
tomreynso, according to https://ubuntu.com/pro you're currently in the process of moving from providing security support for 2300 packages in main (+ some, occasionally) to 23000 packages in mina + universe. Did you recently hire 10x more security staff then?18:26
tomreyn"mina" -> "main"18:29
sarnoldtomreyn: not *quite* ten.. I think I was number six when I joined, one left a few months later, so five .. now 24-28 depending upon how you count18:34
tomreynsarnold: oh wow, you're so many now - i didn't realize! i hope this new revenue stream works out and not too many (prospect) customers will respond with "wait, so so far only part of ubuntu had proper security support?"18:36
tomreyn(i assume it can come as a surprise to some, just because i feel it wasn't so obvious so far.)18:37
tomreynanyways, i hope commercial users will realize this is something that needs to be paid for, and will be happy to do so.18:42
sarnoldtomreyn: heh, definitely the main/universe split came as a surprise to some people18:43
sarnoldtomreyn: before I was hired, I thought we got more fixes for universe from debian than we actually did18:43
tewardsarnold: is 'pro' a nifty name for 'ESM'?  Because it looks like the same deal for 'personal use' that ESM / UA-I has.18:47
sarnoldteward: yeah probably; there's a handful of things called ESM now18:49
tewardsarnold: i'm going to assume then that "UA-I" is being renamed "Ubuntu Pro" then until I hear otherwise.  UA-I was Ubuntu Advantage for Infrastructure.  And it seems that Pro and UA-I are identical in pricing, etc.  right down to the support options heh18:51
sarnoldteward: I bet ua-i name will continue18:53
tewardwellllll just in case I fired off an email to Philipp on the Canonical Community Team and asked if he can get clarifications for my own needs.  It's helpful having the CCT people on speed dial xD18:56

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