
lubot[telegram] <MyRealLife444> Hi02:13
lubot[telegram] <MyRealLife444> I need help with Intel gma graphics please02:14
lubot[telegram] <MyRealLife444> PC stuck after grub, I test nomodeset, 915resolution but still without right resolution and only with x.org driver. What's I need write into grub? Or is some special driver for this graphic card? Thx02:16
tomreynMyRealLife444: share logs:    journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999910:13
tomreyn@MyRealLife444 (adding '@' in case that's needed for hilighting)10:13
yurinao me bane10:32
alunoesse servidor do quassel é mt bom10:50
yurieu adoro usa-lo10:50
yurié tão divertido10:50
alunoseria muito bom se alguem me desse mod ne kk10:50
yurisim haha10:50
yuriseria muito legal10:50
tomreyn!pt | yuri, aluno10:57
ubottuyuri, aluno: Neste canal lubuntu, é falado em inglês. Se você está procurando ajuda em português, vá para o canal #lubuntu-pt; digite "/ join #lubuntu-pt" (sem aspas) e pressione Enter.10:57
alunooh sorry11:01
yurisry guy11:02
aluno!en | tomreyn11:03
ubottutomreyn: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:03
yuri!tr | ubottu11:04
ubottuubottu: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:04
tomreynplease don't abuse the bot, and stay on topic for this channel, which is about lubuntu support. Thanks.11:05
alunooh sorry11:05
yurisry guy11:05
alunowhere are you from tom?11:08
tomreyn!topic | aluno11:08
ubottualuno: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:08
alunohow do i install lubunto?11:09
tomreynyou download it by clicking on the link on lubuntu.me which says "download", write the iso file to a usb stick and boot off that11:10
tomreynthen choose to "install"11:10
alunohow do i install epic games in lubunto?11:11
alunoi want to play fortnite11:11
tomreynyou can use lutris, but i don't know how well this specific game will work.11:13
alunowhat is lutris?11:13
tomreynhttps://lutris.net/games/fortnite/ says it won't work.11:13
tomreynso you'd need to run it in a windows or OS X VM11:16
alunoi send a turkey unintentionally11:23
tomreynaluno: please stop abusing this channel, thanks.11:32
yurialuno is inconsequential, I'll fix him, sorry11:34
alunoCALA A BOCA PUTA11:35
yurivai toma no cu tomreyn11:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> fyi it doesnt they added anticheat to block Lutris, Wine, and Linux (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <aluno> i want to play fortnite)17:20
lubot[telegram] <teward001> oh i see that was mentioned.17:20

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