[00:45] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** wmww opened [pull request #2685](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2685): Disable text input when client is unfocused [00:45] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- [00:45] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- > Fixes #2651 [06:53] Oh ho ho! [06:53] I see we have something in Kinetic that depends on absail! [08:47] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** AlanGriffiths opened [issue #2686](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2686): [spread] Build failure on Fedora 35... (full message at ) [09:15] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** bors[bot] merged [pull request #2685](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2685): Disable text input when client is unfocused [09:15] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** bors[bot] closed [issue #2651](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2651): OSK stays on screen with unfocused app [09:56] Hullo, I'm mostly back in business now [09:57] Saviq: Hey, glad to have yo back. But don't rush it [10:50] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** Saviq added bug to [issue #2678](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2678): Mir doesn't start if any DRM devices do not have an associated DRI driver [11:19] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** AlanGriffiths marked [pull request #2684](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2684): Deal with confused state of KMS outputs better as ready for review [11:20] Saviq ^ that's the PR I was talking about. Would you see if it is also effective against https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2674? [11:21] Will do [11:23] When I tried your POC there, I did have Miriway lock up twice (soon after logging in, no vt switching or display timeouts) in somewhat quick succession: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nVNwkf4sDk/ [11:23] Couldn't say if it was related, though. I really wonder what's with all of the iris dri threads… [11:24] Yeah, those threads have been puzzling me too [11:26] I wouldn't expect either version cause lockups outside of display configuration changes [13:43] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** AlanGriffiths requested a review from RAOF for [pull request #2684](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2684): Deal with confused state of KMS outputs better [14:20] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/ubuntu-frame]** Saviq closed [issue #87](https://github.com/MirServer/ubuntu-frame/issues/87): ubuntu-frame fail on raspberry pi when using Hyperpixel4 LCD [14:39] "Since when doesn't Frame accept..." <- Never. It doesn't include the Wayland platform (nor plug Wayland). Any reason you were asking? [14:55] Could've sworn I tested Frame like that, but must have been X [15:02] Yeah, it works on X [15:08] Hw frustrating! I thought I try reproducing https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2632... But when I switch on an external monitor Miriway is fine. (OTOH both GDM and GNOME crash) [15:13] "Yeah, it works on X" <- Either way, `ubuntu-frame --help` says:... (full message at ) [15:14] Yeah, it doesn't list it as an option. Maybe we should change the example? (Good first issue?) [15:16] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** Saviq opened [issue #2687](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2687): Bad choice of example option in help text... (full message at ) [21:55] Hm. Both sophie and I are assigned to [the `wp_viewporter` issue](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2599). My understanding of the current state there is that [21:55] * We want to implement `wp_viewporter`, and [21:55] * We need to work out *when* to prioritise that implementation.