling ISO builds (the firefox issue is fixed, and the build gets stuck when 'snap-preseed' is called, after 'snap debug validate-seed' is run)15:51
bdmurrayrs2009: How did you get that level of detail?15:55
rs2009bdmurray: I added a number of echo lines in snap_preseed and snap_validate_seed (in functions), and found that the build would stall at snap_validate_seed when 'snap preseed' is called (the echo line before it would run, but the one after wouldn't)15:57
rs2009The 'snap-preseed' call could be temporarily removed until the snapd issue's fixed (as it would lengthen the first boot process, but would fix the build issue)16:01
vorlonxnox: no hurry to self-accept that, we don't have the 20.04 point release scheduled yet16:01
tjaaltonvorlon: thanks!16:02
xnoxvorlon:  having a working focal daily would be nice though16:09
rs2009here's a merge request to make that change: https://code.launchpad.net/~rs2009/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/43049216:09
rs2009also, would be great if someone could (perhaps) ask the Snap team to take a look at the issues with snap-preseed16:35
ginggsvorlon: would you take a look at python-redis on component mismatches please?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-redis  3.5.3-2 is correctly in universe, but 4.3.4-3 is in main16:40
ginggspython-tooz demoted the Depends on python3-redis to a Suggests https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-tooz/3.0.0-0ubuntu216:41
ItzSwirlztsimonq2, rs2009: hi, I'm not sure what idea your suggesting here16:55
ItzSwirlzI noticed that the ubuntu-seeds project was incorrectly branched, so i'm getting that fixed but I'm not sure how it would help germinate16:55
vorlonginggs: oh, is that's what's up; demoted, thanks17:30
ginggsvorlon: ta!17:33
vorlonevidently I was the one who did the demotion in the release pocket but didn't notice the version in -proposed, hah17:34
vorlonbdmurray, teward[m], there should be an invitation for ~motu to join ~ubuntucinnamon-dev, could one of you please accept it so we can have proper seed management? (or if it's not there please let ItzSwirlz and I know)17:35
ItzSwirlzI just sent an invitation17:36
teward[m]*yawns and looks*17:36
teward[m]vorlon: itzswirlz: E:NOACCESS17:37
teward[m]with ItzSwirlz being owner of the subteam I can't add them it seems17:37
teward[m]ah there it is17:37
teward[m]loopholes are FUN!17:37
teward[m]added my own team (MOTU) to the cinnamon developers team17:38
teward[m]and because of the invite it worked.17:38
teward[m]vorlon: as such, done.  *goes and hunts down coffee*17:38
vorlonteward[m]: right, needed a member of the DMB to accept the invite on behalf of ~motu - thanks :)17:38
teward[m]@vorlon problem is it never sent me the invitation so i had to loophole the thing17:39
teward[m]E:NOINVITATION so :P17:39
teward[m]and i know LP and email are delayed a little17:39
vorlondelayed a little> should not be?17:39
teward[m]also this poses a question: shouldn't that dev team be under the ownership./control of DMB not the specific flavor?17:39
teward[m]I ask this because if it grants any kind of dev privs that might need DMB involvement17:39
teward[m]should not be>  MS365 is where my email sits, it's always ~45s behind17:40
vorlonteward[m]: I don't believe that's ever been the case for other flavor teams?17:40
teward[m]greylisting and swtuff17:40
vorlonteward[m]: yeah the invite was sent ~1h ago17:40
teward[m]vorlon: i forget did a specific cinnamon packageset get made yet?17:40
teward[m]> sent 1h ago  might've gotten lost in my email i have like 50017:40
ItzSwirlzty teward17:41
teward[m]though when y'all pinged me Swirlz just said "I just sent an invitation" so i see a discrepancy at play17:41
teward[m]i still want to know if the cinnamon flavor has a packageset or not made yet :P17:41
ItzSwirlzwell i sent it about 10 mins ago17:41
teward[m]for obvious permissions reasons17:41
teward[m]which is why it hasn't arrived yet, that sometimes takes time to sift through greylisting17:41
ItzSwirlzteward[m]: we can't even get germinate working and for the life of me nobody can figure out why17:41
teward[m]greylisting delays up to 30min17:41
teward[m]don't ask me :)17:41
vorlonteward[m]: this isn't for packagesets at this point, no17:42
ItzSwirlzOkay; so now I need a proper fork of ubuntu-seeds under ubuntucinnamon-dev for lp:~ubuntucinnamon-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntucinnamon.kinetic17:42
ItzSwirlzI don't think I forked the branch properly and that may be why germinate is failing, if you could do that, big 'preesh17:43
vorlonItzSwirlz: lp:~ubuntucinnamon-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntucinnamon.kinetic is the bzr format, is that what you intend?17:43
teward[m]*goes back to prodding Simon Quigley with the intention of fixing crap in Debian and Github for pastebinit because there's some force-push process breaking crap in terms of pull reqs and fixes*17:43
ItzSwirlzvorlon: I guess. Unity got their thing working with it, and I know bazaar is outdated but i think its our last hope17:44
ItzSwirlzi ran through EVERYTHING in the seed.17:44
vorlonItzSwirlz: unity is not using bzr17:44
ItzSwirlzvorlon: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity7maintainers/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-unity.kinetic17:44
ItzSwirlzits a bzr branch ._.17:44
vorlonthat's not the live branch17:44
vorlonand I've said that I will not stand up any new flavors using bzr for seeds17:45
vorlonlet me have a look17:45
ItzSwirlzOkay... so are you willing to give a shot and try to help me figure out what is happening?17:45
ItzSwirlzWhen germinate tries to clone platform in every flavor/remix but Cinnamon's its fine. For cinnamon it errors out and I can't figure out why other than it's magic.17:45
vorlonwhere / in what context are you running germinate?17:46
ItzSwirlzYou'll also see on the UCR seed (https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntucinnamon-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntucinnamon) that it is not listed as a project of Ubuntu Seeds17:46
ItzSwirlzvorlon: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Cinnamon-Remix/ubuntucinnamon-meta17:46
ItzSwirlzthe ubuntucinnamon-meta package, you can pull-lp-source it17:46
ItzSwirlzSo even on unity's meta it will say fatal: remote error, repository '../platform' not found. But it finds the correct platform.kinetic, and for Unity it continues but UCR just stops.17:49
vorlonItzSwirlz: your update.cfg needs to reference both the ~ubuntucinnamon-dev namespace and the ~ubuntu-core-dev namespace, the latter provides platform17:50
vorlonItzSwirlz: quite a strange list of architectures in update.cfg, Ubuntu has never supported mips64el17:51
ItzSwirlzvorlon: whoops, forgot to push that. I removed it on my local system17:51
ItzSwirlzhttps://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-meta-packaging/blob/ubuntu/jammy/update.cfg - lubuntu has practically the same exact thing17:52
vorlonItzSwirlz: this is the error I get currently: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CYQd8GJgcs/17:54
ItzSwirlzThat's the same error I have.17:55
vorlonItzSwirlz: your STRUCTURE lists 'supported' but there is no 'supported' file in the seed repo17:55
ItzSwirlzI'll try yoinking it ig17:55
ItzSwirlzhold up i think it might actually have worked17:58
ItzSwirlzif this was it the whole time i'm going to throw my headset out the window17:59
ItzSwirlzit worked, what the actual-18:00
ItzSwirlzEickmeyer, mystery solved. I recommend you take a shot while you're old enough to18:00
ItzSwirlzSo, what do I need to put in the supported file, is it necessary?18:03
vorlonItzSwirlz: if you look at ubuntu-unity, it's completely empty.  I'm not sure if anything cares about the supported seed existing at all, the failure was simply the mismatch that STRUCTURE referenced a seed that didn't exist18:13
ItzSwirlzvorlon: Alright, cool. Thank you SO much18:13
vorlon(we care about 'supported' for Ubuntu itself because it defines main, but otherwise...)18:13
EickmeyerItzSwirlz: I'll do it when I have a chance.18:27
EickmeyerProbably should soon, now that I think about it.18:27
vorlonItzSwirlz: so removing mips64el from update.cfg is necessary to let ./update run; but what about ppc64el and s390x?  do you really want this metapackage built for those architectures?18:34
vorlonthese are not desktop hardware; s390x doesn't even have physical dispalys18:35
ItzSwirlzoh, i guess ill remove them18:35
sarnoldhmm, I thought when I visited the mainframe in suse's basement that it had a thinkpad taped to the side :018:37
bdmurrayThe ubuntu-server-live livefs is buidling and that image includes snaps so I'm not convinced its livecd-rootfs18:43
EickmeyerI take it that means we haven't gotten to the bottom of the stalled images yet.18:48
bdmurrayThat is correct18:53
bdmurrayrs2009: Do you have a minimal test case for your change regarding removal snap-preseed?19:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers [amd64] (kinetic-proposed/universe) [22.10.1] (no packageset)19:31
mwhudsonvorlon: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/livecd-rootfs/2.784 <- don't we still build ubuntu-server preinstalled images for pis?20:10
mwhudsonhmm maybe not20:10
vorlonmwhudson: oh possibly - but previously the autopkgtest was build-testing d-i server images which is not useful20:11
mwhudsonvorlon: yes that doesn't sound useful20:12
mwhudsonso much dead code but i guess the plan is to set it all on fire so not really worth pruning it20:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: neutron (focal-proposed/main) [2:16.4.2-0ubuntu4 => 2:16.4.2-0ubuntu5] (openstack, ubuntu-server)21:01
Ukikielibigloo uploaded to kinetic, it's a bit late but fixes use-after-free and seems small enough, https://dpaste.com/3XCRPXDAW22:52
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 22.04.1 Jammy Jellyfish, 20.04.5 Focal Fossa | Archive: Beta Freeze | Highlight ubuntu-archive for archive admin help | Kinetic Release Coordination | We accept payment in cash, cheque or whiskey | melius malum quod cognoscis | infinity, you will be missed

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