
teward[m]Simon Quigley yeah if you had coredev and just recently dropped off any DMB member has the ability to JFDI and reinstate01:31
teward[m]Simon Quigley now, this said.  you need to fine tune your mail filters :P01:31
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
guivercLubuntu Manual icon on desktop (live session) still isn't doing anything but give error for me.. It's been mentioned before, is there a bug for it?03:35
arraybolt3guiverc: I'm not aware of a bug for it.03:51
guivercthanks arraybolt3 , I may have just mentioned it before (often do before filing, often don't file too)03:53
guiverc^ 'lubuntu manual' desktop link works on installed systems, plus if an additional user is added to a live session it'll work (on additional user) there too; so at worst a release doc mention maybe required07:47
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> If you wait 2 or 3 minutes after booting the Manual link works - connected to the Fiirefox bug in Live CD (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> ^ 'lubuntu manual' desktop link works on installed systems, plus if an additional user is added to a live session it'll work (on additional user) there too; so at worst a release doc mention maybe required)08:39
guivercack... and trying again.. I can confirm it works with uptime of 5hrs 14mins, so it continues to work :)08:40
guivercthanks @Leokolb.. I'd have thought I'd have tried it after that time, but I don't recall08:40
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Wow! :) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> ack... and trying again.. I can confirm it works with uptime of 5hrs 14mins, so it continues to work :))08:41
guivercI suspect that should be mentioned in the release notes though (not specific time period, just a delay after staring before it'll work maybe)08:42
* guiverc on occasion uses a live session as a machine OS08:43
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Agree @guiverc should be mentioned ..08:44
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> The bug @guiverc is 199101108:46
guivercthanks @Leoolb, greatly appreciated !08:47
guivercyeah I remember that one.. I noted Ubuntu have ref. to release notes too :)  08:48
guivercnoted in kinetic issue tracker 08:56
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> on faster machines the wait is sometimes only 10 or 15 seconds... (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> noted in kinetic issue tracker)09:00
guivercwe could mention the speed of machine too... but in my experience it's longer than 3 mins on c2d type hardware  (at least it sure feels that way)09:02
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> I don´t think we should mention the speed (give no false promises etc) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> we could mention the speed of machine too... but in my experience it's longer than 3 mins on c2d type hardware  (at least it sure feels that way))09:18
guivercspecifically no, I was thinking just a warning that 'some older hardware may take a little longer to be ready than newer hardware'  (ie. vague)09:19
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Ah..yes @guiverc agree09:19
tsimonq2<lubot> "[telegram] <Leokolb> If you wait..." <- OH this bug is just a race condition, I could tell you what's causing it11:54
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: Ah, it's that thing with the livecd-rootfs, isn't it?13:45
tsimonq2Well, snaps do take a minute to preseed when the image is first booted.13:45
tsimonq2I'm on paid time so I'll save you from the entire explanation - but the short of it is, snapd isn't done installing the snaps before Firefox is launched, that's what it is 13:46
tsimonq2(And you can't install snaps in a chroot, so that's their workaround, use preseeding which basically formats a YAML and downloads the files)13:46
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, I remember that bug. Here's hoping they figure out how to fix it.13:48
Eickmeyer[m]It's already fixed, but just like everything else in the release queue, nothing has been worked on.13:56
tsimonq2I mean, the active members of the team only include Canonical employees at the moment as far as I know13:57
tsimonq2I get it... people are busy. Just don't tell me I didn't upload it in time :P13:57
Eickmeyer[m]No, one is not a Canonical employee, but two are on vacation this week.13:57
tsimonq2Sounds about right. Hey, people gotta take vacation eventually. Once everyone is back if stuff isn't any better we can raise further hell... but I have a lot of patience here13:58
Eickmeyer[m]But that's only 2 out of 8, so I really don't think that's any excuse. It's an equally-shared responsibility this time of the cycle, so there's a ball being dropped.13:59
Eickmeyer[m]Others have commented on how long the unapproved queue is this close to Final Freeze.14:00
tsimonq2I have to choose my battles these days, and this is not a battle we can really win unless someone volunteers, and I'm getting there...14:02
tsimonq2I'm definitely not disagreeing with you14:02
tsimonq2Is it worth further action? Not yet, to me at least...14:02
Eickmeyer[m]No, not worth further action. I'm just venting/a little concerned.14:04
tsimonq2Yeah no, I definitely get where you're coming from14:04
=== Eickmeyer is now known as NotEickmeyer
=== Eickmeyer5 is now known as Eickmeyer
arraybolt3[m]Did anyone see any Qt-related or LXQt-related changes go into the archive recently? LXQt has a couple of severe graphical problems that manifested just recently, and I'm wondering where to start looking.19:37
arraybolt3[m](Also, if anyone knows an easy way for me to find out, that would be awesome.)19:37
tsimonq2DDG: !upkg qtbase-opensource-src19:37
arraybolt3[m]Code decrypted, executing...19:37
* tsimonq2 uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/linuxdelta.com/rTIDwyIJtQVzfwceEHysCaYn/image.png >19:38
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: Wow, looks like you're faster at this than I am.19:38
tsimonq2Migrated the same time as Qt did19:38
arraybolt3[m]OK, lemme try downgrading some stuff and see what happens.19:39
tsimonq2Raw list of package uploads to Kinetic: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kinetic-changes19:39
* arraybolt3[m] really really hopes that this isn't a new Qt bug19:39
tsimonq2Congratulations, guess what kind of bugs I've fixed before :P19:39
arraybolt3[m]OK, into the fray I go. Wish me luck!19:40
tsimonq2If you need help git bisecting Qt and you can identify reproducible steps w/ no ability to reproduce on Debian Testing https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/qtbase-opensource-src then lmk19:40
arraybolt3[m](wait, I have to compile all of Qt? 😰)19:42
tsimonq2well if it's a Qt bug yes19:42
arraybolt3[m]Guess this is what sbuild is good for.19:42
tsimonq2don't worry though, we don't seed QtWebEngine19:42
tsimonq2(That takes 24 hours to compile on my machine, still, in 2022...)19:42
arraybolt3[m]I've compiled KDE Plasma multiple times in just the last few days so I don't know why I think Qt will be daunting. Anyways, I have it downloading now and will begin the attack shortly.19:43
arraybolt3[m]Oh lovely. Well on the bright side I don't have to fight with git-buildpackage. On the dark side, the packaging and source code are decoupled so that means I have to integrate the actual Qt source itself from a different Git repo.19:46
tsimonq2Welcome to packaging Qt ;)19:46
arraybolt3[m]And it's pulling almost a million files (not an exaggeration). 🤪19:47
arraybolt3[m](836,197 objects to be exact.)19:47
tsimonq2Oh yeah. If your connection isn't fast I'd use a shallow clone19:47
tsimonq2--depth=1 or similar19:47
tsimonq2But if you're bisecting you need a full clone soooooo19:47
arraybolt3[m]Eh, it's fast enough. Probably about as fast as an ISO download. Will --depth=1 still let me bisect?19:48
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, that's kinda what I figured.19:48
arraybolt3[m](I guess almost a million files actually is an exaggeration to some degree - about a million files is more accurate, but whatever.)19:48
tsimonq2(Isn't exaggerating a highball not a lowball? :) )19:54
arraybolt3[m]Almost a million would be like 950,000 or something, so that would be a highball IMO.19:55
* arraybolt3[m] blames the Qt mess on teward19:55
tsimonq2oh, you didn't <em> *about*, I catch your drift19:56
teward[m]hey i don't touch GUI stacks as far as I can throw them19:56
tsimonq2he's right, he's the reason all of the infra is down ;)19:57
arraybolt3[m]Right but it's about time we blamed everything on someone other than Simon and you're the next most obvious target. :P19:57
teward[m]*throws simon into the abyss*19:57
arraybolt3[m]Abyss is closed on Thursday.19:57
teward[m]no, not that abyss19:57
teward[m] /dev/abyss which links to /dev/null19:58
arraybolt3[m]I thought I deleted that symlink long ago!19:58
* arraybolt3[m] immediately runs rkhunter to find out what teward's malware analysis team did to my laptop19:58
tsimonq2teward: I just want all this PHP code I'm working on to be piped straight into /dev/null tbh19:58
teward[m]that i believe lol19:58
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: That's easy. `cat * | tee /dev/null > /dev/null`19:59
arraybolt3[m]Throw it away twice and keep it all!19:59
tsimonq2nonono like this: `mv *.php /dev/null` oops all the code is gone 19:59
teward[m]or the more dangerous version of that command: [CENSORED]19:59
arraybolt3[m]H*&8rgofsefiu`rm -rf /`ius7yS*tf6767tow4tuhi5urhtg20:00
tsimonq2wait is it taboo to say that now?20:00
* tsimonq2 goes on a dad-style "society sucks" ranyt20:00
* tsimonq2 * goes on a dad-style "society sucks" rant20:00
arraybolt3[m]In a technical support room, probably.20:01
* teward[m] charges tsimonq2 with treasonous sedition20:01
arraybolt3[m]But I don't think anyone in here will read our conversation and be like "Hey I wonder what *that* command does! <clackety clackety> *GASP*"20:01
arraybolt3[m]`sudo apt install photorec`20:02
tsimonq2Yeah, and if you, dear reader, are one of those people. Don't. We warned you.20:02
arraybolt3[m]Alright, QT code pulled, guess I'm going to descend into the caverns of Gobble Important Treasures (what git really stands for).20:03
* tsimonq2 goes back to wondering why mPDF has to be this convoluted, or at least this implementation of it...20:03
arraybolt3[m]Man, VirtualBox seems to always be so grumpy. /me has got to remember to go GNOME Boxes, always.20:48
arraybolt3[m]Unless I have no other choice.20:48
arraybolt3[m](Or I need the power of virt-manager.)20:48
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "Man, VirtualBox seems to..." <- Throw the baby out with the bathwater imo - VirtualBox sucks22:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> QEMU-KVM is god xD23:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> arraybolt: just dont do what i do - chain KVM and LXD bridges together heh23:03
tsimonq2Masochist lol23:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> my LXD DHCP box handles the DHCP for the bridge I put my qemu vms on23:03
tsimonq2just why XD23:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 better than having to hardcode new bridges and NAT rules23:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> because qemu autonat is broke when lxd is installed and functional23:04
tsimonq2I mean... true.23:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> no idea qhy23:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but at least qemu can use the bridge xS23:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> just like a container can.23:04
tsimonq2OH that explains a lot thanks teward :P23:04
tsimonq2(I've seen that functionality recently and didn't connect the dots... until now heh)23:05
tsimonq2yeah, thankfully bridges don't require their own JVM embedded inside Haskell :P23:05
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yeah i have two LXD bridges on my env - one for persistent services thats static ip only configs and one thats DHCP enabled for everything ephemeral.  qemu can use either bridge and not need to set up its own23:06
tsimonq2that's really neat actually23:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so yay saves me a chaos23:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> ye well lxd can speak KVM under the hood too so23:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> when using lxd to deploy full vms with the cloud images it uses kvm.23:07
arraybolt3[m]I use QEMU/KVM most of the time.23:37
arraybolt3[m]But KDE developers are a picky bunch. All the good QEMU/KVM frontends are GNOME-based, and VBox is Qt, so...23:38

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