[07:48] LP: #1991063 [07:48] Launchpad bug 1991063 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Kinetic) "studio does not create xdg-user-dirs for a new user" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1991063 [14:02] RikMills: by xdg user directories, I assume you mean .cache, .config, .log, .local, etc? I would think that any application that uses them would create them run time if it needed to store something there and they were not there yet. [14:06] OvenWerks: no, these: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/626054382/9b4c0c914b4.png [14:08] AH, that makes a lot more sense [14:09] Though to be honest, I am not sure if that is a bug or a feature :) [14:09] well, studio is: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/626054364/8a90f8cfeb9.png [14:09] up you if you fix it ;) [14:13] Fix committed, RikMills. :) [14:13] Just uploaded. [14:14] Eickmeyer: great. I am sorry. I meant to forward you that fix at the time, but it somehow never happened. when I booted your ISO this morning it was "oh crap" [14:14] so did the bug to make sure this time! [14:15] Somebody upstream dropped the ball. [14:15] indeed [14:20] Is this still an upstream problem? /me has been doing stuff in upstream KDE lately [14:20] (Or has this already been all resolved?) [14:21] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=433538 [14:22] KDE bug 433538 in plasmashell "systemdBoot: autostart items not launched (xdg-user-dirs)" [Normal, Resolved: Upstream] [14:23] Very convoluted though, I'm not sure that's all there is to it. [14:23] arraybolt3: the real issue is upstream in systemd or xdg-user-dirs, depending on how you look at it [14:23] not taking account that some people may not be using gnome! [14:24] Oh, upstream *there*, not upstream KDE. OK nevermind, I have no experience there. [14:24] archlinux fixed it by hackery in xdg-user-dirs [14:30] Eickmeyer: FYI KDE Snaps team is happy to create any branches Studio needs for its seeding/releases going forward [14:30] i'll forward you the email I got from the person who TIL and gave us positive feedback [14:31] so going forward snaps are an option [14:31] ThomasWard[m]: ack, luckily we won't need it for this release. Digikam is good for now. [14:32] The TB might have other ideas, though. They want to make sure that only snaps that are built on LP are used, but that's a discussion for future times. [14:32] That stuff is still being hashed-out. [14:33] *shrugs* at least KDE is willing to work with us heh [14:34] they sent me an invitation to their matrix room about it so :P [14:34] at least we have their blessing if we need snapped things [14:34] Nice. [14:34] and support [14:41] KDE are using LP for some of their snaps [17:48] and snapcraft.io's automated build system uses LP for builds behind the scenes with vcs integrations too [17:48] so just to note that :P