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lolekhi, I know that this may not be the best channel to ask for this but not sure where to go so maybe someone will have some ideas. So I'm checking the possibilities to use dropbear as a solution to allow me to unlock my server after reboot. There are some tutorials on the network but I can't find any information about how to properly configure networking for this. The thing is that I need to have vlan tag on it, any idea how to so15:57
loleke this? 15:57
alkisglolek: this should help: https://github.com/stcz/initramfs-tools-network-hook16:39
lolekman... this is great, thank you! 16:41
smoserhow do people build packages ? I don't understand how bugs like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1986775 can exist.16:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1986775 in schroot (Ubuntu Kinetic) "schroot 1.6.12-2 incompatible with sbuild-launchpad-chroot" [High, Triaged]16:57
smoserI can justify myself not having built any packages since upgrading to Jammy, but i dont' understand how others didn't hit this earlier.  what do peopple do for package builds ?16:58
ChmEarlsmoser, my pbuilder host for kinetic builds is Focal17:08
patdk-lapI haven't had any issues building packages from trusty to jammy as of last week17:08
smoseryeah.. so you wont have issues unles you're using sbuild-launchpad-chroot to maange your chroots. but, what I don't understand is why people *don't* use that. but apparently they don't.17:11
patdk-lapI rarely build binarypackages locally, normally I upload to launchpad17:18
patdk-laponly for really odd things, or testing come custom patch only I expect to make use of17:19
patdk-lapand I do all my builds inside a docker container so I don't see chroot being more helpful there17:19
ahasenackI don't use schroot, I either use a ppa, or a lxd container18:07
Odd_BlokeI ran into problems with sbuild-launchpad-chroot years ago so switched away from it, and never returned.18:16
Odd_Bloke(And now most of my package builds aren't against archive.u.c's current contents so it wouldn't work for me anyway. :p)18:16
linuxperiahi all. i have a strange network problem after i swaped the ssd with ubuntu-server from one computer to a new. ubuntu boots without any problem on the new server with the old ssd but when i try to ping a ip adress like i get the error "Network Unreachable". I need somehow to reconfigure the whole network. How can i do this ? Searched on the internet but only found non working tips.18:32
ahasenackcheck /etc/netplan/*.yaml, see if the mac address of the old machine is in there18:33
linuxperiaahasenack: had only a install.yaml file and based on the tip i deleted all there18:34
ahasenackthat's the network config what you just deleted18:35
ahasenackcreate a new one. If this is a server (not desktop), start with the first example from https://netplan.io/examples perhaps18:36
ahasenackthat will use dhcp18:36
linuxperiaokey yes is good18:36
ahasenackif you need static addressing, or something else, keep reading that examples page18:36
ahasenackone might suite you18:36
linuxperiaahasenack: yaaayy it works. thank you very much.18:41
ahasenackwelcome :)18:45
linuxperiasmall question again. how can i set the cpu to performance in ubuntu-server ? google search suggest cpufrequtils but think this is outdated.19:24
linuxperiait the cpu guvernator set to performance should be preserved on reboots19:25
sarnoldlinuxperia: I think the pstate stuff is the new hotness, but it's hard to keep track of all the different tools for managing cpu performance/power .. https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/ has a bunch of docs but lacks any sort of guidance19:31
tewardbryceh: rbasak: sarnold: nginx and 'We disable IPv6 on our servers so default config fubars automatic deployments' came up again.  This time in Debian with an Ubuntu package version reference.  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=102139319:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Debian bug 1021393 in nginx-common "error in package nginx-common_1.18.0-6ubuntu14.2_all.deb for ubuntu 22.04 with default enabled site." [Normal, Open]19:31
tewardjust as a for your awareness thing19:31
sarnoldlinuxperia: there's probably something more useful on https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling19:31
tewardbryceh: rbasak: debian-devel seems to agree with our original decision that 'default config' should work for 'default Debian' and not really diverge on that.19:32
tewardso we made the right call downstream here :p19:32
sarnoldteward: heh, what a confusing bug report all around19:33
tewardsarnold: yep, rejected because Ubuntu needs Ubuntu bugs, then they said "Well, it's not really an Ubuntu issue it's a Debian issue" and explained the same "We disable IPv6 completely" problem we had show up in Ubuntu bugs multiple times19:34
tewardstil rejected because "default should work for default installations which include v4 and v6" so19:34
tewardwelcome to my double-pronged "no we're not changing the defaults for an end-user admin decision that can break stuff" responses xD19:34
linuxperiasarnold: tahnk you very much. will look into pstate19:34
sarnold"if you change one setting you might have to change a second setting"19:35
feurigI love how ubuntu denys responsibility for debian while completely relying on it for technical depth and correctness22:14
* feurig says all the while pushing ubuntu for the same reasons22:15

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