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Guest34i5u34is there a way to target a ppa with -t (apt install) as I pinned the added ppa to 100 as I don't want every package out of it01:31
Solar5589I really like Xubuntu02:35
Solar5589It's tedious to have to manually unpack tar and zip files with CLI, but otherwise, its a very fast OS02:35
Solar5589I hereby and thus officially reccomend: XUbuntu as a Great Linux OS :DĀ  !02:35
enigma9o7Solar, if you don't like using clie for archives, thunar supports an archiver plugin that is in official repo.02:45
enigma9o7`sudo apt install thunar-archive-plugin`02:45
enigma9o7(surprsied xubuntu didnt include it)02:47
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kotodamaI tested i915.enable_dpcd_backlight=3 and it seems to have my laptop hang instead of auto-rebooting on using screen off feature (cc lotuspsychje, arraybolt3, ioria but they're off ;)04:44
kotodamaI could also confirm it's happening if I set energy saving options to turn off screen on lid close04:44
kotodama(the auto reboots)04:45
kotodamaso far suspend to ram doesn't seem affected04:45
kotodamausing nomodeset prevents the reboot, but then after 1min or so after having the screen turn off, it turns on again04:45
kotodamaand nomodeset also prevents the screen from turning off when suspending to ram04:45
kotodamaI'm not sure what this means, but it feels like it could help understand the issue :)04:46
ice9I understand that updates that are "kept back" is to prevent issues until they are sovled right? but I have been getting this for the past month on every I new updates I get every few days for different packages; is that normal?05:00
Bashing-omice9: I too have seen a lot of packages in the help state. One can check status: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html .05:06
whiskey76Same. I tried to upgrade again just now and everything updated with no held packages. Ubuntu MATE.05:08
ice9cheese doesn't work with wayland until now however wayland is the default ... any workaround?05:10
rfmice9, should still be able to select the x.org session from the gear menu on the login screen05:14
ice9rfm, it doesn't work for me (I have nvidia); xorg session gives black screen05:15
InteloWhile installing ubuntu, if choose " encrypt disk " option (I assume this is LUKS), then choose / to be drive1Ā  and /home to be drive2, will it encrypt two drives separately with same password and also unencrypt them at boot/login?05:33
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InteloWhile installing ubuntu, if choose " encrypt disk " option (I assume this is LUKS), then choose / to be drive1Ā  and /home to be drive2, will it encrypt two drives separately with same password and also unencrypt them at boot/login?06:28
]BaTMaN[Hello la room06:53
toddcIntelo: I did encryption + ZFS to the first drive then complted the install then added the second drive to the pool if that helps06:54
thekevinhuanghello/greetings!   Would anyone have a link or steps on how to get ubuntu on a lenovo legion duel 2 phone?07:13
toddcthekevinhuang: https://ubports.com/ you phone is not listed but there are instruction if you want to build it if you have the skill07:17
toddcthekevinhuang: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/?pk_vid=52c381dff711ce7f166417658758d8a307:17
thekevinhuanghello toddc07:18
toddcthekevinhuang: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction/ building instructions07:18
thekevinhuangthanks checking these links out07:20
lapionDoes anyone in here know the usb3 32 node limitation is per bus or per controller ?07:33
pickanickI see that 22.04 has emacs 27.1 which was released Aug 10, 2020. Emacs is now on 28.2. When is emacs likely to be updated?08:13
Habbiein 22.1008:15
pickanick22.10 is not LTS. If I want to stay with an LTS 22.04, does that mean emacs does not get updated? It's confusing because there are many package updates on a weekly basis.08:29
EriC^!info emacs focla08:42
ubottu'focla' is not a valid release08:42
EriC^!info emacs focal08:42
ubottuemacs (1:26.3+1-1ubuntu2, focal): GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by emacs. Size 13 kB / 76 kB08:42
EriC^!info emacs jammy08:43
ubottuemacs (1:27.1+1-3ubuntu5, jammy): GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by emacs. Size 13 kB / 77 kB08:43
alkisgNormally only security updates and bug fixes get to Debian and Ubuntu releases. An exception is the browser as it's security sensitive, and the kernel as it's required for new hardware support08:43
Habbie!info emacs kinetic08:43
ubottuemacs (1:27.1+1-3ubuntu5, kinetic): GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by emacs. Size 13 kB / 77 kB08:43
Habbieoh, kinetic is only a month away!08:44
pickanickalkisg: ah. thank you. I didn't the majority of the many updates were security/bug fixes.08:55
nozehow can I convert a djvu to pdf while preserving the (searchable) text layer?08:58
pickanickI thought that there could be package version updates, provided they use the existing library versions?08:59
lotuspsychjenoze: https://askubuntu.com/questions/46233/converting-djvu-to-pdf08:59
pickanicknoze: Generally, I don't recommend it. creation of djvu is kind of a lossy process.09:00
alkisgpickanick: no, that's what separates "normal" distributions from "rolling" distributions; normal distributions use the same package versions until the next version of the distribution (e.g. 22.10)09:01
pickanickUbuntu is a "normal distribution", Fedora is a "rolling"?09:01
alkisgNo, both are normal09:02
Habbiefedora is "normal" too (except for Fedora Rawhide)09:02
alkisgArch is rolling09:02
nozelotuspsychje: that's an answer from 10 years ago09:03
nozeand all but one solution does not in fact preserve the text layer09:03
nozethe one that does uses a very hard to maintain working stack of ruby packages and an outdated version of imagemagick09:05
pickanicknoze: if you must, print to pdf from a viewer for djvu09:16
nozepickanick: that won't preserve the text layer, table of contents, or links09:18
ograpickanick, ~$ snap info emacs | grep latest/stable10:09
ogra  latest/stable:    28.2                   2022-09-16 (1680) 241MB classic10:09
ograpickanick, just install the snap10:10
ogra(there is also a 29.x in the edge channel if you like living on the edge šŸ™‚ )10:11
lotuspsychjewelcome webchat6510:20
GSMarquisI removed TLP from my install. However systemctl still sees it as a service. Not active, but its there.10:47
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webchat65im having an issue with the systemd-networkd service. It doesn't seem to start. The error is "Cannot resolve user name systemd-network: No such process". I'm on ubuntu 18.04 and systemd version 137. Anyone have any ideas?10:55
webchat65i can start systemd-networkd manually as root but it doesnt run with systemd10:56
Habbieis systemd-network in /etc/passwd?10:56
webchat65Habbie yeah10:57
webchat65there is not DynamicUser in the unit file. It's just User=systemd-network10:57
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pickanickogra, good idea! Snapcraft suggests "snap install emacs --classic"  ie "Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement" Any idea why ?11:17
ograpickanick, because it is an editor/IDE it has been created to run without any confinement ... thus you need to explicitly accept it as --classic (i.e. to install an unconfined snap, snapd always wants your explicit consent through that switch)11:21
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webchat65any ideas anyone?11:43
watneyWoah! What's this Hexchat? Something new in Ubuntu?11:46
pickanickwebchat65: I find systemd not very transparent. Are you sure you actually want systemd-networkd and not some similarly named service?11:46
pickanickIn my experience, systemd makes staying on the beaten path easy and wandering from it troublesome.11:49
webchat65pickanick, i don't see any other networking service. And if i run the command that's in the unit file i can get the network up fine, it just doesnt work in systemd11:52
webchat65and yes i agree, systemd is annoying11:52
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lotuspsychjeioria: <kotodama> I tested i915.enable_dpcd_backlight=3 and it seems to have my laptop hang instead of auto-rebooting on using screen off feature (cc lotuspsychje, arraybolt3, ioria but they're off ;)12:41
kotodamawelcome back ;)12:41
kotodamathanks lotuspsychje12:41
iorialotuspsychje, i see12:41
kotodamaI could confirm setting screen off on lid close also triggers the reboot12:41
lotuspsychjemaybe we should file a bug anyway kotodama12:41
ioriakotodama, refresh my memory; when your screen truns off, your laptop reboots ?12:42
kotodamaalso nomodeset prevents screen from turning off12:42
lotuspsychjekotodama: ubuntu-bug linux (from terminal)12:42
kotodamanot at the exact moment but yes12:42
kotodamathe screen turns off12:42
kotodamathen I can move the mouse and wake it up12:42
lotuspsychjekotodama: then add a title + add description (bug story)12:42
kotodamabut if I wait too much (one min or two) it hangs, then reboots12:43
kotodamalotuspsychje: thanks, I'll do some more tests before posting though, to make sure I'm being accurate in the description12:43
ioriakotodama, yes, would be better to write down the exact issue, so we can take a look12:43
kotodamawill do, thanks again :)12:44
BluesKajHi all12:44
ioriakotodama, don't forget desktop env, kernel and hw specs12:44
kotodamaoutput of sudo lshw is ok or too much details ?12:45
ioriakotodama, yes, also  'lspci -nnk'12:45
lotuspsychjekotodama: specialy if it happened across several ubuntu releases, a bug is handy12:45
kotodamayeah I should have reported that sooner, my bad12:46
kotodamaI was a bit caught up in other stuff12:46
lotuspsychjeits never too late dont worry12:46
xatrixHi, guys can you advice me ? I have Lenovo G50 laptop. With hybrid graphics. Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sun LE [Radeon HD 8550M / R5 M230] . Just upgraded from 20.04 -> 22.04. I installed amdgpu driver from https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/22.20/ubuntu . But something went wrong. I can only start X server using 'nomodeset' option in grub. This is Xorg.0.log with 'nomodeset' https://paste.debian.net/1255041/  , and this is13:10
xatrixXorg.log without 'nomodeset'  https://paste.debian.net/1255042/13:10
xatrixAny idea what can i do to start the X server correctly ?13:10
xatrix[xatrix@MERNOV-NB ~]$ DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"13:12
xatrixOpenGL renderer string: llvmpipe (LLVM 14.0.1, 256 bits)13:12
xatrixw\o DRI_PRIME=1 it's the same13:12
xatrix03:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sun LE [Radeon HD 8550M / R5 M230]13:14
xatrixSubsystem: Lenovo Sun LE [Radeon HD 8550M / R5 M230]13:14
xatrixKernel modules: radeon, amdgpu13:14
xatrixPlease advice13:14
lotuspsychjexatrix: you might wanna browser recent bugs, im seeing a lot of them passby; xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu13:14
xatrixAlso, my backlight control is not working. My BL is on the max level13:15
lotuspsychjexatrix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=013:15
lotuspsychjesee if you can find your case between them13:15
xatrixok..i'll inspect it now13:16
masberhi, I am trying to update zoom in my ubuntu 20.04.4, I downloaded the .deb file from zoom website but the installation hangs when "ubuntu software" open. I can only see a spinning wheel and stays like this indefintely13:18
masberany advice?13:18
xatrixlotuspsychje, not actually found the proper bug.13:24
ravagemasber, cd ~/Downlaods/; sudo apt install ./your-zoom.deb13:25
ravagemasber, you can also use https://p.haxxors.com/uc848sl8.sh to automate updates in the future13:27
ravage( you would need to run that script with sudo)13:28
amalgameatehi, i often have multiple tabs open in a terminal window, each running vim.  is there a way to search my ~20 open tabs to find the one running vim for a specific file name?14:29
nteodamalgameate: Vim can be started as a server, so you can open all files under a same Vim. That should be better to navigate than having it scattered around tabs. Look for --remote in `man vim`.14:31
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alturicHi all, I'm trying to create an iptables rule that will ratelimit connections, and I'm a bit confused as to why it seems to work when connecting via curl or nc, but not when using a browser.14:41
alturicPerhaps it's because I only have it tracking --state NEW? Which still technically wouldn't make sense since I assume multiple curl requests are ultimately like a browser?14:42
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jrabbitHi channel, where would I go looking for information about strange (possibly hostile) disappearing updatable packages?15:46
jrabbitI had apt "disappear" upgradable grub packages after an `update` command that obviously only refreshed the index15:47
jrabbitSo either there was a legitimate revert or a hostile rollback or a hostile update in my approximation15:47
jrabbitI checked the changelog for the grub package and didn't see any strange or recent entries. has this been seen elsewhere?15:48
jrabbitmy understanding is if there's a pakcaging mistake a post version is created but possibly that debian process isn't the same for ubuntu?15:48
lotuspsychjejrabbit: /var/log/dpkg log would record the things you installed15:49
alkisgjrabbit: I've seen packages pushed in the ubuntu repositories and reverted within days without any post-versions (or explanations) :)15:49
alkisgI believe they only do that for grave regressions though, rarely, and it's probably something that phased updates will help avoid15:50
jrabbitalkisg:that's reassuring! thanks :)15:50
jrabbitlotuspsychje:yeah nothing there, I checked around just in case unattended-upgrades got me at a bad time15:51
alkisgjrabbit: usually you can then locate them in the proposed updates list15:51
jrabbitoh yep those are the three grub related packages I saw (looking via a third party site)15:52
jrabbitis there an appropriate place to +1 some methodology that tells us paranoid people "this was intended"?15:55
ioriajrabbit, what's the exact package name are we talking about ?15:55
alkisgThe worst side-effect of this method is troubleshooting systems that managed to get the bad updates. E.g. 2 years later ubuntu 20.04 systems still had a "wrong libc version" that prohibited them from installing packages that depended on the correct version, like dkms15:56
jrabbit grub-efi-amd64-signed grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-amd64-bin15:56
ioriaand clang15:56
ograjrabbit, there are a few discussion threads on discourse.ubuntu.com around phased updates ... you might want to add feedback there15:57
alkisgogra: no that's about releasing a new package version into ubuntu archives, then revoking it15:57
alkisgIt's not related to phased updates15:57
jrabbitthanks, I guess seeing "held back" on ubuntu should have been my first clue something new was cooking15:57
ogra(in fact it seems a new spac was just added today to allow proper grouping of phased updates)15:57
alkisgExample: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-core20/+bug/1926355, comment #1516:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926355 in snap-core20 "Snap applications segfault with new core20 (rev: 1015+)" [Critical, New]16:00
alkisgThey released libc 2.31-0ubuntu9.3, then revoked it, and never pushed another update, so people that updated in that window now can't install e.g. dkms16:01
ograwell, phasing is part f this (limiting the percentage of affected systems) but yeah, not actually the cause16:01
alkisgIn this example, phasing would have the exact same effect, i.e. a few users getting affected. Only a new package release would actually solve the issue.16:02
alkisgThere's no "cancel phased package AND revert to previous version", right?16:03
ograno, only by uploading the older package wth a higher version would actually solve it16:03
ioriayou downgrade16:03
yo_um i need help16:03
ogra(which then ends up in awful version numbers)16:03
alkisgioria: yup but that's manual, in the example above people didn't even know that a libc update was causing their issues 2 years later16:04
ogra1.2.3-0foo~really-1.2.2 šŸ™‚16:04
alkisgogra: yeh, but it's necessary in these cases :/16:04
ogra!ask | yo16:04
ubottuyo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:04
yo_oh ok16:04
ioriaalkisg, i remember that, i was affected16:05
ograalkisg, yeah, it is about time that we switch libc to a snap ... then it will just be a "snap revert" šŸ˜„16:05
alkisgogra: heh, don't get me started :D16:06
cosmicrajivHello, when I m trying to upgrade, this is what i get https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dPggdWQW5P/plain/16:13
cosmicrajivusing 22.04.116:13
alkisgcosmicrajiv: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/phased-updates-in-apt-in-21-04/2034516:13
cosmicrajiv alkisg, yeah got it. thanks.16:16
eamis there a good place to ask about foreign language input? I'm trying to type using the intelligent pinyin selector but it seems broken - even basic characters (like the number 8) aren't available to be selected16:59
eamthe pinyin selector seems extremely limited in functionality17:00
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goddardGetting this with my eGPU18:18
goddard[drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership18:18
goddardsome others18:20
goddardlooks like maybe a BIOs error not sure if its related18:21
sarnoldgoddard: sometimes those are more or less harmless, sometimes they're a cause for concern. I suggest checking fwupd for firmware updates, or your motherboard manufacturer's website18:22
goddardsarnold: whatever the issue you is, it is a show stopper.  Keeps locking the system up with the eGPU.18:32
oerhekslooks like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/acpi/+bug/197839818:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1978398 in Ubuntu "[    0.515312] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Failure creating named object [\_SB.PC00.SAT0.PRT0.PWRG], AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20210730/dswload2-326)" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:35
oerhekson kernel 5.1518:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1979030 in linux (Ubuntu) "Multiple error and bugs during boot on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:36
goddardyeah i jumped through all those launchpad bugs in the hopes they had a bug fix18:59
goddardits sad19:00
sarnoldhave you had any luck with fwupd or new firmwares from your vendor?19:03
goddardsarnold: i upgraded on windows using their utility19:04
goddardin linux i just see this19:04
goddard(fwupdate:17353): FuPluginUefiCapsule-WARNING **: 14:26:21.440: SMBIOS BIOS Characteristics Extension Byte 2 is invalid -- UEFI Specification is unsupported, but /sys/firmware/efi exists: offset bigger than size 919:04
goddardthats using --list19:04
goddardthe rest are unknown19:05
sarnoldgoddard: dang :(19:05
goddardi think maybe just x hangs though19:18
goddardor the nvidia driver19:18
goddardbecause sound still carries on like normal19:18
yo_so, i rebooted my ubuntu desktop install and now i booted into a command prompt? how do i fix this?20:49
sarnoldyo_: if the goal is to get graphics up, try sudo systemctl isolate graphical.target20:51
yo_did not work, the error started with mtd or something20:54
sarnoldyo_: ugh. so, the mtd parts of the error message are almost certainly not actually related to your problem :(20:58
sarnoldyo_: and I can't find any bug reports for what your problem actually *is* -- just a bunch of folks trying to find answers..20:59
yo_damn thats a ongoing error i guess20:59
yo_i guess i will have to reinstall ubuntu...20:59
sarnoldyo_: I suggest "ubuntu-bug gnome-shell", that'll start a bug report, and give you a huge link that you can use to finish the bug report20:59
yo_but that first21:00
sarnoldit might just come back on the first update :/ -- without knowing what went wrong..21:00
Sven_vBHi! I'm using Ubuntu focal on my notebook, with a USB hub attached. I'd like to limit what kind of devices are acceptable on that USB hub (especially, no 2nd level USB hubs) and in case of violations I want them logged to a file and the offending USB hub port shall be disabled until I manually re-enable it. How would I do that?21:22
leftyfbSven_vB: https://a.co/d/4FTzVBB21:24
Sven_vBif possible, I'd also like allow keyboards and pointers conntected to that hub but they must initially be "floating" in the xinput sense, not auto-attached to the Virtual core pointer and Virtual core keyboard.21:24
Sven_vBleftyfb, thanks, will read!21:24
Sven_vBa physical lock probably won't help in my case. I want to protect against untrusted devices that look legit at first.21:27
leftyfbSven_vB: I don't know of anything out of the box that does what you want. You want to lock down pretty low-level pieces of the OS based on some pre-determined, custom criteria21:27
Sven_vByeah. kinda like netfilter for USB.21:28
leftyfbSven_vB: look into apparmor/grsec/selinux and lock down every last bit and then write rules to allow the system to run and then write rules for your usb's21:28
ograhow about permanently powering down the USB bus and only power it on right before you plug in a trusted device ?21:29
ograshould be possible via sysfs21:29
Sven_vBI had hoped that I could run everything that's not ob that USB hub in traditional, lazy trust mode.21:29
leftyfbonly certain internal hubs support powering off usb ports21:29
leftyfbmost don't21:29
Sven_vB*on that21:29
Sven_vBpower stealing is not something I worry about. blocking the communication with offenting ports would suffice.21:30
leftyfbphysical ACL's21:30
ograpowering down was not the right term šŸ™‚21:31
ograi meant unbind/bind21:31
Sven_vBogra, I cannot tell whether the device is trustworthy, thus my need to defend at least against some kinds of attacks.21:31
leftyfbyep, you can unbind, but as soon as the cable in unplugged and plugged back in, it's detected and live again21:31
Sven_vBit's not a black/white scenario. I want to make my grey a bit brighter.21:31
Sven_vBI think "raise the bar" is the expression.21:32
ograSven_vB, you could maintain a udev rule that makes all USB devices being ingored except for a vendor/device ID whitelist ... but that still means you need to create that whitelist21:32
leftyfbthat requires knowing the vendor ID of every possible device you want to plug in21:34
ograwas that yur forehead htting the keyboard ?21:34
Sven_vBtyping blind into the wrong window21:34
Sven_vBogra, whitelist for everything on that USB hub is ok, as long as all other USB ports are still as easy and open as before.21:35
oerheksvendor id, serial number ..21:35
ograhmm, that might be a bit trickier to achieve ...21:36
leftyfbthere are ways around this btw :)21:36
ogra(limiting to a single hub i mean)21:36
Sven_vBleftyfb, around what?21:36
leftyfbyou are limiting based on the port on the hub, not the port on your machine21:37
leftyfbudev rules21:37
ograi mean, udev is endlessly scriptable within its limitations ... but black/white listing *and* limiting to a single hub will end in quit a big scriptery21:37
Sven_vByes. I won't plug questionable devices into any other port than that hub21:37
leftyfband limiting the devices that can be plugged into a specific port21:37
Sven_vBthe easy way would probably be to buy a separate computer for the questionable devices, but it's neither cheap nor ecologically friendly.21:39
leftyfba pi can use OTG to pretend to be any vendor/serial21:39
leftyfbif someone really wants to get in, they'll get in. If you want to prevent that, you physically lock them out21:40
Sven_vByeah so in addition to limiting by vendor/serial I probably want to also limit what kinds of device are acceptable. e.g. a realtek wifi antenna is not allowed to act as a CD ROM drive.21:40
leftyfbnow you're writing your own usb stack21:40
ograthe kernel should manage that21:41
Sven_vBI know someone might still circumvent it. that's why I wrote "raise the bar"21:41
leftyfbgood luck with all that21:41
ograbt you can indeed limit subsystems as well in udev rules21:41
ograthough i guess at some point you will feel a performance impact due to the sheer size of the udev rule script you will create šŸ™‚21:42
Sven_vBif the performance penalty applies only to devices on that hub, it might be acceptable. like a separate chain in netfilter.21:43
ograwell, it will apply to udev i guess21:43
Sven_vBI had a feeling already that my project won't be easy. :(21:44
ogra(not sure how selective it parses its rules)21:44
sktseeSven_vB: check out usbguard. It's in universe and sounds exactly what you're looking for21:44
Sven_vBsktsee, nice! thanks!21:44
leftyfbwell look at that21:45
ograbah, already existing software šŸ™‚ while we were just newly inventing the wheel !!!21:45
oerhekscan it handle serialnumbers?21:46
Sven_vBogra, you can still find reasons why usbguard is bad and needs to be reinvented. :D21:46
leftyfbit looks like it can hide the serials21:46
leftyfbah, it can filter on them as well https://usbguard.github.io/documentation/rule-language.html21:47
Sven_vBthanks all for your help, I'll read later and maybe report back,21:47
leftyfband by port, etc21:47
leftyfbsktsee: good find21:47
sktseethanks. look it up when all the fuss about bad usb was going around21:47
dabblerWhat would need to change in order to make my system preserve not just file modification timestamps, but creation timestamps too, when copying or moving files between file systems? The kernel? They cp and mv binaries?22:24
Squareshould i or should i not add ppa universe to install gnome tweaks? I see instructions with and w/o22:26
EriC^^!info gnome-tweaks22:28
ubottugnome-tweaks (42~beta-1ubuntu2, jammy): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 416 kB22:28
EriC^^Square: ^ universe22:28
leftyfbdabbler: rsync22:29
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dabblerleftyfb: ah, thanks. Forgot about rsync. I meant a permanent solution, but I guess the fact that rsync can preserve ctimes suggests it's the mv and cp binaries that I'd need to change. Unless there's an env var or some other kind of flag to change the behavior. Anyone know of such a thing?22:38
leftyfbdabbler: rsync will copy a file locally or remotely while preserving whatever attributes you like22:39
dabblerleftyfb: I understand. I don't want to have to use rsync every time I want to copy or move data between filesystems.22:41
leftyfbdabbler: what else would you use and why?22:41
dabblerleftyfb: mv and cp, a graphical shell, etc.22:43
dabblerAnything that moves data between filesystems22:43
leftyfbdabbler: ok, those will not preserve attributes like rsync and do not fit your requirements like rsync does22:43
dabblerleftyfb: Yes, hence my question: what would have to be altered to make them preserve ctimes too?22:45
leftyfbdabbler: their source code22:45
leftyfbdabbler: you would basically rewrite cp/mv to become rsync22:45
leftyfbor just use rsync22:45
leftyfbdabbler: btw, if the real goal of this is to utilize the GUI, there is grsync you can try22:46
dabblerNo, the real goal is to comprehensively change the behavior of anything and everything that moves files between filesystems22:48
leftyfbdabbler: good luck22:48
dabblerYes, thanks22:49
leftyfbhays: for i in proc sys dev dev/pts ;do sudo mount -o bind /$i /path/to/chroot/$i ;done22:55
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