
mparilloI have drafted https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4945&action=edit for review. I have not heard if there is an official Ubuntu announcement, nor if there is a testing week, but it would be easier to delete those paragraphs than to add them back later.10:32
mparilloI have heard nothing about a testing week, so I removed the paragraph, and now our ISOs are populated and the official Ubuntu Release notes are out, so https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4945&action=edit is ready for final review by a KC member.13:11
RikMillsnot heard anything13:14
mparilloSo, good to publish?13:40
RikMillslooks ok to me13:41
mparilloTY. wp=admin reports that it is locked and you are currently editing, so would you be so kind as to publish it?13:45
RikMillsmparillo: sigh, now they say: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-22-10-testing-week/3089414:47
mparilloThank you for alerting me. Added and published to https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-kinetic-kudu-22-10-beta-released/15:43
valorie thank you, you two!21:09

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