
fabtabSo I updated to Ubuntu 22.10 installed iperf3 via dpkg to v3.11 but iperf3 -v shows Version 3,912:58
Habbie!info iperf3 kinetic12:58
ubottuiperf3 (3.11-3, kinetic): Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by iperf3. Size 18 kB / 85 kB12:58
fabtabiperf3 is already the newest version (3.11-3).12:58
Habbiewhich iperf312:59
Habbieplease type, into your shell12:59
Habbiewhich iperf312:59
fabtaboops sorry12:59
fabtabit returns nothing 12:59
Habbiecan you show a screenshot of it returning nothing?13:00
fabtabwhere do you want me to post it13:01
Habbiei like imgur.com 13:01
fabtabsorry my bad13:02
fabtabspelt it wrong meh13:03
fabtabwhat next13:03
Habbiewhat does /usr/bin/iperf3 -v say?13:03
fabtabiperf 3.9 (cJSON 1.7.13)13:05
Habbiecan you do: apt-get install debsums && debsums iperf313:05
Habbiewhat's the output?13:07
Habbiedpkg -l | grep iperf13:08
fabtabii  iperf3                          3.11-3                                  amd64        Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool13:09
fabtabii  libiperf0:amd64                 3.9-1build1                             amd64        Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool (runtime files)13:09
Habbieyou have a new binary using an old library13:10
Habbieyour upgrade to 22.10 is unfinished13:10
fabtabhow do i fix it13:13
fabtabre-install wsl13:13
Habbiei don't know - how did you half-upgrade to 22.10?13:13
fabtabdpkg -i13:14
Habbiedpkg -i is not part of any normal upgrade process13:14
fabtabsudo dpkg -i iperf3_3.11-3_amd64.deb13:15
Habbieso you did not upgrade to ubuntu 22.10 at all13:15
Habbieyou just mixed packages :)13:15
Habbieyou -can- try doing the same dpkg -i for libiperf013:15
Habbiebut please understand that mixed systems are unsupportable pain :)13:15
fabtabwill do13:15
fabtabdpkg: error: cannot access archive 'for': No such file or directory13:16
Habbiei did not mean that one literally13:17
Habbiei'll try to use my quotes more consistently13:17
fabtabmy brain doesn't work even a tenth as fast as your and I do windows mostly13:17
fabtablibiperf0 is already the newest version (3.9-1build1)13:18
Habbiethat sounds like apt, not dpkg13:19
fabtabso i need to download the package ?13:19
Habbiewhat did you do for the iperf3 package?13:19
fabtabdownloaded it13:19
Habbieso what i tried to say is, you could do the same for the libiperf3 package, and it might fix your -v13:20
Habbiewhat i also said is that none of this is recommended by anyone :)13:20
fabtabOh my brain is hurting...... i just want 3.11 to work13:20
Habbie"i just want ..." is how people end up with bad short term decisions ;)13:21
fabtabThanks for the butt kicking this is why people use windows13:24
fabtabthis is whati was after https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/net/iperf313:42
fabtabI needed to upgrade to get libc6 13:42
fabtabI did that...13:43
fabtaband tried to install from that link via dpkg13:43
fabtabwhat should i have donw13:43
fabtabI am quite happy to break whatever i need to try it, after all it's only wsl13:44
Habbie"I did that" - sorry, you did what? upgrade what?13:45
fabtabI upgraded from 22.04 to 22.10 to get libc6 2.3513:46
Habbiehow did you upgrade?13:46
fabtabumm console upgrade13:46
fabtabsudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:47
Habbiethen something went wrong there, because libiperf was still old13:48
fabtabcan i just purg the lot13:48
Habbiehard to say without knowing what went wrong13:48
fabtabI think my best option is to get rid and start again13:49
fabtabThanks Habbie13:49
fabtabcan I get 22.10 via wsl wsl --ubuntu 22.10 for example13:51
fabtabI use wsl to test and break stuff before I port it to the rest of my server/desktops13:53
fabtabscarey huh13:53
fabtabOk fixed14:14
fabtabiperf 3.11 (cJSON 1.7.13)14:14
fabtabI didn't change the sources list!14:15
fabtabdoes it matter when the sources list is updated, I am about to do another test server to the same14:32
fabtabAll updated to the latest, thankls for the help!15:02
enigma9o7gir1.2-geocodeglib-1.0 isnt in kinetic :(23:42
enigma9o7hmmm but i see gir1.2-geocodeglib-2.0 23:43

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