
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
shivayahi folks, is there a way to have cloud-init (user-data) create raid 1 disk? i was going through the docs and was unable to find any info on that16:29
ahasenackshivaya: hi, I don't know, but try perhaps in the #cloud-init channel16:31
ahasenackI'm assuming it's not for the root disk, right, but some attached storage16:31
shivayai was thinking the root disk actually 16:33
shivayaeven the interactive mode of cloud-init did not want to let me create root md raid disk 16:34
ahasenackI don't know if that's possible, cloud-init might be too late for that16:34
shivayaah i was afraid of that. let me check with the #cloud-init folks. thanks for the pointer! 16:35
radix0I know this is a bit old school - but are there any recent guides out there for setting up an SNMP (v3) agent on ubuntu server? I just want simple monitoring like network card usage/volumes/ram/cpu/etc19:09
tomreyni think the software you'd use for this prupose hasn't changed, nor how you'd set it up.19:14
tomreynyou'll need snmpd, potentially a lot of terrible mib juggling, and a way to provide the data for its oids19:15
radix0For clarificaton - I've never done this on linux. 19:15
sarnoldyeah, snmp stuff feels pretty old and steady by now; all the energy and change is in prometheus / grafana / kinds of things19:15
shivayahey folks, i chit-chatted with cloud-init folks and learned that subiquity yamls are not necessarily cloud-init like the docs imply. that being said, does anyone know if it's possible to create md raid root disk with the subiquty and have it have EFI partition? i can't seem to figure it out19:15
sarnoldradix0: I think snmpd is the thing to install on servers, snmp on the clients ..19:16
ravageshivaya, maybe https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html helps 19:17
sarnoldradix0: is it *snmp* you want or monitoring you want?19:17
tomreynradix0: this (despite being for arch linux) has the very basics https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/snmpd19:17
radix0sarnold, I specifically mean the SNMP agent - as in, the daemon that listens for inbound connections19:18
radix0I should have known to use the arch wiki. that will probably work19:18
shivayaah this looks great, thanks ravage!! 19:19
sarnoldyeah, arch wiki is great :D19:20
tomreynradix0: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/snmpd is the net-snmp agent19:20
tomreynsnmptrapd is an optional add-on if you want traps19:21
radix0nah I think traps are overkill, thanks for the guidance!19:21
tomreynok, now i just need to think of some wildflower meadows for some minutes, to forget about snmp19:22
radix0I know all the cool kids are re-inventing the wheel but I still have a soft spot for SNMP. :-)19:23
tomreynwait, snmp is a wheel, i was thinking it was quadrangular? but then, the old pharisees also got their work done *somehow*19:27
radix0but how *were* the pyramids built?19:34
radix0aliens of the gaps19:34
tomreyncertainly the same alien technology19:42
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