
=== cmisare is now known as Guest7015
=== cmisare49 is now known as cmisare
=== cmisare47 is now known as cmisare
lain_Hi, im having trouble fetching dist-upgrade from mirors, I tried US mirror and IN mirorr17:27
lain_The speed I am getting is in few bytes per second17:29
ravagetry to download something manually via your browser17:31
ravageif you tried different mirros this sounds like a provlem on your side17:31
lain_ravage: how ?17:45
lain_I can youtube videos and downloads in browser are fast17:46
lain_So its not a problem with my connection17:46
ravagetry to download http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ls-lR.gz for example17:46
DrDekeThat file downloaded for me in just a second or two.17:47
ravagesame 17:47
DrDekeOh, sorry, I mixed the two of you up!17:47
ravagebut i dont think that is the indian mirror really17:47
lain_In about 5 seconds17:47
* lain_ Get:37 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 libgoa-backend-1.0-1 amd64 3.44.0-1ubuntu1 [128 kB] 17:48
* lain_ 5% [37 libgoa-backend-1.0-1 41.6 kB/128 kB 32%] 583 B/s 27d 10h 39min 22s17:48
ravageso try http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ls-lR.gz17:49
lain_same, in about 5 seconds17:49
ravagethen is cant really be a problem with the mirror17:50
lain_what then ? apt configuration ?17:50
ravagepossible. but that would be a topic for #ubuntu17:51
lain_thank you17:51

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