=== popey6 is now known as popey [08:27] Hey Im not sure this is the best place but I also cant find a place that is much better. [08:27] Where would the best place to ask a question about the PAM standard? [11:03] jamie__: not sure about the "best place", maybe askubuntu would be good, but I do know some things about PAM, what's the question? [12:35] Hi all === kurumin is now known as kurumin__ [18:38] hi [18:38] https://termbin.com/ctln [18:38] are one of this repos pad?? [18:42] pad? or bad? [18:43] only vs-code gives me headaches [18:48] Bad** (re @IrcsomeBot: pad? or bad?) [18:48] Why (re @IrcsomeBot: only vs-code gives me headaches) [18:49] it is not open source at all. [18:50] so, good luck with that [18:50] Ahha [18:50] But the others are good? [18:52] backports is genuine, and that flatpak is dead [18:52] So i should remove them? [18:53] it did not install a package. [18:55] How can i chek if a repo is good or bad or dead? [18:56] check the name on launchpad [18:57] check the maintainer, license [18:58] How? (re @IrcsomeBot: check the name on launchpad) [18:58] google? bing? [18:59] Haaa (re @IrcsomeBot: google? bing?) [18:59] you added those ppa's, so you have found the page [18:59] I added a few from flatpak page (re @IrcsomeBot: you added those ppa's, so you have found the page) [19:01] https://flatpak.org/setup/Kubuntu [19:01] This page [19:12] kubuntu gives the flatpack package itself. but that repo is dead anyway [19:13] Ok thanks === colin_ is now known as SpudULike [20:29] Hi