[00:31] Bashing-om (I was ok after the upgrade but then the zoom. Here is the results of the dpkg:   (dont know my pastebin pw) 6 lines. the last.   gdm3           42.0-1ubuntu6 amd64        GNOME Display Manager [00:34] Bashing-om ALSO  Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend    Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) [00:34] morgan-liveusb: the line starts with "ii" ? - is as what we want. [00:35] no such line [00:36] oops will redo [00:36] morgan-liveusb: what desk top are you then on ? [00:37] Bashing-omre did  again the same. lines start with |  |/   ||/ and ii [00:38] I am on the 22.04 live usb [00:39] I gave you.  ii, |/ and ||/ [00:39] morgan-liveusb: Running the command ^ in the live environment will tell us nothing about what the state is in the install :( [00:39] without the headers because I thought they were filler. [00:40] well the install makes a black screen. I dont remember how to get grub. holding shift does not do it. [00:40] morgan-liveusb: The header(s) tell you how to interpret the flags in the output. [00:41] now I see that [00:41] for some reasong geeqie instead of displaying the file names, it displays checkboxes === Helenah is now known as Horrific-Helenah [00:42] OK I am going to reboot holding shift down from the beginning. . see you soon [00:45] morgan-liveusb: shift is for the legacy - bios - systems - for efi systems it is the escape key that grub looks for. [00:51] Bashing-om OK turns out escape brings up grub. what should I do? I tried the earlier version, recovery but it brought up big type problems. I am ready to do it again. [00:55] margan-laptop: From grub one can activate a root console - advanced options >> latest kernel >> see what results with the option " dpkg -> repair broken packages" . [01:08]   I have 4 advanced options and they all are ubuntu generic (recovery mode) is the last one [01:11] Bashing-om nothing says root console in the choices before that. (I cant let up the escape key or it boots right into black ubuntu.) btw this is an ubuntu-only hard drive all one partition [01:11] oh the latest kernel goes black. I will try lastest kernel (recovery mode. [01:12] oh getting stuff [01:12]  Welsome to ubutu 20 bla bla then it moved on.... [01:14] margan-laptop: Me waits to see - [01:14] OK it got to recovery menu.. just for a second. then more stuff started happening and it is all broken up.  stuff like process error rep...omatic reporting is enabled...    next line Finished proces error ...is enabled  {FAILED] in red failed ot start prcess er..utomatic reporting is [01:15] at end See [01:16] margan-laptop: Ouch ! then next is from the live USB to run a file system check/repair with ' fsck ' . [01:16] See 'systemctl status apport-autoreport.service' for details [01:17] ok what is the fsck command [01:19] margan-laptop: fsck == (F)ile (S)ystem (C)he(K) -- once booted into the live USB we wilk need to find the root partition to direct fsck where to operate. [01:19] will* [01:21] terminaltermit says fsck from util-linux 2.37.2 [01:21] Is there a way to start the network configuration wizard on 22.04 that initially shows up when installing ubuntu 22.04 server? [01:22] Bashing-om it says fsck from util-linux 2.37.2 [01:22] margan-laptop: NO - fsck *MUST* operate on UN-mounted partitions - thus the live USB. [01:23] What I did is boot up into Try Ubuntu, get a terminal and type the command fsck [01:24] Now I see you want me to do it on the hard drive. How do I indicate the hard drive? [01:25] Bashing-om that's so basic but I dont know how to do that. [01:27] irrgit afaik only from the install medium. what is it that you want to do?  gparted is on the live-medium and not in the installed system. (since it must work on an unmounted volume. [01:27] margan-laptop: Good deal --- what we need now is to know where to point fsck - run terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 9999 ', The result is a URL back in terminal - pass that link back here so we can see what the partitions on the install are. [01:28] ok. give a minute for my touch-typing skills [01:29] margan-laptop: Take your time - insure there are no typos :P [01:30] and it replies Partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary.  https//termbin.com/28gc [01:36] margan-laptop: We have a target for fsck. Now run ' sudo fsck /dev/sda5 ' --- see what the check reveals. We may have to go deeper. [01:38] margan-laptop this is an extremely common use case for a live Ubuntu usb [01:38] e2fsck 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021) [01:39]     /dev/sda5: clean, 689858/30498816 files, 40371629/121964800 blocks [01:39] morgan-tryubu: Let it run - should come vback telling you has errors and maybe can fix --- or all good abd all comes back "clean" . [01:40] if it's clean then you're good. [01:40] ((meanwhile I have been looking up "What could this loop thing in fdisk be?")) [01:40] what's that about partition 2 does not start of ... bla bla [01:41] morgan-tryubu: those be "snap" partuions for what snaps are installed. [01:41] yes, indeed I found that out. It is a skill to distill something one can understand from a set of search esults. [01:42] snap was an interesting idea I just wish it would clean up after itself more easily. a new version of a snap should automatically install over the old version. [01:43] morgan-tryubu: Non alighned is not the issue - in some use cases such will result in performance degradation. [01:43] Well the new version should replace the old one. (cant write over because of ..factors like length or error) [01:44] I have had chrome make the dock and stuff flutter while it loads and slow the computer down to a stop. As soon as I get around tuit I am going to rewrite the hard drive. [01:44] morgan-tryubu: In the live USB boot menu - is there the option " boot from first hard drive" ? [01:44] OK I still have a system that is messed up. even if fsck os clean. [01:45] when you're installing a new version of Ubuntu it's a very good idea to separate the home partition from the root partition [01:45] [01:45] It cant load the advanced options in recovery mode and the regular system is black. [01:45] that way when you inevitably need to reinstall Ubuntu for some reason it keeps all your configurations and all you have to do is reinstall all your packages. [01:45] synaptic read markings save full state. [01:46] OK I have gone back and forth on that bsmith0931 [01:47] OK I will save my entire /home and use it in the rewrite. [01:47] I dont understand the sentence.   synaptic read markings save full state. [01:47] which is the verb? [01:48] morgan-tryubu: On the positive side - we now know that it is not a kernel space issue - We just need to find out where the configuration is messed up :P [01:48] Bashing-om I am hanging on your every word.  (I dont now what a "kernel space issue" is tho.) [01:49] Love that logic. (BTW I have done phone computer support in the past. So I can multiply appreciate the tag-team here.) [01:50] bsmith0931 I decided that save was the verb. [01:51] morgan-tryubu: Linux set up --- kernel space/user space/snap(whatever) sandbox space :D [01:51] df -h /dev/sd* [01:51] Bashing-om I will stay focused and learn that later. [01:53] bsmith0931 results of df command  https://pastebin.com/iNqyq2Dj [01:53] morgan-tryubu: I have not booted a live USB in some time - I do not know if the "boot from first hard drive " option still exist. If so will make accessing the install so much easier. [01:54] it absolutely does still exist morgan-tryubu [01:54] boot it up and press escape [01:55] bsmith0931 first looks like the df looked at the flash drive ?? true?  --- and if I boot from first hard drive it comes out black. [01:55] do you need to pull data off of this drive, or is it a fresh install that you can just wipe entirely and start over? [01:56] Escape gives me grub and choices. I have already reported on what 3 of the 4 options of ubuntu do. [01:56] try using the recovery option in grub [01:56] I had to do that recently it's much less intimidating than it looks [01:57] bsmith0931 this is the computer I have been using for 2..3 years and I upgraded the 20 to 22.04 and I already did the recovery option and reported on what it does... It shows the recovery shoiced and then flailed with a lot of text that says things did not work and the reporting of those things failed too. [01:58] morgan-tryubu: Here we are talking about booting to the live USB's boot menu. Hey - do not let your frustration get the better of us :P [01:58] do you have another computer you could attach the drive to? to back it up? === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba [02:00] I did not understnd that bashing om.  and yes I could take the hard frive out and put it ina usb enclosure and hook it up to my laptop but that path is fraught with problems since I dont do that much and my usb thing has no housing and is flakey so effectively nope. [02:00] it seems to me that booting off a usb and having the drive in the same system is close enough. [02:01] that was to bsmith0931 [02:01] so Bashing-omYou want me to boot to the live usb and hold escape. [02:02] and then choose what? (since I am not going to be able to type with my finger on the escape trigger.)   ((and  am more amused than frustrated. It takes so many words to be clear.) [02:02] 0 [02:02] morgan-tryubu: Yeah -- sgould then get the liveUSB's boot menu - we use that environment to see if we can boot into the install on the hard drive. [02:02] 0 [02:02] ) [02:03] OK back to lappy, going to boot from usb again [02:07] i have 4 options none of which mention first hard drive: try or install ubuntu../ ubuntu safe graphics ../ OEM install /  test memory. [02:08] Bashing-om oem install (for manufacturers) ... just boots into the Ubuntu ... try or install [02:09] nope straight into install [02:09] quit takes me to trial ubu [02:12] margan-laptop: Thought that I remembered such --- ok we can do this another way. But is rather convoluted --- we can set up a full change root to access the install. Can be mind bending for a 1st timer - are you up for it? as it may take a bit of time and lots of typing if copy/paste is not available. [02:12] ok I am game Bashing-om so first give me a road map, then the detail [02:13] I used to be able to go to root to change the password when I forgot it I hav to look at the psychocats site every time to remember. [02:15] margan-laptop: From the live USB we are going to change from that environment to that of the install. If we are successfull to access the install we next make sure the package manager is in a consistent state. [02:24] OK I will follow the recipe.  Go please. === margan-laptop is now known as morgan-laptop [02:34] morgan-laptop: (morgan!) Not sure how this will play what with an esp partition, but let's try as follows. In the live USB run - one command at a time: ' sudo mount /dev/sdxY /mnt/ ; for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done ; sudo chroot /mnt ' . Are you now at a '#" prompt ? and we continue - else we back out and do a re-do. [02:34] What is an esp partition? [02:35] morgan-laptop: this is one command " for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done " [02:35] morgan-laptop: that is your sda1 boot partition. [02:35] OK let me get on the computer [02:37]  for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done [02:38] mount point does not exist -- 5 lines of that [02:41] should we have a cd to the hard drive first? [02:44] like cd /dev/sdq5 [02:44] morgan-laptop: Yukkie on me ! --- the mount point is " sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/ " !! [02:45] like cd /dev/sda5 [02:46] ok did the mount then the for i ----- it returned a prompt [02:49] meanwhile... I got a cookie. [02:52] morgan-laptop: Wait a bit I must be away - the prompt is now "#" ? [02:55] no, still $ [03:03] morgan-laptop: Hummm -- and you did do the command ' sudo chroot /mnt ' after the for loop command ? [03:12] Helo [03:12] On Ubuntu 22.04.1 I am on firefox and a website informs me that I must upgrade firefox to a latest version in order to use the website app. How may I do this please? [03:13] system is already fully upated with apt [03:14] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-04 hmm is this okay to do? [03:15] HP-UX: firefox is a snap in 22.04 it will auto update after 13 days or you can force it to update now if you like [03:15] Basically replace the snap with mozillateam ppa? [03:15] toddc: oh [03:15] toddc: how? [03:16] HP sudo snap refresh for firefox [03:16] HP-UX: sudo snap refresh [03:17] assuming firefox is closed [03:17] Said all snaps are up to date [03:19] 105.x something [03:19] that's the latest version hmm [03:20] HP-UX: done open snap store to updates and refresh using the circle in the upper left corner [03:20] I think I have diff firefoxes installed maybe? [03:20] I don't know [03:20] I jsut launched fierfox and I didn't see my apps/extentins/history etc. === hackinghorn is now known as hacking-haunt [03:21] HP-UX: 105.0.1 is current for 22.04.1 [03:22] HP-UX: did you do a upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 it is possible [03:23] how can I know with terminal if my laptop uses ddr3 ram or ddr4 [03:23] I got it back with firfox -P [03:23] n-iCe: you can use dmi-decode [03:24] then look through the output [03:24] n-iCe: sudo dmidecode --type memory | less [03:24] sudo dmidecode|grep DDR [03:25] Just grep for capital DDR (to avoid 'address' [03:25] thanks [03:25] ddr3 [03:32] Bashing-om I am going to give it up for tonight. [03:32] Thanks for your guidance. [03:33] morgan-flash: ack -- if you are at a "#" prompt then we must back out. [03:34] I am not. I am at a normal $ prompt [03:34] dollar dollar [03:34] morgan-flash: for i in /sys /proc /dev/pts /dev /run; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done - sudo umount /mnt [03:35] ok I'll do that [03:36] Oh the dash was for a new line. oops [03:36] ok both lines donw [03:37] DONE === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [03:37] now what Bashing-om [03:37] morgan-flash: Good deal = should be safe now to shut down --- and we try more later. [03:38] ok what is your time zone. I am pacific [03:39] morgan-flash: cst. [03:47] Anyone know of a good PPA for crossover wine? [03:47] dabbler: You can install Wine from the official WineHQ repositories if the version in Ubuntu isn't enough. [03:48] dabbler: https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu [03:48] dabbler: Note that, if you're on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), you'll want to install either Development or Staging, not Stable, as Stable isn't available for Jammy. [04:08] arraybolt3[m]: I'm hoping to find the crossover version [04:10] That's the version that incorporates all of codeweavers's tweaks, which they make available for free only in source form [05:54] how to reset non english fonts? [06:05] ice9: upload a screenshot; also, test if the problem happens with just your user account, or if it happens with new (or guest) accounts as well, so that you know where to look for the fix, in /home or in /usr [06:10] this file /etc/pam.d/system-auth is lost on my system, how can I restore it? [06:11] Run this: dpkg -S /etc/pam.d/system-auth [06:11] It will probably say "no path found", which means that it never existed at all :) [06:12] alkisg, ah ok, the problem actually when I try to passwd for a user I get: passwd: Module is unknown [06:12] Aren't we going to solve the fonts problem before hopping to another one? :) [06:13] alkisg, I just created a fresh user to test the fonts :) [06:13] And the error message means that you cannot login, or is it just a warning? [06:14] alkisg, I'm unable to set a password for that user, so I will not be able to login with it [06:14] ice9: you ran adduser x, and it failed? [06:15] alkisg, useradd works fine but then passwd fails [06:15] useradd is the wrong tool for ubuntu [06:15] Use adduser, which is the debian-customized one [06:16] In any case, if a simple `sudo passwd username` fails, you have bigger problems than just the fonts :) [06:17] Put the command, its WHOLE output, and the output of journalctl -b -n100, to a pastebin, so that we can see what went wrong. [06:22] alkisg, even this is happening: [06:22] dpkg -S /etc/pam.d/common-password [06:22] dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/pam.d/common-password [06:22] I issue is that I installed deepin DE then removed it, now there are little things broken [06:22] can Signed-By in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files contain multiple paths? [06:22] ice9: that one is generated by sudo pam-auth-update [06:22] I tried following the manual and paste the gpg keys directly into the sources file(s) but that doesn't work [06:23] ice9: but if you have missing packages, you should re-add them. What's the output of: ls /usr/share/xsessions === scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo [06:29] alkisg, there was pam config still exists and after removing that line passwd works fine: [06:29] PAM unable to dlopen(pam_deepin_pw_check.so): /lib/security/pam_deepin_pw_check.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [06:30] so how to completely purge deepin and restore Ubuntu to it's default? that's why my fonts are corrupted [06:30] I removed all packages listed by: dpkg --list| grep deepin [06:30] If they don't have proper uninstallers, you cannot implement them for them. You'd need to reinstall from scratch [06:30] That's why VMs are the best way to test, not our own PCs :) [06:36] alkisg, fonts in the fresh user looks correct [06:36] ice9: I wouldn't risk my data in a corrupted system,I'd reinstall anyway [06:37] You may keep your /home while reinstalling [06:41] Hi guys. I was here already yesterday. I use VMWare virtualization, and I installed a patch for **vmmon** and **vmnet** modules. [06:41] Because of that, my internet connection stopped working. [06:41] If I uninstall VMWare the internet connection works again. [06:41] I need to use VMWare but after installing the internet connection immediately stops working. [06:41] What to do? I guess I need to revert **vmnet** (and possibly **vmmon**) to the original state, or? [06:43] Since vmware isn't part of the ubuntu archives, I'm not sure you can get support here. Have you thought about using some open source tool like virtualbox or virt-manager? === scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo [06:52] hello [06:52] i have 3 pcs connected over a switch. One has xubuntu 22.04 and the other ones are ubuntu servers 22.04 [06:53] the xubuntu box has wifi [06:53] and the option of shared to other computers is set on the ethernet cable [06:54] but sometimes the other machines cant connect to the router or ping the internet ips [06:54] why is this [06:54] Your xubuntu has 2 NICs, one facing the internet that has connection sharing enabled, and a LAN one without connection sharing enabled? [06:55] yes it has two nics [06:55] one normal wifi [06:55] and the ethernet cable connected to a switch [06:55] with the "shared to other computers" selected [06:56] and yesterday it worked [06:56] i can always ssh in from the lan no problem [06:56] sorry, did someone reply to me (about VMWare issue)? (I restarted) [06:56] blub: you said that "the option of shared to other computers is set on the ethernet cable". It needs to be set on the wifi, not on the ethernet connection [06:57] Guest26: noone replied, except me, and I only said this: [06:57] Since vmware isn't part of the ubuntu archives, I'm not sure you can get support here. Have you thought about using some open source tool like virtualbox or virt-manager? [06:57] ? [06:57] Vitualbox does not suite my needs :( [06:58] But this vmnet is a "kernel module"? Is this the propert terminology? [06:58] (thanks alkisg) [06:58] i never did it like that [06:59] the xubuntu box is sometimes not masquerading the packets to the router i suppose [06:59] but wich is strange because i can ssh in from another box in the lan over wifi [07:01] The xubuntu box will assign IPs in your LAN. If you have another DHCP server there, things won't work properly. [07:04] this is not hard to get [07:04] the xubuntu has a desktop environment only because of that "shared to other computers" option [07:04] the other two pc's are connected to a switch to that xubuntu box [07:05] Eh, you can implement connection sharing with a couple of shell commands, there's no need to install a whole desktop environment for this :D [07:05] they all have the network given on the ethernet cable/switch [07:05] the xubuntu has a wifi [07:05] that is not shared to other computers [07:05] When the problem happens, paste the output of `ip r get` from one of the servers [07:06] is it safe to install use pipewire on 22.04? or better wait for 22.10? [07:06] now im connecting to the xubuntu box over wifi [07:06] all ssh work [07:06] blub: there's also nmtui (terminal interface for network-manager) that allows you to set up connection sharing without a desktop environment [07:06] i first go and ssh into the 192.168.x.y (xubuntu box) [07:06] and later to the 10.42.0.z [07:07] sometimes it fails that the other two pc's connect to the internet [07:07] why is this [07:07] > When the problem happens, paste the output of ip r get from one of the servers [07:08] ok [07:09] via dev eno2 src uid 1000 [07:09]     cache [07:10] And `ping`? [07:10] ING ( 56(84) bytes of data. [07:10] ^C [07:10] --- ping statistics --- [07:10] 2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1011ms [07:11] Now on xubuntu, what's the output of: sudo iptables -L -t nat [07:12] Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT) [07:12] target     prot opt source               destination [07:12] Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) [07:12] target     prot opt source               destination [07:12] Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) [07:12] target     prot opt source               destination [07:13] Use a pastebin service when the output is more than 3 lines, for example: sudo iptables -L -t nat | nc termbin.com 9999 [07:13] If that was all the output, then there's no NATting done. Try to re-activate the connection and check again, you want to see a MASQUERADE rule [07:14] > If that was all the output, then there's no NATting done. Try to re-activate the connection and check again, you want to see a MASQUERADE rule [07:18] ... [07:18] it must be masquarading [07:19] because i can ssh from 192.168 to the 10.42's [07:19] That's the opposite direction. It should NAT 10.42 to 192.168, not the opposite [07:20] If you're talking about "sshing from xubuntu to the servers", they you're using the 10.42 subnet in both ends [07:20] oh [07:20] yes you are right [07:20] how to do it over the cli [07:21] You run nmtui, it shows dialogs similar to the GUI [07:21] system service network manager restart ? [07:21] Ah, to reactivate the connection? nmcli con up con-name [07:21] A plain `nmcli` shows the connections [07:21] hum [07:22] nice [07:22] thanks [07:22] 👍️ [07:24] Here's the correct output for iptables -L -t NAT: MASQUERADE all -- ! [07:24] yes [07:24] *-t nat, lowercase [07:25] Btw you were right about setting [x] connection sharing in the LAN connection, sorry I got confused [07:25] its working after reactivation of the connection [07:26] the two other servers must be screwing something up with dhcp or something [07:26] and on the xubuntu box === pick is now known as set === set is now known as pick [07:27] sudo iptables -L -t nat [07:28] https://pastebin.com/7fy2K2fL [07:28] anyone know how to get rid of the "Try Ubuntu Pro beta" message during 'apt dist-upgrade'? [07:29] blub, you reactivated the connection on the xubuntu box, you ran `sudo iptables -L -t nat` on the xubuntu box, and you got that ^ paste, and connection sharing is working?! That's very strange [07:30] yes [07:30] you are incorrect on that one i guess [07:30] i dont get that either [07:30] i guess if its setup per hand it says there [07:31] otherwise it just sits on conntrac or the kernel or something [07:34] You reactivated the LAN connection, not the Wi-Fi conneciton, and the LAN connection has connection sharing enabled? [07:34] yes [07:35] Something is wrong then, it's not what I'm seeing here when testing connection sharing... :) [07:35] i gues the othe way around is for the hotspot thingy [07:35] i never used that [07:35] Anyway if it works now, problem solved [07:36] no its not solved because this has to be automated [07:36] its unnacceptable to stay like that [07:36] what is the command to reactivate the eth0 dev? [07:37] nmtui... [07:37] ? [07:39] nmcli con up con-name [07:39] and con-name is the name of the dev from ip a? [07:42] No, the name of the connection from `nmcli` [07:47] I only have these "ubuntu.desktop ubuntu-xorg.desktop" but gnome classic is showing up when trying to login [07:48] great thanks [07:49] i hope a bash script will do it [08:23] Have a weird problem. Cannot open a terminal anymore in ubuntu 22.04. [08:24] alt + f3 work ? [08:25] hermano: what did you do to get to this point? [08:25] skraito, nope. nor ctrl+alt+t, nor pressing icon 'terminal' on desktop. [08:26] i forgot what the command for tty3 [08:26] murmel, I was attempting to reinstall docker engine and needed to change permission on some folders/files. [08:26] your using gnome ? [08:26] may be try from there [08:26] and check the program still exist ? [08:26] skraito, havent change anything so I guess I am using gnome. [08:26] may be they rename ? [08:27] did you update recently ? [08:27] yes. [08:27] wait let me google it [08:27] hermano: are we talking about system files or data from container images? [08:27] what's the command [08:27] and btw, it's ctrl+alt+FX not alt+FX [08:28] skraito, I think i did: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose [08:28] yeah is ctrl + alt [08:28] f3 [08:28] may be some gnome update [08:28] Alt+F2 opens the run box though [08:29] alkisg: yes? but the text said alt + f3 [08:29] is it working at ctrl + alt + f3 [08:29] may be you can troubleshoot from there [08:30] if not i am not sure why you don't get shell may be some kernel or whatever it is [08:31] hermano: try Alt+F2 (without control), if it pops up the run dialog, type: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal [08:35] alkisg, I was able to jump out of graphic and reach a terminal. The error when trying to install gnome-terminal: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list (Component). The list of source could not be read. [08:36] docker ? [08:36] alkisg, or actually error in terminal is connected me trying to do a: sudp aptg-et update. [08:36] hermano_: why do you need to install gnome-terminal, did you remove it? Are you using Ubuntu GNOME or some other flavour? [08:36] skraito, Well, yes I was trying to fix and secure docker would work. Probably messed up something that obviously affects terminal. [08:37] i am not sure why gnome terminal got to do with docker [08:37] alkisg, standard installation of ubuntu 22.04 so I guess that would be gnome. I tried to install gnome-terminal, assuming that the terminal is broken. [08:37] is it dependancy now when you install docker ? [08:37] the first time i mean [08:38] skraito, agree seems and should not be connected (docker vs terminal). [08:38] try to remove it [08:38] hermano_: go back to your graphics environment, press Alt+F2, and type xterm there in the run dialog. Does it show a terminal? [08:38] skraito, remove docker? [08:38] no gnome-terminal [08:38] what's wrong with docket.list in apt [08:39] did you install or enable the repo ? [08:39] or is it come by default [08:39] try apt remove gnome-terminal [08:39] but check first i am not sure is only gnome-terminal that going to be removed [08:39] skraito, honestly I think I messed up by doing some "chown" in the docker structure. Why terminal is affected is a mystery to me. [08:39] or the whole dependancy [08:40] hermano_: with the way I wrote above ^ you'll be able to see the error message [08:40] apt update run ? [08:41] in bash [08:41] type history [08:41] check what command is there last time that you type [08:41] i forgot what . file is for history in bash [08:41] just vi it [08:42] ls -alh [08:42] vi .filename_history [08:42] i forgot [08:42] let me google it what is that file name [08:43] yeah .bash_history [08:43] ah nvm you ping time out [08:43] hermano check history [08:44] type history or vi .bash_history [08:44] may be you can figure it out what you type before [08:45] According to the error i get seems connected to this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/78951/how-do-i-remove-a-malformed-line-from-my-sources-list [08:45] apt update not working too ? [08:45] may be just remove docker.list [08:45] or check or edit it [08:45] Yes, will rename it. [08:46] hope it works [08:46] if not what to do [08:47] you need to install those apt deb packages again [08:47] and just try since is working normal for your kernel and can boot [08:48] or may be just trust some binary of gnome-terminal [08:49] if apt install don't work i am not sure how you fix those apt or deb packages if all broken [08:50] I can now perform apt upgrade and apt update. [08:51] that's nice [08:51] But terminal still does not answer, I see the processing icon but it does not start the terminal. [08:51] try gnome-terminal again [08:51] ps work ? [08:51] try install other console [08:51] xterm may be [08:51] and try xterm from gnome shortcut [08:52] or try apt reinstall gnome-terminal [08:52] or did you make it [08:52] unexcuteable [08:53] check ls -alh gnome-terminal [08:53] may be that can fix too [08:53] +x it [08:53] Made: apt install gnome-terminal [08:53] Terminal still not starting from desktop. [08:54] xterm [08:54] try it [08:54] hope it run and show the reason why gnome-terminal not working [08:54] why gnome-terminal tied to apt sources.list [08:55] i mean [08:55] something wrong [08:55] xterm works. [08:55] why it check package manager [08:55] yeah [08:55] try gnome-terminal now from xterm [08:56] looks like your whatever windows manager still working displaying [08:56] what error you get ? [08:56] ModuleNotFoundError: No moude named 'gi'. [08:57] ahh [08:57] no modulename ? [08:57] no wonder [08:57] may be some dependancy error [08:57] i am not sure how to fix it [08:58] did you do apt update perviously ? [08:58] may be new bug since you didn't do anything [08:58] yes [08:58] check what is gi [08:59] if you didn't do it is strange [08:59] when you did it apt update ? [08:59] sudo apt install --reinstall python3-gi [08:59] hermano: what's the output of: du -sh /usr/local/lib/* [08:59] But that may only be a symptom [09:00] alkisg, 15M /usr/local/lib/python3.10 [09:00] hermano: it's possible that you installed python modules that conflict with the system python modules, and make programs not run [09:00] One quick way to find out is: sudo chmod 000 /usr/local [09:01] Then try to run gnome-terminal again, now it won't be able to find any local modules [09:01] wait check the permission first [09:01] it's going to crash [09:01] Change permission, no crash. [09:01] ls -alh /usr/local i mean [09:02] hermano: ok, now whatever you did in /usr/local, it was the wrong way to do it. Use python venvs to manage your local modules, do not install them system-wide [09:02] I only have these "ubuntu.desktop ubuntu-xorg.desktop" but gnome classic is showing up when trying to login [09:02] hermano: for example, some `sudo pip install` command might have caused this [09:05] xterm and vs code terminal works fine. So maybe I should leave the problem with terminal. Seems rest of OS is intact. Cumbersome to perform a total reinstallation of OS to solve the issue. [09:06] may be just some new bug after you apt update before you run it [09:06] heard ubuntu cause alot of that problem when apt update [09:06] not sure now [09:10] it doesn't make sense though why it check apt when you start gnome-terminal [09:10] may be your system have been compromise [09:12] I tested to install: sudo apt install gnome-console gnome-text-editor [09:12] try to change package manager [09:12] to main [09:12] Maybe not the same, but it works, only you get an icon called "console". [09:13] the source list i mean [09:13] may be something wrong with those mirror repo [09:13] from your country [09:13] but it's strange why the checksum match [09:13] if you just did it recently [09:13] but is too late [09:13] not sure what you update recently [09:22] . [09:22] .utorrent [09:22] Something is defintively spooky. If i make a typo in console I get: [09:22] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'CommandNotFound' [09:23] qn eres [09:23] ..anyhow, I guess it's 'good enough' that console is working. [09:24] I added https://bpa.st/5WKA to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooted but ipv6 still active; how come? [09:42] hermano [09:43] lsmod may be ice9 [09:43] check the kernel module for ipv6 [09:44] is it still loading ? [09:58] i updated to the newest ubuntu 22.04 LTS but it gave on error about something failing and now certain icons are showing a missing/default icon. for example the ubuntu launcher/start icon. or when i use Remmina then all icons in that app are the default icon [09:59] hi everyone [10:00] when i google people say `sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng` will fix it but the error was about some lib which i dont exactly remember the name of.. [10:08] skraito: apt update really doesn't make problems on ubuntu. (it even can't as it only updates the sources) [10:08] yeah [10:09] i mean apt upgrade [10:09] i am training my brain now [10:09] still shouldn't happen, except the user adds random repos [10:09] :( can't think why i can't said what i should said and mean [10:09] though i said apt upgrade [10:09] that's why i am here just to chat [10:10] then you are in the wrong channel ;). #ubuntu-offtopic :P [10:10] yeah [10:10] :) [10:10] hermano: did you make sure your gnome-terminal config is sound? [10:11] it can definitely happen when you have a bad custom comman [10:11] +d [10:12] it call apt murmel [10:12] what do you mean? [10:12] and check apt sources list [10:12] not sure if i remembered correctly when he launch gnome-terminal [10:13] it check apt sources.list or whatever file it is somewhere there [10:13] is so strange [10:13] it check docker.list i remembered now [10:13] God hope i don't get dementia [10:13] sure, but that shouldn't mess up gnome-terminal [10:14] not sure about the source code of gnome-terminal [10:14] but in my opinion why that's even check the list of docker.list [10:14] i don't trust ubuntu alot of mirror [10:14] may be his system is compromised [10:15] Dr-007: how did you update? [10:15] skraito: oO just because of the docker.list? definitely not, very likely he added the upstream repo [10:16] murmel, it prompted me in the GUI. i just ran `sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng` and it prompted that i should run dpkg --configure -a [10:16] so it's doing that as we speak [10:16] not sure [10:17] that's why i am suspicious why that gnome-terminal check apt list [10:17] Dr-007: if you still have issues, please paste the output of dpkg --configure -a to a paste site [10:17] !paste [10:17] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:18] skraito: i think that something is in the custom command setting, which errors out, so terminal automatically closes [10:18] may be not sure and he mention he just did apt upgrade may be [10:18] so i was thinking if he did recently may be just some bug [10:19] after he done that [10:19] additionally I wonder why you want to add docker repo, when docker is in the repos :/ [10:19] is too late [10:19] since he already done it [10:19] is ubuntu 22.10 bad? [10:20] better reinstall the whole system if i were him [10:20] skraito: you can always revert it [10:20] what happend to him [10:20] there is no need to reinstall [10:20] just run [10:20] sudo dpkg --configure -a [10:20] OmarHanyKasban: why should it be bad [10:20] don't know what is there after he execute it [10:20] sudo apt install -f [10:20] who knows [10:20] that will repair any ubuntu distro [10:20] OmarHanyKasban: definitely not, it can fix stuff but not all [10:21] like ubuntu 22.10 dont come with linux kernal 6.0 i tried to install 6.0 but it had no nvida drivers so i revered back to 5.19 [10:21] OmarHanyKasban: nvidia drivers don't support 6.0, so complain to nvidia [10:22] i use ubuntu 22.10 as main i use kvm windows 11 vm for windows only games and apps [10:22] my laptop came with ubuntu 20.04 but i wiped to windows and later changed my mind to get ubuntu so i got lastest [10:22] OmarHanyKasban: latest would be 22.04, not 22.10 as 22.10 is still beta [10:23] i know but gnome 43 is cool [10:24] so i got ubuntu from dialy builds [10:24] i even installed on my old pc xubuntu 22.10 [10:24] sure, but don't complain if the beta acts up ;) [10:24] murmel, i will. but it looks like it is stuck in a loop. os-prober is now running for the third time :s [10:24] dell repos just dont work [10:24] its for 20.04 only i think [10:24] Dr-007: give us link ;) [10:25] OmarHanyKasban: sure, because canonical pushes things upstream, wich means by the time the next LTS rolls around, it should work ootb [10:25] no [10:25] the repos for 20.04 [10:25] dont work on 22.04 [10:25] hehe, it's still running so i cant ctrl+c it. i'll let it go on for a little while because maybe i'm mistaken [10:26] OmarHanyKasban: why would they work? [10:26] it came with my laptop [10:26] my laptop came with ubuntu 20.04 [10:26] https://ubuntu.com/certified/202012-28554 [10:26] OmarHanyKasban: that's not the point, why would software which is specific for 20.04 run on 22.04? [10:26] its drivers [10:27] for my laptop [10:27] and as I pointed out, you shouldn't need that repo [10:27] ok [10:27] everything works so i dont need to install it? [10:27] yes [10:27] ok [10:28] i mean the only "special" thing that could act up is ethernet [10:28] because realtek has bad drivers on linux, but it should def. work out of the box [10:30] realtek drivers on linux is bad yeah but it works better then on windows [10:31] on windows i cloudnt get the headphone jack working at all on linux it works right after the ox [10:31] box [10:36] murmel, it finished so it wasn't stuck in a loop. it ran the os-prober a buncha times though that's why i figured it'd might be in a loop. here is the paste: https://dpaste.com/4CEA4JAD9 i'm going to reboot now to see if the icons are fixed [10:40] murmel, it's fixed now. thanks anyways [10:40] Dr-007: yeah, seems like your upgrade was terminated midway [10:41] or something interfered [10:41] nah it ran all the way in GUI but 1 thing failed [10:42] k === diskin_ is now known as diskin === diskin_ is now known as diskin [11:34] morrow [11:50] "client is not authorized to connect to server" when attempting to open Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a TightVNC client on a Multipass VM. Why? [12:19] hi [12:19] is it possible to package a package to ubuntu-core in form of a .deb file? [12:22] is it possible to run apt on ubuntu-core? [12:25] Payam: apt is not available on core [12:25] can you provide me with a link stating that? I need to show it to my managers [12:26] Hi, I've set a password for a user (postgres) and I would like to make it again password less, or better have not password for this user. Only root can substitute user (su) to postgres. [12:27] How can I achieve this? [12:33] Payam: ugh, looking right now, but everything avoids saying that apt is not available, just that every application is sandboxed and there are specific iot app stores [12:33] yes :( [12:34] Payam: maybe the first block? https://ubuntu.com/core/docs it says snaps are used exclusively === Guest0_1 is now known as beaver [12:39] passwd -d postgres === polymorp- is now known as polymorphic [12:40] hi [12:41] wnere am i [12:44] (not here!) [12:44] if I wanted to make a script executable by all users, but only readable and writable by root what are the perms for that? 711? [12:45] !chmod | bancroft start here [12:45] bancroft start here: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [12:45] lotuspsychje: thank you [12:45] I don't think a script could run without read privs. [12:47] rob0: on the folder sure but I think you can on a script [12:48] still reading, not sure yet [12:52] should be simple to test [12:52] but how would the system know what to do, if the instructions it's supposed to follow are inside an unreadable file? [13:00] hmm you're right [13:24] Hi all === jesopo is now known as jess-o-lantern [13:46] BluesKaj: hello [13:46] hi bancroft [13:59] Guys how do I install terrafrom version 1.2.9 with snap. I tried "sudo snap refresh terraform --channel=1.2.9/stable" but i get this error: https://pastebin.com/RHJmj639 [14:01] adac: because there is no channel 1.2.9 [14:01] see snap info terraform [14:02] murmel, when I do "snap revert terraform" then it rolls me back to 1.2.9 [14:02] adac: if you have the snap on your pc yes [14:03] murmel, but how can I make this happen directly like please terrafrrom install me this 1.2.9 version? [14:03] adac: not through snap, you would probably need to install the deb version (hashicorp repo) and lock it in [14:04] murmel, I see. Yes then I will probably use the hashicorp repo [14:04] thanks man === dTal is now known as PresidentDeSanti === PresidentDeSanti is now known as dTal === floown is now known as floownwindows === floownwindows is now known as floown === solsTiCe5 is now known as solsTiCe === Dingo is now known as Pristine === Andrew is now known as ay [15:20] I made an apt_preferences .pref file setting Package foo to Pin 123 based on origin. and now apt-cache policy foo shows the version priority to be 123 but the package file priorities listed under the version are default 500 and 100 for dpkg/status. I don't understand what's the difference between version priorities and packagefile priority. can you give directions? [15:53] How do make a 400x300 png file with a X axis Y axis in black with y=sin(x) in blue to be put at ~/sin_of_x.png with Ubuntu 22.04? [15:54] *** How do I make a 400px by 300px png file at ~/sin_of_x.png with a X axis + Y axis both in black color with y=sin(x) in blue with Ubuntu 22.04? [15:54] libre office draw? [15:55] or inkscape maybe [15:55] through the terminal interactive shell [15:55] lolz [15:55] when you find an answer, let us know! [15:56] it is -300% possible within 5 hours for me alone [15:56] " i don't know how to do this' but it must be from terminal.. [15:57] I 300% want terminal [15:58] maybe post your unrealistic question on askubuntu? [15:58] user9d: maybe look at imagemagick, mainly "convert" [16:00] gimp will do because I can do the PNG 400x300 pixel picture drawn with <91% accurate sin(x) wave pixels within 2 minutes while learning 0.0% of anything, and therefore I am 38% surprised with myself about how quickly I can do this right now, and therefore original [with 0 extensions] Ubuntu 22.04 issue resolved. [16:03] is this channel about one to all to original one or one to all for all? [16:05] user9d: this channel focuses on the support of problems around Ubuntu [16:10] are the solutions provided on a ticket personal level? [16:11] not in this channel user9d we do have bugs on launchpad [16:12] sure, real problems === WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft === schlitzbot3 is now known as schlitzbot === SpydarOO7 is now known as Spydar007 [16:57] user9d : gnuplot. === leaftype2 is now known as leaftype [18:36] Is there a way to keep my ethernet port powered during suspend so I can wake on lan? It seems to only work shortly after I suspend but overnight WOL does not work [18:38] cheese on HP laptop sees black, (and yes, I pulled the physical shutter-block open)  22.o4 upgraded. [18:41] dell 9020 laptop 22.04 upgraded to, boots to black since zoom update and reinstall. I have it booted up to a live-usb right now (If I go to recovery from the hard drive it messes up but is not black. Messes up means it reports a [FAILED] ) [18:41] Hi my pc with ubuntu 22.04 only boots to black screen [18:41] even with install disk [18:41] i have a RX 5700 [18:42] xt [18:42] only install disk in graphical safe mode works [18:42] even after reintalling it doesnt work [18:42] tomtomgps we related. [18:43] can you boot 22.o4 off your install media (called "TRY UBUNTU" ? [18:43] hmmm do you have an amd gpu ? [18:43] no it will boot to black screen [18:44] I tried a diffent amd gpu RX 580 same thing [18:44] Its a little odd [18:44] the only thing that works for me is booting in safe mode [18:45] oh my install TRY UBUNTU works. Does an older version of TRY UBUNTU like 20.04 or 18.04 boot to TRY UBUNTU on your machine? [18:45] OK got it [18:45] I havnt tried because even arch does the same thing [18:45] that's from the install medium or from your hard drive or both? [18:46] form usb [18:46] insall [18:46] (I am not a smart one but untill someone else comes around we might just try and think togetter. [18:46] ) [18:47] is your gpu amd aswell ? [18:47] in your laptop that is [18:49] I m going to back up my /home and reinstall ----- my laptop (which works) works. I am on it now. The laptopis HP and is amd.  The desktop which goes to black does not have amd, it has intel. The desktop does not have nvidia either. It has some kind of built in graphics. [18:50] this is the desktop -- booted off a flashdrive [18:51] So what I know about your system is: it is amd. Using 22.04 install media on a usb it will now work to TRY UBUNTU unless you do it in "safe mode" [18:52] ^^^ tomtomgps [18:52] now >> not work [18:53] it will only work in safe mode [18:53] i do not know if both of my gpus are borken or if I have some other hardware problem or if its only a softwre problem [18:54] i am leaning towards a softwrae problem [18:54] as i’ve moved the ubuntu ssd and both of my gpus in in my mac pro and i still get a blakc screen [19:22] Tues 12:20 PDT nope, no helpers around (took me till now to find my backup pocket drive. [19:23] now to figure out how to access the hard drive and the pocket drive to backup my /home [19:25] Question: when one repartitions a hard drive - do the files - which may be scattered on the disk - get rewritten into the new smaller space? [19:25] qui connait nexspan [19:30] morgan-flash: no [19:33] hggdh can you suggest search terms so I can learn about this problem? or is it just in my mind?  [I understood that old-windows packed all files at the beginning of the drive/partition but that linux scatters them around in some fashion for some advantage.] [19:34] " linux does not know defragmentation" [19:34] ATM I am trying to understand the mount command so that I can write a copy of my /home to back up before rewriting the drive. (I assume that /home will back up -my stuff and settings- completely. AmIrite? [19:37] Hi oerhecks - I have come far-but-notsofar since we talked. I upgraded to 22.04 and messed with updating, then removing and reinstalling zoom. Now the computer boots to black. I spent two days with help from tomreyn and bashing-om to learn how to figure out what is wrong but I GiveUp. So I need to back up to prepeare for a reformat of the hard [19:37] drive. -- BUTafter I back up, I thought I might learn to repartition. [19:39] 1.st - I am booted up from the flash drive. I can see my pocket drive just fine. I have done the command    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/    but I am now reading the  man nount  to see what I have done. (I realized I did not know) [19:39] mount just connects the partition in the folder /mnt/ for access. [19:40] and I found a learning-page https://it.engr.ncsu.edu/help/kb/accessing-hard-drive-data-using-ubuntu-live-cd/ === BT is now known as Guest8234 [19:41] copy your /home/ would sava all your documents and setting, not sure you want settings too... i would not. [19:41] OK oerheks I now realize I know nothing about folder /mnt/ and copied that command from yesterday so Danger Zone (using a command that is not understood) [19:53] OK I read a lot and failed to  figure out how to see my hardrive so I can compy /home to a pocket drive. 22.04 install media os. [19:54] cd /mnt/ and see what is mounted there with ls [19:54] it might be a number as folder === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba [20:06] while you were out oerheks I went to disks where I can see the 500 G hd but I cannot get "the new" screenshot to work - dont know where it puts the image. Said in clipboard but there is nothing to paste into image viewer. or into pastebin.  OK now I will run ...  >>  cd /mnt/ sees some files. [20:06] backup.apt-clone.tar.gz  dev   lib32       media  root  srv       usr [20:06] bin                      etc   lib64       mnt    run   swapfile  var [20:06] boot                     home  libx32      opt    sbin  sys [20:06] cdrom                    lib   lost+found  proc   snap  tmp [20:07] Disks says "Disk is OK, 16 bad sectors (38deg C/100degF) [20:08] it is .2% full  that is bad. I think. [20:16] good mon [20:17] Hi === BT is now known as Guest1396 === y0sh_- is now known as y0sh_ === blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba [22:00] anyone have experience with "zoneminder" ?? [22:01] I have a 4 cam set-up with its own router. [22:02] by its own configuration, it is usable with a google app "android" [22:02] johnny_linux: feel free to ask for experience and opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:03] ok. thanks [22:04] They also have their own channel, although not that populous #zoneminder [22:05] genii, cool, was not aware of that. thanks. [22:06] I remember genii back in 05.. great helper. [22:06] 08 [22:07] Bonsoir [22:07] !fr | bordure_ecran_ma [22:07] bordure_ecran_ma: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [22:08] hi!* [22:10] anyone know how to fix the dependency libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 : Dépend: libgdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0-0 (>= 2.40.2-2build4) [22:12] bordure_ecran_ma: what version of ubuntu are you running? [22:13] ubuntu 22.04 [22:13] well the new thunderbird 102.2.2 update from ubuntu finally fixed the menu flickering problems with show remote content... [22:14] i never had that problem on gentoo with mate...but it occured on ubuntu jammy with gnome...but the new version seems to have fixed it [22:15] bordure_ecran_ma: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt-cache policy libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:16] one thing, i am getting a message in the software update app that chromium and vlc need updating but it says no updates are available in snap...why does it say to update [22:17] laguna: you might need to restart the app [22:18] leftyfb..how do you restart it [22:18] close it and open it [22:18] leftyfb ok [22:19] leftyfb nope it still says updates are available for chromium and vlc...but when you try to update it says no updates are available in snap [22:21] in accurate words it says no updates are available in snap [22:21] im replacing an old linux install on my windows dual boot. the old install isnt accessible. The old install was done preserving my old /home and on EFI boot. the new install doesnt want to use EFI and I can't access the old /home (it has lock on it in dolphin?) [22:22] how can i either recover my data or get this install to work right? [22:23] leftyfb is it possible that it reads the updates are available from the apt repositories but then since they are snap files can't find the updates in snap [22:23] https://pastebin.com/p7G5XcCm [22:28] leftyfb, ubuntu_offtopic reminds me of "face_book". just sayin. [22:30] i don't know which i like better on ubuntu gnome...thunderbird or evolution email readers...they both seem to be working quite well [22:51] from experience, thunderbird works well. [22:51] Evolution works harder at duplicating Outlook features [22:51] which sometimes matters and frequently doesn't [22:51] yep [22:51] it's also bigger/less light [22:53] im old school, claws-mail works great. [22:53] learn it. [22:54] if your company isn't requiring you to use some Exchange/Outlook feature, it shouldn't matter much and email is dead simple [22:54] take your pick [22:56] johnny_linux yes i used to use claws-mail long ago..when i could not get anything else to work...but now thunderbird and evolution scan the isp's and automatically configure the server parameters for any email accounts that makes things simple [22:56] learn it [22:57] its to your advantage. [22:57] !ot | johnny_linux [22:57] johnny_linux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [22:58] well said. [22:58] matsaman...why do you say email is dead...it is very useful for inviting someone to a zoom video chat or for letting another person have id numbers and passwords for a teamviewer remote control session [22:59] laguna: please have this conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:59] leftyfb ok leftyfb [22:59] laguna: 'dead simple' [23:00] but email _should_ of course be dead, since it's inferior in all ways to a thousand modern alternatives, all of which can appear 100% the same as an email client [23:03] ew === solsTiCe6 is now known as solsTiCe [23:08] * sarnold hugs his mutt close [23:35] leftyfb, I apologize for my discourse in my attempt in explaining the email programs that are included in the ubuntu symantics, thank you for your time and efforts. [23:38] * Ubuntu-Synaptics. === launchd is now known as launchdemon