=== popey6 is now known as popey [06:37] https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-61-Logitech-Hi-Res-Scroll [06:37] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/hid/hid.git/commit/?h=for-next&id=908d325e1665b2781085580070554cbbe5fc3c89 [06:37] Commit 908d325 in kernel/git/hid/hid.git "HID: logitech-hidpp: Detect hi-res scrolling support" [06:38] Can you people backport that patch to 5.x? [06:38] also will 22.04.x have v6 some time in the future? [06:42] lvsmmusic: kernel 5.19 is on ubuntu 22.10 right now and will come to 22.04.2 in february [06:57] lotuspsychje: oh ok [06:58] idle around here, for your other questions, ttyl [06:58] Its just that I am using a logitech mouse with that high precision scrolling thing, so I have to use the latest libinput and its not working properly. Sometimes all input freezes with chromium