
mmikowski@Don: Have you checked /etc/default/grub or /etc/default/grub.d/? Those are good places to start.00:29
mmikowski@Don: Although, that does look like a USB boot image, not a standard installation.00:30
geniiYes, casper00:31
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Sorry for the late reply00:38
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Had to get off my desk for an emergency00:38
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> I'm sending it now (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> maybe share us the laptop moder, and lspci output for your sound device? in a pastebin)00:38
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/337da8d3/file_60477.jpg00:39
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/710d1cae/file_60478.jpg00:40
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Sorry I'm having it in form of a picture, sent the screenshot to my phone, not using telegram directly from my PC would have just copied the details and past it in here00:41
IrcsomeBot<PJtunes> Sorry I just sent it now (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> waqs going to suggest copy and paste here using the command, sudo lshw -C sound)00:41
=== arraybolt3 is now known as star_n_question_
=== star_n_question_ is now known as arraybolt3
mmikowskistar_n_question_, really? :P01:12
arraybolt3mmikowski: It was a joke in #linux.01:33
mmikowskiarraybolt3: Yeah, I thought so. I thought the :P kinda implied that, but my emoji-fu might be off :\01:34
mmikowski*implied = conveyed01:34
arraybolt3(I was trying to make a nick that was like *n?x, but the x at the end got cut off. I forgot that changing nicks went in all channels, so me and one other guy accidentally caused a slight mess in the process :/)01:34
arraybolt3(I did see it was a joke, I was just explaining why the silliness happened.)01:34
mmikowskihaha, no worries!01:35
IrcsomeBot<Shaun> I Shaun212 am human09:14
IrcsomeBot<Shaun> I Shaun212 am human again09:15
user|85what are the system specification required for installing kubuntu 22.4 lts ?11:10
skrameruser|85: https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=system+requirements+kubuntu+22.0411:18
skrameruser|85: The ver top is the requirements for the Ubuntu flavour. Should be same for the Kubuntu variant, though.11:19
BluesKajHi all12:44
=== popey6 is now known as popey

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