
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
=== SJrX- is now known as SJrX
Arlionwhen you tab complete a systemd unit, `systemctl stop ceph-osd@ <tab> <tab>` there may be several different objects afterwards. How do i clean up defunct @$ units?16:31
Arlionsystemctl stop ceph-osd@16:31
Arlionceph-osd@19.service  ceph-osd@3.service16:31
=== thegodsquirrel is now known as theSpookySquirre
=== theSpookySquirre is now known as theSpookSquirrel
=== theSpookSquirrel is now known as register
=== register is now known as theSpookSquirrel
icey[m]Arlion: `rm /run/systemd/system/ceph-osd.target.wants/ceph-osd@{}.service; systemctl daemon-reload`18:45
icey[m]Arlion: where the brackets are replaced by the defunct id18:45
Arlionare you the same icey that used to hang out in #centos ?18:47
Arlionand that is totally the answer, thank you.18:48
icey[m]Arlion: slig18:48
icey[m]slightly doubtful18:48
icey[m]and glad my pain from a month ago helped you :-D18:50
Arlionlol. It immediately went into my notes.18:56
Arlionhmm, that doesn't appear to be working for me19:03
icey[m]Arlion you might have to `systemctl stop ceph-osd@unit;) systemctl disable ceph-osd@unit` as well19:10
icey[m](and probably first)19:10
Arlioni have a prod issue atm, ill circle back to this a little later.19:12
Liver_Khow do i get more than three lines in here?23:13
arraybolt3[m]Liver_K: Use a pastebin.23:13
Liver_Ki have a big problem with lots of description needed but last time i tried to type it it cut me off23:13
Liver_Kwhat is a pastebin23:13
arraybolt3[m]Liver_K: It's essentially a website where you can paste large content into a text box, and it gives you a link. Then you paste the link here and we can read the stuff you put in the text box.23:15
arraybolt3[m]https://bpa.st is a good one.23:15
arraybolt3[m](I'm realizing my explanation may have sounded silly, sorry, my brain isn't working at full speed today.)23:15
Liver_Kit didnt sound silly23:16
arraybolt3[m]OK good.23:18
Liver_Kawe man i have a lot of typing to do, expect a very detailed question in like 20 mins or somehting23:20

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