
guiverclibreoffice help opens on kinetic live :)01:42
guiverclubuntu kinetic; quassel opened for me in #ubuntu NOT #lubuntu ; can someone please confirm (when they can)01:53
guiverc(that was fresh install in post-install check(s).. not live session001:54
guiverc_tis this an issue; lsblk shows "└─sda2   8:2    0  49.1G  0 part /var/snap/firefox/common/host-hunspell"   01:59
guiverc_tI suspect change to get around firefox help issue, but maybe I'm way off...01:59
guivercthe only issue with ^ (lsblk) I see is questions in support; why?  are they spying? is firefox that big? etc02:01
* guiverc_t is killing this install though; post-install checks good & so new install will wipe...02:01
arraybolt3[m]<guiverc> "lubuntu kinetic; quassel..." <- Quassel opens for me (admittedly this was a no-internet install so I can't really log in, but the app opens).02:17
guivercopened for me, but I expected to find myself in #lubuntu not #ubuntu02:18
arraybolt3[m]Oh. Pretty sure that's intentional since Kubuntu ships Quassel too.02:19
arraybolt3[m](I was there when Eickmeyer changed it to do that rather than going to #debian.)02:19
guivercif that's intended, it's not an issue then.. I'll just have to check any docs say that too.02:19
guivercnow I recall the #debian... (had forgotten that)02:19
EickmeyerNot Kubuntu, Ubuntu Studio.02:20
EickmeyerKubuntu ships Konversation.02:20
arraybolt3[m]Kubuntu ships it too, though, pretty sure (in Jammy), right?02:20
* arraybolt3[m] checks my Kubuntu install02:20
EickmeyerKubuntu abandoned quassel years ago.02:20
arraybolt3[m]Huh. Alright, my memory really doesn't work that well then.02:21
EickmeyerBut yes, guiverc, if it opened in #lubuntu I'd be pretty peeved from an Ubuntu Studio perspective since we seed it too.02:22
guivercack & understandable... I just forgot changes you made because of your use sorry; #ubuntu is appropriate as all flavors can use that room for support02:23
guivercEickmeyer, ^02:23
Eickmeyerguiverc: +102:23
guivercI don't see any hard refs in https://manual.lubuntu.me/master/2/2.1/2.1.3/Quassel_IRC.html?highlight=lubuntu  (or lubu manual on quick scan)02:23
* Eickmeyer goes back to release notes02:25
* guiverc smiles at the niceness of Eickmeyer writing up Lubuntu release notes :)02:26
EickmeyerHAHAHAHAHA if only I were superman and could do that *and* Ubuntu Studio's release notes. :)02:26
* guiverc heading offline (from here)... using this box for next QA-test install.03:16
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
Eickmeyer[m]@leokolb: bug 1991011 isn't an install task, but a live session or post-install task. Just make sure you're putting bugs in the correct context for test cases. It makes no sense for something that has to do with calamares.13:24
ubot93Bug 1991011 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "snaps not preseeded on Kinetic images" [Critical, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199101113:24
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> ack..sorry (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Eickmeyer[m]> @leokolb: bug 1991011 isn't an install task, but a live session or post-install task. Just make sure you're putting bugs in the correct context for test cases. It makes no sense for something that has to do with calamares.)16:42
ubot93Bug 1991011 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "snaps not preseeded on Kinetic images" [Critical, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199101116:42
EickmeyerNo worries, just for future reference. :)16:43
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Kinetic Beta] has been marked as ready22:59

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