
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-security to: Twitter: @ubuntu_sec || https://usn.ubuntu.com || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features || Community: eslerm
DWDHi how should I log a bug against a wiki.ubuntu.com page? 13:46
mdeslaurDWD: it's a wiki, you can edit it yourself: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpContents13:51
DWD@mdeslaur Thanks - I've now asked to join the wiki editors group.13:57
stevenmanyone using grub 2.11 here?  (I know it's not out, but by '2.11' I mean what they've got so far... https://git.launchpad.net/grub/log/ )15:24
stevenmalthough I don't see any commits for the last month - oddly15:25
eslermstevenm: there is a small ecosystem of packages around grub for secure boot. Some take external coordination, like updating the dbx list. From what I have heard last, grub's release is a month off, maybe a little longer15:36
stevenm2.11 is a month off?15:39
stevenmI'd really *really* like to see 2.11 for ubuntu 22.04..  or at the very least backport the argon2 support grub 2.0615:41
stevenmas ubuntu 22.04 (an lts) is really pointless encrypting on a portable device15:41
stevenmif someone can just fiddle with your unencrypted /boot15:41
stevenmusing a worse pbkdf or downgrading to luks1 are just silly choices for full disk encryption15:42
eslermstevenm: after grub releases for 22.10, I will look into which other releases can be supported18:43
eslermstevenm: I see grub2 has already been released. I am checking into older release support. There have been followup releases to grub2 2.06-2ubuntu10 and may be more that are needed before supporting other releases19:16

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