
lotuspsychjegood morning02:20
lotuspsychjeheya arraybolt3[m] 02:34
arraybolt3[m]Anything new in Ubuntu-land I might have missed?02:34
daftykinsarraybolt3[m]: you left us ;_;02:35
arraybolt3[m]Sorry, had lots and lots of other things to do and our spot was getting too distracting :(02:35
daftykinshehe np, i can understand that - well if anything ever quietens down, you know where to visit!02:35
lotuspsychje: )02:36
arraybolt3[m]Got some interesting projects in the works, though. Latest one is kinda Ubuntu-related so I guess I'll plop it here. https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/kforge02:36
arraybolt3[m](That's the latest Ubuntu-related one anyway.)02:37
arraybolt3[m]It's more KDE-related but KDE and Ubuntu go together in Kubuntu so02:37
arraybolt3[m]OK, I guess I best get back to it.02:42
* arraybolt3[m] buries my head in source code build craziness02:42
arraybolt3[m]s/source code build/source code/02:43
* lotuspsychje slides over a drink to arraybolt3[m] to handle it02:43
ducassehi folks07:26
schuelermine[m]I have a question about how Ubuntu manages to set the font and icon theme for every user automatically17:59
schuelermine[m]I know how I can manually change the theme and appearance settings using dconf & the user shell themes extension for a single user, how to theme GDM using dconf & /usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource, and how to enable extensions via GNOME shell modes17:59
schuelermine[m]but how does Ubuntu ensure that all users have the same fonts and icon theme?18:00
schuelermine[m]I’ve checked /etc/default & /etc/skel for anything that might be relevant but it’s just $SHELL, .profile & friends.18:00
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^
cbreakso you're claiming that users can change each other's fonts and icons?21:24
cbreakthat'd be very surprising21:25

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