
n-iCeguys does xubuntu has any tool to check HDD errors?02:41
arraybolt3[m]n-iCe: I'd start with installing smartmontools and then looking at the SMART data using smartctl.02:54
n-iCeare not installed already I guess?02:55
arraybolt3n-iCe: I don't think they'll already be installed, but they're available in Ubuntu's repositories.03:01
arraybolt3(I mean, they might be already installed.)03:01
Unit193seeded-in-ubuntu says only kubuntu and ubuntustudio.03:03
Unit193Depending on the hardware, seagate makes 'seatools' which can be used.03:03
n-iCeguys what would be the best program to virtualize windows15:04
arraybolt3[m]n-iCe: virt-manager.15:29
n-iCeI think I moved everything in batter settings to make my laptop not to lock screen after inactivity, but still does it, any idea'17:04
diogenes_n-iCe: is session save enabled?17:34
n-iCediogenes_: now idea, is it on by default?17:41
diogenes_Just check it.17:42
n-iCediogenes_:  its disabled17:43
diogenes_Where did you check it?17:46
diogenes_Check it in settings editor> xfce4-session > saveonexit 17:50
n-iCebut, what I mean is I set it in the same session and without reboot or shutdown it still locks screen17:53
n-iCenot sure has something to do with that17:53

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