
ricotzgood morning05:52
dufluHi didrocks and ricotz 05:52
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Friday!06:04
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:09
didrockshey duflu, ricotz, oSoMoN 06:11
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
lissyxseb128, it's like socket activation does not even work for me13:41
lissyxis there a special flag to set or something ?13:41
nteodosiolissyx: It's very likely broken. I'm inspecting the logs Speechd wants to use local unix socket.13:57
nteodosiolissyx: My "systemctl status --user speech-dispatcher.socket" indidactes the socket was used at some point, though. http://paste.debian.net/1256286/13:58
lissyxbut you manually start ?14:00
lissyxoSoMoN, FTR I repro the "xhost+" issue under lxde14:02
seb128lissyx, nteodosio, it works sometime for me, often on a fresh system restart14:23
seb128I had spd-say -L return empty or segfault in the snap env instead of complaining about the socket14:23
nteodosioseb128: What is the snap that bundles spd-say? It will be useful for testing.14:26
rs2009nteodosio: iirc the snap was gnome-calculator14:27
nteodosiors2009: Not that one, but thanks anyway14:32
seb128nteodosio, none, I tried with 14:33
seb128$ snap run --shell gnome-calculator14:33
seb128copied libspeechd.so.2  libspeechd.so.2.6.0  spd-say from the system to $SNAP_USER_DATA14:34
seb128and did 14:34
seb128$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./spd-say -L14:34
seb128and you need14:34
seb128$ export SPEECHD_ADDRESS=unix_socket:/var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.soc14:34
nteodosioseb128: Thanks. Note that is missing a "k" in the end, I suppose it is a copy-paste typo.14:35
seb128yes it is :p14:35
rs2009nteodosio: oops, sorry14:52
nteodosiors2009: No problem; You were actually correct after all haha14:54
lissyxI went away 45 min, my laptop was asking the filesystem passphrase, it rebooted :[15:14
lissyxi've rebooted it this morning after several weeks of uptime15:23
lissyxI worry some bad update might have slipped in15:23
rs2009lissyx: hmm, that's been happening pretty frequently for me lately15:24
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