
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master 97c419a Marco Trevisan * pushed 59 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3MaDv05:27
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master 161c311 Goran Vidović docs/hr/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/IaGE05:27
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master 21fbe64 Anders Jonsson docs/sv/sv.po * Update Swedish translation * https://deb.li/3mjje05:27
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master 9668024 Goran Vidović docs/hr/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3k6MI05:28
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master 6dd9246 Goran Vidović docs/hr/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/i7ERA05:28
KGB-2gdm signed tags 87349c8 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/43.0-1ubuntu1 * gdm3 Debian release 43.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3jqwh05:28
KGB-0gdm ubuntu/master c5f590e Goran Vidović docs/hr/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/4jqi05:28
didrocksgood morning05:49
dufluMorning didrocks 06:17
didrockshey duflu 06:17
oSoMoNgood morning06:32
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:33
seb128goood morning desktopers!06:58
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?07:07
seb128didrocks, salut. Je sors de chez le dentiste mais sinon ça va :)07:07
didrocksseb128: ah, j’espère que tout va bien07:25
didrocksseb128: I was just disconnected after dist-upgrading because of wifi going away07:25
didrockseven after a reboot, it doesn’t see any network anymore07:25
didrocksso, could it be iwd? How to debug it?07:25
dufluMorning seb128 07:42
dufluBack in ~1h07:44
* rs2009 waves07:47
didrocksso, I have some networks displayed with sudo iw dev wlp3s0 scan07:58
didrocksit’s "just" that network-manager doesn’t pick them up07:58
didrocksI tried removing iwd and reboot (both iwd and wpa_supplicant were booted before)07:59
didrocksbut nothing still07:59
didrocksSo, I was able to transition with:08:12
didrocks-> uninstall iwd08:12
didrocksreboot, see that the old device name is down08:12
didrocksset it up manually08:12
didrocksreinstall iwd08:12
seb128transition to what?08:12
didrocksnow the device has a new name "wlan0" to me (not the systemd device name anymore)08:12
didrockswell, get my laptop back working08:13
didrocksthen, I was able to scan and see again networks in nm08:13
seb128it seems somehow wpa and iwd conflicts on some configs :/08:14
didrocksand device name changing doesn’t sound like it will ease the task?08:14
seb128the easiest workaround is 'sudo apt remove wpasupplicant'08:14
didrocksI tried that, didn’t work at first08:14
jibelI've had the same issue this morning08:15
didrocksI really needed to go back to wpa supplicant08:15
didrocksand set the device up first (the old one, with the name generated by systemd)08:15
seb128that means iwd isn't working for you?08:15
jibelis the transition to iwd documented somewhere? 08:15
jibelwe won't be alone facing this problem08:15
didrocksseb128: now it does, I had then to reinstall iwd, reboot08:15
didrocksand that was ok08:15
seb128we will revert the upload from yesterday I guess, the time to understand why iwd doesn't work for some configs08:15
jibeliwd is working once wpa_supplicant is out of the way, and the connection reconfigured manually08:16
didrocks(well, I needed ofc to select it again and enter the passphrase…)08:16
seb128didrocks, it doesn't make much sense to me why iwd wasn't working until you reinstall wpa08:16
didrocksI don’t know why either, maybe my new device name was just down for $reason?08:16
seb128did you restart the system after removing wpasupplicant?08:17
didrocksI haven’t thought of thinking about that before I did reinstall wpa08:17
seb128it's known that nm doesn't autoconnect to existing configuration, which Heather is working on with a migration postinst08:17
didrocksafter having both -> reboot, remove wpasupplicant -> reboot, reinstall -> reboot08:17
seb128but on my machine iwd does list the APs08:17
didrocksbtw, once I get back the ssid listed08:17
seb128and I can select one to connect08:17
didrocksI mistyped the passphrase08:18
seb128it just requires me to click rather than doing it in the background08:18
didrocksI got no feedback from nm?08:18
seb128I didn't try to type a wrong password08:18
didrocksI did it once only, unsure if this is iwd, if this is reliable, but worth keeping in mind and try to reproduce08:18
seb128I'm puzzled why iwd after a reboot wouldn't list APs by itself though :/08:19
seb128we probably need to revert due to that, I don't think it's an issue we will be able to debug before beta08:19
seb128especially that I don't have that problem on my machines08:19
didrocksdoesn’t looks like it, it’s something that needs to be done on real software, with downgrade/upgrade08:19
didrocksso yeah, tricky to debug08:20
seb128jbicha, ^ let's revert the iwd addition from yesterday08:20
seb128didrocks, also wlan0 is the expected device name under iwd08:22
didrocksack, back to understandable device name :)08:24
didrocksI wonder if this is what is puzzling some parts, even after reboot (why my device went down?)08:25
seb128I can imagine that being confusing to n-m but I don't understand why it's still the case after restarting08:27
seb128it felt late in the cycle for switching now, we should probably try to debug those problems in Prague when we have people with configs that show the problem and try again early in L08:28
didrockssounds like a better plan, indeed08:35
jbichaI made the iwd revert for ubuntu-meta (which will help upgraders). Needs to be manually accepted because of beta freeze.13:45
jbichaseb128: didrocks: I'm reverting the NM Recommends: iwd now too14:33
didrocksperfect, thanks!14:33
jbichadidrocks: iwd will fall back to Kinetic Universe unless we wanted to seed it in Supported or something. I think universe is ok14:36
didrocksas you wish, no strong opinion on this14:37
seb128jbicha, universe is alright16:31
tjaaltonI had a power failure and now my kinetic desktop fails to boot up, gnome-characters snap says "can't open blockdev" and drops into emergency shell17:23
tjaaltonhow to recover from it?17:23
rs2009is the new Flutter-based snap-store in preview/edge ready for daily usage? asking as the current store, which uses libadwaita, is broken on Unity7, but the new one seems to work perfectly fine (not for 22.10, but for 23.04)17:39
ogrars2009, officialy it is said to be "early alpha" ...17:57
ogra(i havent tried it, perhaps it works acceptable, not sure ... but i'd not risk it for your unity iso)17:58
rs2009ogra: yep, was thinking about it for 23.0417:59
rs2009(since it should be pretty much ready by then)18:00
ograhopefully ... gnome-software is a pain 🙂18:01
rs2009ogra: agreed :)18:03
Eickmeyerrs2009, ogra: I've tried it, it's pretty smooth!18:10
ograso i heard ! 18:11
ograand also that it is also pretty usable already 18:11
KGB-2gnome-shell-extension-appindicator tags 66caa77 Marco Trevisan upstream/44 * Upstream version 44 * https://deb.li/z4xe23:44

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