
=== Helenah is now known as Horrific-Helenah
znfguy said 20 minutes, 30 hours ago02:15
znfand then he quit02:15
sarnoldit's a *very* detailed question02:15
sarnold(he probably figured it out while typing it all up :)02:15
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guesswhatAny idea how to ping specific vCPUs to OS and its processes? I have 64vCPU and need to explicitly set 60vCPUs to the custom scheduler. 09:13
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Odd_Blokexnox: Apologies for being so helpful. ^_^  Thanks for the cleanup!  (I assumed that autopkgtest VMs/containers/whatever were discarded after use, hence the lack of teardown: is that so the script can run outside of that environment cleanly, or have I misunderstood something about adt?)14:22
xnoxOdd_Bloke:  i've seen adt too many times hang and fail with left behind processes, etc. whilst it should clean up chroot, container, lxd, VM correctly, it doesn't hurt to attempt to do it cleanly from beginning.15:07
xnoxplus i made it run without sudo, and just do a download test alone, which is sufficient for us15:07
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Odd_BlokeAck, thank you!15:33
silentfuryAnyone running a Dell PowerEdge server with a 4P X710/i350 combo card? I feel like it's using the wrong driver or using any of the hardware offload capability, because the amount of traffic I'm seeing doesn't equate to the CPU load i'm experiencing on our security gateway WFH process. 16:02
lotuspsychjesilentfury: seems like that device is certified for ubuntu 18.04 https://ubuntu.com/certified/201903-26908/18.04%20LTS16:13
lotuspsychjesilentfury: wich ubuntu release are you currently on, and do you see the driver version on sudo lshw -C network ?16:14
silentfuryi'm going from here - but you're right, i don't see that specific nic on this HCL:16:15
silentfuryahhh, it is using driver=i40e..16:18
silentfurylotuspsychje: https://controlc.com/215992da16:18
lotuspsychjesilentfury: maybe related to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1433112/ubuntu-20-04-with-x710-intel-network-card-not-recognised16:21
lotuspsychjesilentfury: i also find a bug #189395616:24
ubottuBug 1893956 in linux (Ubuntu Focal) "Intel x710 LOMs do not work on Focal" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189395616:24
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