=== VMGuy23 is now known as normal === normal is now known as VMGuy23 === VMGuy23 is now known as abnormal === abnormal is now known as VMGuy23 === VMGuy23 is now known as f4gh_gp3s_d23g_o === arraybolt3 is now known as star_n_question_ === star_n_question_ is now known as arraybolt3 === f4gh_gp3s_d23g_o is now known as VMGuy23 [01:42] good morning [01:43] lotuspsychje: hey [01:43] heya murmel [01:49] lotuspsychje: are you in a european tz? [01:50] yeah, belgium [01:50] wow, any reason why you wake up so early? [01:50] yeah, work :p [01:53] ugh [01:53] I mean I am _still_ awake, and I hate it :( [01:53] where are you murmel [01:53] Anyone here tried using Ubuntu server edition as a desktop? My hunch is that the server version is likely more stable as I assume there is less bloat on the initial install ... [01:54] fluxcapacitor: you could install minimal ubuntu flavour(s) if you like, xubuntu core for example [01:55] I will pass on Xubuntu, Lubuntu and the likes, given the GUIs suck. [01:55] They are less appealing from a visual perspective which in my mind defeats the purpose of running Ubuntu to begin with. [01:55] However, the lighter footprint sure is sexy. [01:55] how about i3 + ubuntu server then? many swear by it [01:56] Never heard of it. I will scurry on over to distrowatch and read up! [01:56] lotuspsychje: right now in budapest [01:56] Not finding that ... [01:57] i3 is a tiling wm [01:57] That is textspeak if I don't say, mate. Can you type in full phrases without using abbreviations like TTYS [01:57] are you talking about wm = window manager? [01:58]  Oh, you are referring to that - but not the OS, actual Windows managers. [01:58] I don't go out of my way to isolate flaws on a granular level. If the Windows manager didn't work, I would not follow the modular approach and simply replace it. I would replace the entire Desktop interface [01:59] The UNIX way though is modularity ... that's the design philosophy so that makes sense but it's too much work for me to diagnose that. [02:00] fluxcapacitor: you can also install an ubuntu flavour, and just strip the bloat out yourself, remain a minimal syste of your needs [02:01] yeah, most just use server and build from there, as it's easier than stripping [02:01] ubuntu server is not really designed to be a GUI desktop right [02:01] fluxcapacitor: ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop are installed from the same set of packages; it's just which packages come by default. no server admin would tolerate pulseaudio, networkmanager, etc; no laptop user would tolerate netplan :) [02:01] I am about to do just that. Was and am in the process of installing my release. I will mount it to a VM then test it by replacing the Gnome variety before trying it out on my live system. [02:01] *downloading my release. I am downloading Focal [02:02] I will immediately replace Gnome vanilla with Gnome minimal and see if it bugs out the system but even that won't tell me as I have a lot of bloat on this bad boy. [02:02] fluxcapacitor: it's not exactly *common* to install the server and then the desktop pieces you want, but people do it; my laptop started out as a 'debootstrap' install from ubuntu-minimal; I then installed x11, i3wm, my terminal, firefox, and whatever else I need as I find I need it [02:02] I'm not installing the server version. I only asked that as a curiosity. I won't be doing it. [02:03] I just wanted to know if that's something people do. I just assume there are SysAdmins who fall in love with their servers at work so just take them home. [02:03] Then there are people literally running hardcore NAS set-ups at home with several attached storage blocks so I can see the use case for these things. [02:04] for example when you boot an i3 ontop server, your booting speed will be bloody faster then a -desktop [02:05] heh yeah I've got one of these in my basement now https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/system/3U/6038/SSG-6038R-E1CR16L.cfm [02:05] skips a lot of GUI userspace [02:05] it's getting sad though :( it tells me it needs a few friends [02:05] I cannot find that on distrowatch, by the way. Are you referring to the intel processor model or is there a distro with the name i3 in it? [02:05] fluxcapacitor: https://i3wm.org/ [02:05] fluxcapacitor: I hope they _don't_ take the server with them to their home, otherwise work won't have any servers left ;) [02:06] There are some hardcore people who are so anti-GUI they run everything headless and don't even use a Windows manager. Those are blokes and ladies which legends emenate from. I am no so hardcore and bare bones. [02:07] ugh, good that you almost offended me (I would definitely run cli only, if there would be a usable browser) [02:07] Thanks, sarnold! I will try that on a VM. [02:07] I will not betray Ubuntu and distro hop. At least not just yet but maybe I'll implement that. [02:07] but I am just less distracted in a cli environment than gui [02:07] murmel: links and w3m are so close and yet so far :( [02:07] I have been loyal to Ubuntu - with steady loyalty since circa 2016 [02:07] checkout reddit/unixporn to feed your inspiration instead of distrowatch, you will then make up your mind what you wanna try [02:07] oh yeah solid advice on r/unixporn [02:08] I had this broken gaming tower with Windows 7 and I had this weird way of fixing it. I would just boot into Ubuntu on the dual boot and somehow that would repair the boot sector for Windows. Very weird shit. I wasn't as handy then and didn't find the ultimate cause of the bug I had ... but, anyway, that was my cheap hack for fixing it. I don't dual [02:08] boot these days [02:08] I recommend multiple drives, each dedicated to its own OS [02:09] nowadays not really needed anymore [02:09] i did a lot of older boxes with lubuntu 20.04 its rocksolid [02:09] Dual booting isn't needed? I think for a noob who doesn't know how to install a hard drive, it makes sense. Though anyone can plug a drive into a SATA port or if they think they cannot, they have simply never tried [02:10] the gui, you can tweak that any way you need [02:10] fluxcapacitor: 2 disks is not needed [02:10] you dual boot? [02:10] I setup systems for friends/fam [02:10] I have Debian on one SATA SSD and Ubuntu, I think this one is on an NVME with a adapter in an expansion slot [02:10] It's an M3 NVME [02:11] I hope it's a m.2 ;) not m3 [02:11] I setup win+linux mint [02:11] for those people as it resembles more windows [02:11] Ubuntu is on a PCI expansion slot with the heat sink over the NVME [02:12] Ha... [02:12] No, I mispoke. Ha, yes, I think it is an m.2 [02:12] You're right [02:12] the only thing I have to say is, there are quite a few uefi implementations which are not great [02:13] NVMe M.2 [02:13] https://www.makeuseof.com/nvme-vs-sata-vs-m2-differences/ [02:13] and it's definitely PCIe not PCI ;) [02:13] I might still have a pci machine around here :) [02:13] If you're being a curmudgeon and you are [02:13] course I don't know if it still boots.. [02:14] Very much the curmudgeon. I am glad you did not teach my 6th grade Spanish class. [02:15] You rock your gaming towers from scratch, murmel? This is the stuff: https://pcpartpicker.com/ [02:16] I don't build from the ground up but that's the place to start if you do. I buy old Dell Optiplexes and rebuild them [02:16] *Semi-old. I have an Optiplex XE3 which is still in production, or it was last time I checked. [02:16] fluxcapacitor: if I would anywhere near trump, I would use that site, but as I don't no ;) [02:17] I don't live in the states. I am on a DNS server in, I think, NY but I am in Australia [02:17] Very bad topic by the way: he is horrifying [02:18] I mean here in europe we have something similar (depending on the country) [02:19] Yes ... Well, I don't know how to scale that. Trump caused an insurrection. [02:19] You have politicians who storm your capitals? [02:19] I was talking about pcpartpicker ... [02:19] nobody wants to talk about the US [02:19] Someone says Trump: the verb or the president? [02:20] You can trump as in defeat or best but then there is the American man [02:21] yeah I would definitely use a different word for "to trump". I mean I know somebody in the US who changed his first name (as it was donald) [02:21] Yes, we don't have to talk about the U.S., mate. [02:21] Is that really true, mate? murmel ... On the name change? [02:21] yes? [02:21] I had a boss who went to Trump's school and always thought that must be embarrassing for him. [02:22] i mean that's something I would definitely try to sweep under the rug [02:23] Yeah ... I inappropriately find solace in it: terrible boss [02:25] My my. I'm on that site. There are apparently people with gaming towers worth more than the last car my wife owned when we sold it off, haha [02:26] yea but most of the time it's just a dream pc they want to own at some point [02:27] I work with offensive security. The only thing I can justify something like that for is password cracking. The GPUs work really good with stuff like Hashcat and John the Ripper. [02:27] I nearly fried a MacBook when I was a security student. [02:27] The processor simply could not handle Hashcat [03:02] Got quiet real quick. [03:08] It cannot possibly be... One driver is a godsend for all of my bugs. I just installed synaptics and it seems to have done the trick. [03:27] yay [03:28] Yes, I cannot believe it. [03:29] I changed keyboards, installed random bloat ... Lots and lots of work and over one driver. I knew it was a driver as the performance changed slightly and imwheel first fixed it but I couldn't pin it down. [03:29] Now I can go back to the wireless keyboard and not worry about the housecat getting into mischief with this one. [03:31] Good thing I didn't reinstall over this. Everyone on Focal, seriously copy this and look over this conversation several times over if you experience scroll lag and seemingly i/o errors [07:21] morning [07:34] Just compiled Firefox ... that was fun, hehe [11:22] ahi. === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza === popey6 is now known as popey === Guest9951 is now known as jadenlian