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Odd_Bloke | xnox: Did you get a chance to review my deboostrap bug? | 13:56 |
xnox | Odd_Bloke: what's the url? | 14:07 |
xnox | (you are making an assumption that i ever open my debian/ folder in my email >_< ) | 14:07 |
xnox | ah https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/+bug/1990856 | 14:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1990856 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "Does not consider all versions in Packages files" [Undecided, New] | 14:09 |
xnox | found it | 14:09 |
xnox | Odd_Bloke: your bug is great; your patch is giving me a headache. | 14:12 |
Odd_Bloke | xnox: Imagine how my head felt after _writing_ it. :D | 14:35 |
xnox | i guess it should have no effect on existing repos/archives and that's easy to test (autopkgtest will catch it) | 14:43 |
xnox | but sort of want to create a dynamic test that like takes the non-first package out of the packages file; prepends it first with a lower version; and then debootstrap should work fine. | 14:43 |
xnox | i.e. if i prepend libc6 version: 1.0-bogus | 14:44 |
imi | hi, how do I nstall ubuntu server headlessly? | 18:59 |
leftyfb | imi: iDRac, IPMI, ILO, MAAS, cloud-init, autoinstall, custom installer | 19:00 |
leftyfb | imi: it's a bit of a loaded question | 19:00 |
leftyfb | imi: define headless. Why do you have a "headless server" and why can't you plug a monitor and keyboard into it? | 19:01 |
imi | I don't have a monitor at hand. I want to ssh (or telnet) into and install it | 19:03 |
leftyfb | imi: I don't think you can run through the installer over ssh, even if you were able to customize the initrd to enable dropbear and make your own installer image | 19:04 |
leftyfb | imi: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall | 19:05 |
genii | imi: How will the server be accessing the install, are you plugging an USB or CD/DVD into it, is it PXE booting, some other thing? | 19:16 |
Odd_Bloke | xnox: My reproducer does something similar to that: it appends higher-versioned stanzas from -updates. | 19:18 |
imi | install medium provided from usb | 19:18 |
Odd_Bloke | But I could definitely simplify it to generate a stanza based on the contents of the Packages file being downloaded. | 19:19 |
genii | imi: If it has a serial port you could modify the grub.cfg on the USB to append something like console=ttyS0,115200n8 ( or ttyUSB0 if you're using an USB to serial adapter) to the line which loads the kernel, and then connect to it with a nullmodem cable and use either screen or something like minicom | 19:29 |
imi | that could work as well | 19:29 |
leftyfb | imi: what model server? Are you sure it doesn't have some sort of BMC you can access remotely? | 19:33 |
patdk-lap | if the server is new enough, and you install using efi, you could install a custom efi boot that would help you do that, as you can select what efi boot option to boot from on next boot from the os | 19:37 |
genii | imi: If it's a machine which is an actual server-class machine it may have other methods of remote access as leftyfb is saying | 19:38 |
imi | rock pi x | 19:38 |
sarnold | is that an arm thing? I think those are often installed by dd'ing a filesystem image onto their filesystem | 19:39 |
leftyfb | :/ | 19:39 |
sarnold | s/their filesystem/their storage/ | 19:39 |
leftyfb | imi: there no installer for that | 19:39 |
patdk-lap | swapping sd cards :) | 19:39 |
leftyfb | imi: you just write the image file to the sd card and the OS is "instaled" | 19:39 |
imi | normal x64 installer should work | 19:39 |
leftyfb | "installed"* | 19:39 |
patdk-lap | I have one that I left setup for an installer | 19:39 |
patdk-lap | setup the serial consol connected to one of my servers | 19:40 |
patdk-lap | I can reinstall via it | 19:40 |
leftyfb | imi: false. That is an ARM SBC | 19:40 |
patdk-lap | would be insanely slow, but | 19:40 |
leftyfb | imi: you load the sd card with a preinstalled OS | 19:40 |
patdk-lap | it's managing my out-of-band access to the rack | 19:40 |
imi | leftyfb: false, it is an intel based board | 19:40 |
waveform | leftyfb, the rock pi x is actually x86 (https://wiki.radxa.com/RockpiX) but it's ... small :) | 19:40 |
leftyfb | https://rockpi.org/rockpi4 | 19:41 |
leftyfb | "ROCK 4 has a modern and powerful hexa-core ARM based processor, RK3399 inside, it offers significantly improved performance versus other popular SBC boards. All models are equipped with LPDDR4 3200Mb/s RAM and optional high performance eMMC modules, boost all applications." | 19:41 |
patdk-lap | x != 4 | 19:41 |
imi | I used to use a raspberry pi 2 so I kind of know what to expect | 19:41 |
leftyfb | so it is, my bad | 19:42 |
waveform | imi, with that I might be tempted to look at the cloud images which could use cloud-init to do a simple first-time setup (ssh-import-id etc.) | 19:42 |
waveform | imi, https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/ | 19:42 |
imi | waveform: can you provide an rtfm url please? | 19:44 |
waveform | imi, I'm afraid I don't have one (I usually work on the Pi images, but they're derived from the cloud images so should be *fairly* similar), but looking at the rock pi x specs, it can boot off uSD? If that's the case I'd try dd'ing https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img to a uSD card and see if that can boot | 19:46 |
waveform | oh ... or maybe it can't boot off uSD ... not clear from the instructions (or specs); well, if not, dd to a USB drive and see if that works | 19:48 |
waveform | oh, and I'm evidently unfamiliar with the cloud-images format -- that one's QCOW2 which is not going to work as a disk image. Urgh. Let me see ... | 19:49 |
sarnold | I think the .img one might be the right choice | 19:52 |
waveform | okay, assuming you've got another ubuntu box you could do something like qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img /dev/sdb (this assumes /dev/sdb is your target device -- be very sure before trying this!) | 19:52 |
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imi | waveform: I have a desktop ubuntu | 20:28 |
imi | with virtualbox working | 20:28 |
imi | are there only daily cloud images? what if I want a stable cloud image? | 20:33 |
imi | what does the cloud image contain? | 20:34 |
sarnold | check the .manifest file, it reports the packages | 20:36 |
waveform | imi, afaik there are only daily's because generally people want to spin up (potentially ephemeral) instances, and have them online with the current security patches without having to wait for an update (this is one of the differences with the pi images, which are derived from the cloud-images, but go through the regular release process like the PC server & desktop images) | 20:37 |
imi | I see | 20:37 |
waveform | as to their content: similar to a basic install of Ubuntu Server but a bit more lightweight (as sarnold has pointed out -- you can check the manifest for specific packages) | 20:38 |
imi | which one is for vmware? | 20:45 |
sarnold | try the vmdk; I haven't used vmware in 15-ish years, so I'm not positive, but it has the right chars :) | 20:47 |
waveform | I'm guessing jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova but only because it says "VMwave/Virtualbox OVA" next to it on https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/ -- I have precisely 0 hours of VMware experience so this is an entirely uneducated guess! | 20:47 |
sarnold | ohhhhh hmmm good point | 20:48 |
konstruktoid | ova or ovf is supported by vmware | 20:49 |
Odd_Bloke | There are release cloud images: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/jammy/ | 20:51 |
Odd_Bloke | A daily image is promoted to a release image if one of a few select packages gets a version bump (most notably the kernel, but the guiding principle is that you shouldn't have to reboot an image as soon as you launch it). | 20:52 |
Odd_Bloke | imi: ^^ | 20:53 |
imi | thanks | 20:53 |
sarnold | Odd_Bloke: nice, thanks | 20:56 |
imi | ok so I booted up this cloud image, is it available via ssh? | 21:24 |
imi | can I login from tty1? | 21:24 |
sarnold | good questions :) you probably can login via tty1, try ubuntu/ubuntu, but I'm not positive of that.. | 21:26 |
sarnold | most people who use cloud images also use cloud-init userdata blobs to configure it while it's loading, to create users, add ssh keys, etc | 21:26 |
imi | login incorrect | 21:26 |
sarnold | :( | 21:27 |
imi | I can't tell if it's connected to my network | 21:28 |
imi | where do I find doc about how do I log into the cloud image? | 21:42 |
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