[15:23] I am using netplan to configure a private Wi-Fi AP (NetworkManager backend) but I want only DHCP, not DNS or IP forwarding. [15:24] I'm struggling to find the right passthrough-fu to make this happen. I am pretty sure I don't want `method=shared` [15:28] ceich62: you'll need to check the NM documentation. By definition we don't know what to put in the passthrough-fu (otherwise we wouldn't need it to be passthrough ;-) ) [15:30] Thanks, I've checked the docs. They are minimal. I'm also asking in #nm, but I thought someone here might have done this before. [19:51] I'm using netplan with the networkd renderer, and I have multiple netplan yaml files in /etc/netplan. Netplan is outputting multiple networkd configs as expected, but all of them are prefixed with `10-...` instead of 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. [19:51] I have five files that all start with 10-