[00:00] Cheers @user|66. Best wishes! [00:00] same to you :) [00:03] thanks! [03:41] Is there any equalizer inside kubuntu? [03:42] Or have i to use the one from vlc [03:42] Vlc one is not good, only for headphones === gurupras- is now known as guruprasad [07:22] Hello, I have 25G of ~/.xsession-errors. In particular, 156 million lines of the form qt.core.qabstractitemmodel.checkindex: Index QModelIndex(...)) is not valid (expected valid) [07:23] qt.core.qabstractitemmodel.checkindex: Index QModelIndex(28,-1,0x...,KSysGuard::ApplicationDataModel_QML_522(0x...)) is not valid (expected valid) [09:20] Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Is KSysGuard just buggy? [09:22] good morning! I have a trouble, please help me [09:23] how can i solve this problem? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/4d17c5ad/file_60302.jpg [09:23] /language@join_captcha_bot [09:24] 2 [09:24] 4 [09:25] 4 K G X M [09:25] /commands@join_captcha_bot [09:27] dd [09:27] How can I solve this problem? [09:27] Ігн:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net/deadsnakes/nightly/ubuntu impish InRelease [09:27] В кеші:2 http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu bionic InRelease [09:27] Ігн:3 http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish InRelease [09:27] Ігн:4 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish-security InRelease [09:28] Ігн:5 http://ua.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish-updates InRelease [09:28] Ігн:6 http://ppa.launchpad.net/deadsnakes/ppa/ubuntu impish InRelease [09:33] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades (re @bohdankryven: How can I solve this problem?) === mo is now known as Guest895 === Guest895 is now known as mo__ === mo__ is now known as Guest895 === Guest895 is now known as wolfheart [11:36] Send it on imgur (re @bohdankryven: I cant send screenshot because admin banned me until tomorrow) [11:43] i see deadsnakes ppa in that list, upgrading to 22.04 can be interesting.. [11:44] and no, the admin banned you for a few minutes [12:05] Bom dia pessoal [12:07] Podem me dar uma ajuda? [12:07] O kubuntu fixa com a hora atrasada no meu PC eu faço o ajuste mais atrasa novamente [12:07] Podem me dar uma ajuda? [12:07] O kubuntu fixa com a hora atrasada no meu PC eu faço o ajuste mais atrasa novamente. Sabem me dizer o pq disso é como resolver? [12:07] Podem me dar uma ajuda? [12:07] O kubuntu fixa com a hora atrasada no meu PC eu faço o ajuste mais atrasa novamente. Sabem me dizer o pq disso e como resolver? [12:12] !es [12:12] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [12:21] Entre no canal do irc #ubuntu-pt, mesmo no canal do lubuntu-pt podemos te ajudar (re @Marcos: Podem me dar uma ajuda? [12:21] O kubuntu fixa com a hora atrasada no meu PC eu faço o ajuste mais atrasa novamente. Sabem me dizer o pq disso e como resolver?) [12:23] Vc fala pra me entrar no telegram do ubuntu? [12:23] Roberals english only, if you cannot join that channel,use a normal irc client [12:24] Konversation perhaps? [12:27] !pt [12:27] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [12:45] Hi all === Porta_Mentale is now known as faLUKE === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [19:00] Hi all. I have a problem with my latest Kubuntu 22.04 installation: I have three monitors, but after dist-upgrading and rebooting (after installing), I have my monitor to the left completely visible, my middle full hd monitor visible for about a third, and the right monitor dark. They're all on, and visible in graphics setup [19:01] However, whatever I do, I can't get my desktops completely visible again [19:01] They worked after booting for the first time, but not anymore, I have nvidia binary drivers installed [19:02] I have an NVIDIA GA102 [GeForce RTX 3080 Ti] [19:03] Running kernel 5.15.0-48-generic x86_64 [19:03] Running 22.04.1 LTS [20:30] @fravialis if you return, this might help: https://kfocus.org/wf/displays. My guess is you might also have an xorg.conf file mixed in there too.