
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Hey guys I'm having issues with using headphones on my PC (kubuntu), headphone's jack isn't working at all, is there a command to set this up??00:48
valorie@PJtunes be sure that you have not turned off input using some f key combo00:51
valorieyou can check by using alsamixer in the konsole00:52
valorieif you see mm that means muted00:52
valoriejust click it (using arrow keys) to turn it back on00:52
valoriezoom has decided that I didn't need a camera or mic once or twice00:53
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IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Ok thanks let me try it out (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> you can check by using alsamixer in the konsole)01:32
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Seen it headphone having mm01:34
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> How do I turn it back on01:35
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> It's not on mute seen that it's OO but still it isn't working : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/12373602/file_60433.jpg02:43
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> @Valoriez I've tried unmuting but it isn't working07:23
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> What I'm I doing wring pls (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> just click it (using arrow keys) to turn it back on)07:23
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Wrong*07:34
BluesKajHi all13:22
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arraybolt3[m]@teward001: Crypto scammer attempting to solve captcha, kick him out!14:48
arraybolt3[m](At least I think he's probably a crypto scammer, maybe wait for them to send a message first.)14:49
arraybolt3[m]Oh this isn't the Lubuntu room...14:50
arraybolt3[m]Eickmeyer: Possible crypto scammer above14:50
IrcsomeBot<Roberalz> Looks like he's going to be banned (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Eickmeyer: Possible crypto scammer above)14:51
Eickmeyer[m]Ah, crap.14:56
cbreakarraybolt3[m]: you're assuming crypto people have enough combined brain power to solve a captcha14:56
arraybolt3[m]Everything OK?14:57
Eickmeyer[m]Nah, they didn't get past the catcha.14:57
Eickmeyer[m]Bullet: dodged.14:58
arraybolt3[m](Thanks Ubottu for telling me that's not a factoid, I knew that.)14:59
SpudULikeHi Room.  How do I hide Join and Part notices in Konversation?17:17
IrcsomeBot<mr3soc> https://www.facebook.com/100061621832608/videos/565060041973486/17:26
IrcsomeBot<mr3soc> how?17:26
cbreakSpudULike: https://postimg.cc/rdy0hGHv17:30
cbreaklike this.17:30
SpudULike@cbreak Much obliged to you, so many options...17:35
bluejaypopi have a problem with ultrawide resolution, my card supported it, Intel graphics UHD 620, also the monitor supports up to 3440x1440 but when I add the mode and set it says error17:42
mmikowskibluejaypop: Do you get any display?17:51
mmikowskibluejaypop: The display can get constrained at many chokepoints. For example, some older HDMI cables do not have the bandwidth, nor do some older HDMI outputs from cards (these are likely very old), or HDMI inputs to certain monitors.17:52
mmikowskiWhat kind of display do you see? Is it stretched to fit the screen?17:53
mmikowskibluejaypop: nudge ... :)17:56
bluejaypopsorry, i'm reading some blogs18:07
bluejaypopmmikowski, yes I got but the next back resolution, the 2560 x 144018:07
bluejaypopnot the 3440 x 144018:08
bluejaypopmmikowski, in fact, I'm using the USB cable from samsung, the one which I've got with the monitor18:09
mmikowskibluejaypop: Sounds like a bandwidth constriction there. Are the other resolutions not selectable in System Settings > Displays18:12
bluejaypopno, it's selectable but it doesnt work, the monitor keeps in black when I select that resolution18:13
geniiUSB, whut18:13
bluejaypopthe weird thing is that was working like 1 week before18:13
mmikowskiUSB-C with DP I assume.18:13
mmikowskiok, gotta run to a meeting. Look at display modes in Xorg.0.log. Best of luck!18:14
tahirI have a question? Can we some connect Google messages with Konversation? Becasuse they both support IRC18:14
bluejaypopmmikowski, i feel like a stupid, but i solved, the problem was because i had to adjust correctly the cable, it seems like it doesn't go into full contact, like something in my laptop with the HDMI port, now it works as usual.18:23
mmikowskiahah! It is the cable once again! :)18:23
bluejaypopmmikowski, i know :/18:58
mmikowskibluejaypop: great to hear you got it fixed.19:21
bluejaypopI'm happy to see this19:22
bluejaypopHDMI-1 connected 3440x1440+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 797mm x 333mm19:22
bluejaypop   3440x1440     49.99*19:22
geniiInteresting refresh rate19:22
bluejaypophehe i know19:22
mmikowskibluejaypop: you are in europe, right?19:42
mmikowskiMy guess is 50MHz is more popular there for historical reasons.19:42
bluejaypopmmikowski, Mexico.19:43
mmikowskibluejaypop: Close :P19:43
bluejaypopkind of19:43
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