
brkrootI have a large configuration file, that I wish to create a bash script for it and run it on each new OS install i do. Can someone please just have a quick look and let me know whether I should spent weeks into figuring it out, or should I not waste my time! I can do a paste bin and share it in prv msg ...anyone please?00:31
murmelpastebin as always00:32
brkroothow can i nc it from the terminal?00:32
ednashor you can do cat script.sh | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io00:32
arraybolt3brkroot: Perhaps a better question is why you don't have it already.00:32
sarnoldanother choice is nc termbin.com 9999 < ./whatever00:36
brkrootarraybolt3, because I have zero knowledge on writing bash scripts. But if my config file is doable, I don't mind spending time trying it. I just need someone to let me know if it is actually doable.00:37
brkrootand obviously I will be removing the majority of it.00:38
arraybolt3brkroot: No I meant why you don't have `nc` already installed.00:38
arraybolt3brkroot: You can install it with "sudo apt install netcat-openbsd", but the fact that you don't have it by default is somewhat disturbing.00:39
brkrootdone, Ive sent it to three of you00:40
murmelwould help more if you put it here brkroot https://pastebin.com/raw/FRkVZXPJ00:40
brkrootarraybolt3, I will install it, thanks00:41
murmelhm, apt-transport-https is not needed anymore, removing snapd removes all snaps, so no need to remove them beforehand.00:43
brkrootjust the configuration settings, explanations and additional info i dont need it in a script obviuosly00:43
brkrootmurmel, mhm, ok00:43
murmelbrkroot: server or desktop? I assume server? if yes, why macchanger as networkd can set macs00:44
murmelahh desktop, then networkmanager can set it ;)00:44
sarnoldthere's a lot of different types of configs in here; some of it is stuff that'd make sense to run as root on first boot; some make sense to be in a 'dotfiles' git repository that gets cloned to your home directory on every new machine..00:44
brkrootmurmel, yeah desktop, but some of the settings that are for servers I guess are still useful for desktops00:45
sarnoldthere's a bunch of different ways to do this; cloud-init is popular if you're deploying VMs on a cloud -- you supply a userdata blob of json and it installs packages for you, configures users, adds files, whatever you need00:45
murmeli also don't get why configuring apport and then purging the config oO00:45
sarnoldbut it's probably less useful if you don't have a cloud thing going already00:45
brkrootsarnold, im not deployng on cloud. just VMs on harddisk00:46
brkrootmurmel, its just an option, when I write out the script I will choosing to purge or just configure00:46
murmelahh kk00:47
brkrootsame apply for all the rest options (like what services do disable etc) I will be writing a few00:48
sarnoldbrkroot: maybe ansible would be a better fit for that case? I've never done ansible from scratch, but the existing systems where I've stepped into helping to maintain a thing worked okay00:48
murmelyeah as it's all thrown into one huge paste, there is no definite way to say if something is wrong or right.00:49
brkrootsarnold, ansible would take me ages to learn00:49
murmelsarnold: really depends on how many machines we are talking about here, as for a couple I wouldn't make the effort00:49
brkrootmurmel, its all right, I am just curious is it doable in a script00:50
brkrootmurmel, 6 machines00:50
murmeldefinitely, as there is nothing special like user input or so, it's very straight forward00:50
brkrootwhat about the app installs and its configurations with the text editors?00:51
murmelbrkroot: as before, with echo, or you can go sed (which is find and replace)00:52
brkrootlike is it possible to put in a script rkhunter to be installed and then configured (as i am currently configure it manually)00:52
brkrootmhm ok00:52
brkrootok guys, as long as you are saying its possible ..I am on it. Thank you00:53
murmelbrkroot: honestly with how many hours you put into already, it really sounds like you want to learn ansible00:53
murmellearning the basics is like n hour or 200:54
sarnoldmurmel: yeah, I've wondered how many machines it'd take to make it useful. with *this* many config items to choose from, I think I'd really like it for the time that six turns to seven :)00:54
sarnoldmurmel: I've gone without at home (which made *some* sense, since I've got a variety of ubuntu versions on a variety of hardware platforms) and I'm often frustrated that I'm re-fixing things from time to time00:55
murmelI quite like ansible, as it's very readable (damn yaml) and because it's modular, you can select certain modules for certain servers, but yes, most of the time it's quite overkill00:56
brkrootok, you might be actually right. If it make more sense to automate all this with ansible I will give it a try. murmel00:56
murmelbrkroot: if you do, you can get some basic configs from geerlingguy (look on ansible galaxy)00:58
brkrootI don't have experience in both scripting and ansible, so if ansible is more suitable for my case .. thats it00:58
murmelbrkroot: I mean best case you would learn both ;)00:59
murmel /quit01:00
brkrootcool! tnx01:00
brkrootarraybolt3, don't have netcat because this is a fresh install, see that;s why I need a script to install all I need in one go :)01:09
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tomreynbrkroot: the netcat command is "nc", is it not available, yet?01:09
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brkrootno I don't have it01:10
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=== f4gh_gp3s_d23g_o is now known as VMGuy23
murmelbrkroot: nc is installed by default, so your install seems to be borked01:13
murmelat least on ubuntu proper01:14
brkrootI might have done something to remove it while trying some stuff from whatever weird online websites01:17
brkrootalthough its a fairly fresh install01:17
arraybolt3tomreyn: FWIW VMGuy23 wasn't trying to cause problems. Me and him were both in #linux and forgot that our nick changing would affect other channels. Sorry about that.01:18
arraybolt3(We've both stopped.)01:18
brkrootI hope this guy is going to get me into the basics ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q4T9wLsvOQ&list=PLT98CRl2KxKEUHie1m24-wkyHpEsa4Y70&index=201:26
murmelbrkroot: https://invidio.xamh.de/playlist?list=PL2_OBreMn7FqZkvMYt6ATmgC0KAGGJNAN01:27
tomreynarraybolt3: see my PM (please move to #ubuntu-ops for any questions regarding channel management), thanks.01:27
brkrootoh so this guy gerrlings has a tutorials as well, ok thak you!01:28
murmelbrkroot: yes, and it's way better01:28
brkrootyep ... me like it a lot! you are awesome. Thanks01:33
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brkroothow to passthrough an encrypted usb to a VM?02:21
murmelbrkroot: just like a normal usb02:21
brkrootnot really murmel. Because I the VM doesnt load.02:22
murmelbrkroot: virt-manager?02:22
murmelhm, no idea then sorry.02:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1126513 in usbredir (Ubuntu) "[MIR] usbredir-0.6-1" [Undecided, Fix Released]02:23
sarnoldthis might have something useful to follow02:23
brkrootit make sense actually to be a problem for other virtual managers too.02:23
brkrootsarnold, tnx02:24
murmelwhy? I mean you pass the whole device through, it shouldn't matter if it's encrypted or not02:24
brkrootmurmel, perhaps because before the load, the encrypted usb needs authorisation passphrase, since the VM is automatically loading it on start up02:26
brkrooti dont know02:26
murmelnot really02:26
tomreynbrkroot: how is it encrypted?02:28
brkroottomreyn, I don't know, how do I check that?02:28
tomreynbrkroot: the device specifications if it's hardware/firmware based encryption (such as OPAL), or tell us which utilities you used when you did software encryption02:29
brkrootmost probably I have format it and encrypted it with disks02:31
murmelso luks02:32
tomreynbrkroot: then passing it through to a VM which runs an operating system which supports LUKS encryption should be fine.02:32
brkrootah that what you asking02:32
brkrootdoes this mean that the os on the vm had to be installed with luks encryption?02:35
murmelno, but it should have the necessary packages02:36
brkrootthat i can install without encrypting the os?02:37
murmelbut normally every install should have them by default02:38
tomreynbrkroot: as a reminder, this channel is for ubuntu support. if you have questions on other linux distributions, there maybe be specific channels for those, or #linux02:40
brkroottomreyn, ok I am sorry will ask elsewhere. So this is not a ubuntu question, but just general linux question?02:41
murmeldepends on which OS we are talking about?02:42
brkroothost and guest02:42
tomreynoh, then you're in the right spot :)02:42
murmelbrkroot: as I said before, redirection should work with no care about encryption. did you verify that vb doesn't have a bug?02:45
brkrootanyways, i will have to leave that problem for another time, because google is giving me only topics on "how to encrypt" and can't find anything about needed packages etc/02:45
brkrootmurmel, it doesnt h ave a bug, because all my other usb are passing through ok02:45
murmelbrkroot: I mean I pass an encrypted usb stick all the time through (using virt-manager) so can't say anything about vb02:46
brkrooteven the encrypted usb is the same make and model as another one unencrypted (just different size)02:46
murmelso try to explain again what the guest sees or not02:47
brkrootmaybe journalctl -b | grep "soemthing" will give us a clue?02:47
brkrootwell guest sees any USB drive that I add to see. But only one encrypted USB - the guest os doesnt even load.02:48
murmelload as in?02:48
brkroot*doesn't boot02:48
murmelbrkroot: what happens if you pass through after booting?02:50
brkrootin virtual box in order to access usb that is mounted on the host, I have to add it as a USB Device Filter.02:50
brkrootmurmel let me see02:51
brkrootbut its not going to read it.02:51
murmelsee if lsusb spits something out02:51
brkrootit doesn't02:52
brkrootbut also didn't find the other usb that is not encrypted.02:53
murmelstill sounds to me that there is a bug02:54
murmelwhich version of vb are you using? the one from ubuntu or vb.org?02:54
brkrootthe latest02:54
murmelkk so upstream02:54
brkrootwith VB there is no way for a guest to read USB drives if before starting the OS give it passthrough , as adding it as a filter02:56
murmelhow come?02:57
brkrootthats how all usb devices are accessible from the guest, but if I add only this encrypted usb ... then the guest os doesnt even boot02:57
brkrootlet me show you, one moment02:57
murmelhm, is there maybe a partition on it with a boot flag?02:58
brkrootone partition is lucks and the other is ext403:00
brkrootbut there is no flags03:00
murmelone partition is a luks container which has a ext4 fs, but ext4 has no partition03:01
murmeldo you know if it's mbr or gpt formated?03:01
brkrooti never format in mbr03:02
tomreynhow did yo install ubuntu on this usb stick? does your main computer boot off it?03:04
brkrootyes I checked is gpt03:04
brkroottomreyn, oh no, you didnt get me. Ubuntu is not installed on the usb.03:05
tomreynso how do you boot the guest?03:05
brkrootits just a usb with two partitions, one is encrypted. I cant access it from a vm guest03:05
tomreynso the guest does actually boot, didn't you say it doesn't boot?03:06
brkrootit does boot with any usb  unencrypted usb, but not with one that is encrypted03:06
tomreynwell if the usb storage you pass through is not bootable then it certainly won't boot off it03:07
goppoanyone know if systemd daemon setup on ubuntu is similar to that on centos?03:08
brkrootI can use the encrypted usb fine on the host03:08
gopposame, rather?03:08
murmelgoppo: and what do you try to figure out?03:08
brkroottomreyn, mabe thats a question for vbox channel.03:09
tomreynbrkroot: maybe, yes03:09
tomreyngoppo: it's probably a different version and may use different modules, but originally the same source, most likely with different patches applied03:09
brkrootlet me try with boxes if it works03:10
goppoare these the recommended paths for the daemon files though? https://dpaste.org/MmzX003:10
goppoputting the daemon in /local/bin seems a bit strange03:11
goppodoes centos use /local/bin rather than /usr/local/bin ?03:13
murmelgoppo: it's definitely /usr/local/bin for both distros03:14
murmelbut the service file imo is def. wrong03:14
goppoi got the instructions here https://github.com/thc2cat/go-policyd03:14
goppo /local/etc seems like an unconventional path03:15
murmelgoppo: that's more of a centos question, but that screams it's wrong. especially since selinux should throw errors on centos03:15
brkroottomreyn, a quest from Boxes reads the encrypted usb seamlessly. Its VB issue. thanks03:18
murmelbrkroot: told you ;)03:18
goppoand i think ubuntu has services under /etc/systemd/system03:20
murmelgoppo: it's one of the default paths03:21
goppomurmel is it a good idea to put user services under that path?03:22
murmelgoppo: yes, this is where you put your own service units03:22
murmel /etc/systemd/system is for local configuration, /run/systemd/system runtime config, /usr/lib/systemd/system is from installed packages03:23
morgan-laptopmy computer boots to black, 22.04. anyone interested in exploring why? I tried all of the options, even recovery fails. I have a flash drive installation media I have backed up the /home.   After this exploration I intend to reformat and reinstall so I have no worries.05:17
morgan-laptopI am on a different computer, pretty obviously.05:17
murmelmorgan-laptop: did you upgrade right now? nvidia?05:18
tomreyn!bootlog | morgan-laptop05:21
ubottumorgan-laptop: To get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters05:21
morgan-laptopI cannot get to the recovery menu to do that05:21
alkisgThat's the grub menu, not the recovery menu05:22
alkisgWhat happens when you select the recovery option from grub? Can you upload a photo of the last messages you see?05:22
morgan-laptopIf I choose recovery it tried and I see the menu for an instant than it gets overwritten by text that says things including  failed05:22
alkisgA photo of these things would help05:23
morgan-laptopOK I will take a photo.05:23
tomreynalso, you could boot from a live/installer system, mount the installed ubuntu's file system which contains /var/log/journal and use journalctl -D /path/to/where/you/mounted/that/var/log/journal05:24
alkisgVideo is fine too if it's easier for you (it helps when the correct moment for a photo is under a second)05:24
morgan-laptopworking to get it from the tablet to this computer. (discord does not work on this laptop)05:33
alkisgDiscord? Aren't you on IRC?05:35
morgan-laptopI want to send the image from an android device to this laptop. That isnt trivial05:38
morgan-laptopobviously THIS is IRC   SMH05:39
morgan-laptopnow I have to find a place to put it on the web. android devides will not "copy" a picture and pastebin wotrks on a paste. gee why must I explain this.05:39
morgan-laptopoh right chromium wont do messenger.05:40
morgan-laptopyou must have apple devices. oh well I dont.05:40
alkisgI'm using element/matrix to connect to IRC, it supports getting a photo from the phone and uploading it to a server and pasting the link to IRC05:44
alkisg(I mean, all with one button, not manual)05:45
morgan-laptopthe screenshot utility has changed and it SAYS the image went to the clipboard but nope. The 20.04 version was fine.  tomreyn  --- askisg I will see about thatirc client. I sent it here with messenger but I dont think anyone can see a messenger link, can you?   This process of moving things from one device to another is awful.05:47
samy1028yeah, he was just kicked from #linux for the same thing.05:48
alkisgmorgan-laptop: no, I haven't seen a link. I think !screenshot suggests imgur, let's see:05:48
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.05:48
morgan-laptopalkisg TO be clear. Your irc client is called element matrix05:50
alkisgmorgan-laptop: no. Matrix is a different protocol, like discord. It has a client called Element. Then using a bridge it supports connecting to IRC channels as well as Matrix channels.05:51
morgan-laptopimgur isnt so easy any more. they changed things. but maybe I can do that from the laptop instead of the tablet.05:51
alkisgSome people (like me) are using it as it brings some modern-era features in IRC, e.g. email notifications, popus on the phone, following the conversations from multiple devices etc05:52
morgan-laptopthe tablet wanted me to install an app etc, starting another process.05:52
murmelthat or use imgbb.com05:52
morgan-laptopok --- this laptop is horrible since 22.04. I think I need to back it up and redo it all too.05:54
morgan-laptopanother thing is the camera in the laptop is not working -- since 22.04? dunno05:57
morgan-laptopis there a set of keystrokes for PRTSCN  I dont see it on the keyboard05:59
morgan-laptopI cannot decode the cute symbols on the fn keys05:59
alkisgUpload a photo of the keys so that we tell you which one is the print screen (:P - that's joking of course)06:01
morgan-laptopok I am tired, I didnt think of save image as....06:03
morgan-laptopit is cut off but so?  Now I m going to try the movie06:10
* alkisg uploaded an image: (11KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/tqoEiKxchmnlarvJqmJyaypT/VirtualBox_jammy-mate_07_10_2022_09_13_44.png >06:14
alkisgmorgan-laptop: in the grub menu, press e to edit its options, navigate to the "linux" line, and at its end, add: systemd.mask=apport06:14
alkisg(see screenshot above). Then press f10 to continue booting06:14
morgan-laptopall the grub menu shows me is / ubuntu version kernel number/ same folloed by )recovery mode) and then another pair for an earlier kernel   ------- you alkisg are talking about the recovery menu06:16
alkisgmorgan-laptop: the recovery menu is blue, the grub menu is black06:16
morgan-laptopsorry the results of certain chices in the recovery meny06:16
alkisgAt the "ubuntu kernel version number" press e and you'll see something similar to my screenshot above06:17
alkisgThe grub menu says GNU GRUB at the top06:17
* alkisg uploaded an image: (6KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CpGzkjPUoePvnnmOCKHmMQEL/VirtualBox_jammy-mate_07_10_2022_09_17_57.png >06:18
alkisgAt that ^ point press e06:18
morgan-laptopcan imgbb handle a 4 second video file06:18
morgan-laptopI get something. lots of vlocks all starting with menuentry06:20
morgan-laptopI PRESSED control-C and got a grub prompt06:21
morgan-laptopTAB listed allowed commands.06:22
morgan-laptopok I pressed e for the first one (had done it on the recovery and got the menublock stuff) NOW I have  alist of commans06:25
alkisgmorgan-laptop: if you didn't understand some part of my instructions, please tell me which part you didn't understand06:26
morgan-laptopok I have appended systemd.mask=apport    ((may I remive the quiet and splash ?))  --- more06:29
morgan-laptopat the bottom it says !X or f10 to book, ctrl-n ir f2 fir a cinnabd kuje ir esc ti duscard eduts,,,06:30
morgan-laptopoops... f=or F2 for a command-line06:31
morgan-laptopalkisg there you have it. .. now it waits for the command06:32
alkisgmorgan-laptop: at which point did I mention F2? I said F10, not F2...06:33
alkisgI say "e" you press "ctrl+c", I say "F10" you press "F2", these variations make things hard :)06:33
morgan-laptopI was typing what it says on the screen. I put the ...apport text on and have done nothin else.06:34
alkisgCopying my instructions once more:06:34
alkisgmorgan-laptop: in the grub menu, press e to edit its options, navigate to the "linux" line, and at its end, add: systemd.mask=apport06:34
alkisg(see screenshot above). Then press f10 to continue booting06:34
morgan-laptopso lets say I know nothing from here.. OK so I now press f1006:34
morgan-laptopit is booting. all that stuff was me trying to tell you what I didnt understand. Clumsy I am sure.06:36
morgan-laptopI sit with bated breath, will it go black or will somehing different happen?? --- it went black.06:37
morgan-laptopthere is a blinking line in the wpper left.06:37
morgan-laptopstriking a letter key apparently does nothing.06:38
alkisgIn the screenshot you pasted, the last line was a message about the apport service entering the failed state.06:39
alkisgBy masking it (if done correctly), we avoid that issue; but it's quite possible that it's not the primary issue but just a side effect.06:39
alkisgPersonally I don't have more time currently though, please wait for someone else to help you more.06:39
morgan-laptopsure. I appreciate your time. This was just to figure out how the zoom installer, under my inept direction, munched the system.  Another weird situation. Thanks alkisg06:40
morgan-laptoptomreyn if you are around Would this quest interest you?  If this is not an interestign situation then I will reformat sooner rather than later.06:42
JoeLlamathought I would share: https://youtu.be/tDacjrSCeq408:55
JoeLlamanow I understand why racks for servers are so tight08:56
JoeLlamaheye amcsi https://youtu.be/tDacjrSCeq408:59
JoeLlamaI'm sharing computer weirdness08:59
amcsidid I only imagine this, or do I remember correctly that there's a thing where all browsers support you installing a custom "pem" certificate (containing a private key too) that allows you to authenticate with it? so just by having that certificate installed, certain websites would know what user you are08:59
amcsiI think I remember startssl.com making me authenticate myself that way ages ago before LetsEncrypt was a thing09:00
manwhowouldbekinHi all! I have been using a VPN called Lantern for a few weeks on Ubuntu 22.04. After the most recent updates, it has begun giving me trouble in the form of the following error "Failed to set Lantern as system proxy". What could be the cause of this and how can I troubleshoot?09:25
ikoniamanwhowouldbekin: sounds like it has some sort of script that tries to set your proxy config to be the vpn node, need to troubleshoot why that's not wokring09:41
manwhowouldbekinikonia, Are there any logs for that?09:55
ikoniadon't know your app09:56
ubuntu-budgiehi everyone.. i need help, i need to create a "bios partition" i need to recover grub and i got a lot of problems to boot, now i got this error10:49
ubuntu-budgie grub-install --boot-directory=/boot/ --recheck /dev/nvme0n110:49
ubuntu-budgieInstalando para plataforma i386-pc.10:49
ubuntu-budgiegrub-install: aviso: esta etiqueta de partición GPT no contiene ninguna Partición de Arranque BIOS; el embebido no será posible.10:49
ubuntu-budgiegrub-install: aviso: El embebido no es posible.  GRUB podrá ser instalado con esta configuración únicamente usando listas de bloques.  No obstante, las listas de bloques son INSEGURAS y su uso está desaconsejado..10:49
ubuntu-budgiegrub-install: error: no se procederá con las listas de bloques.10:49
ubuntu-budgiecan anyone help me please ? =)10:50
SteelRoseubuntu-budgie: it seems like your disk is missing some boot partition10:52
ograSteelRose, the line right before you joined asked for exactly that 🙂 ("how do i create a bios partition" 🙂 )10:54
ubuntu-budgieyep i mean, my disk is ssd is working but in desesperation becouse anything work to repair boot i delete the partition of bios efi but i dont work with efi so.. i dont know10:55
SteelRoseogra: ah OK . was that question answered?10:55
ograwas the only line you missed10:55
SteelRoseubuntu-budgie: use parted and set the partition label to whatever you need10:55
SteelRoseogra: thanks10:55
ubuntu-budgieSteelRose: thanks i going to try it10:56
SteelRoseubuntu-budgie: google how to do it if you don't know10:56
SteelRoseubuntu-budgie: also check if you have a bootable partition already10:57
hyper_daveHello everyone!11:41
hyper_daveTrying to rescue an ubuntu machine which has kernel panic.11:42
esvcan you stop the machine at the grub prompt and kick a different kernel?11:52
hyper_daveI am having issues with chroot. I keep on getting /bin/bash not a file or a directory.11:52
hyper_daveesv: Yes. Didn't work11:52
esvare you booting of a usb stick?11:53
hyper_daveThe root is in lvm just fyi11:53
hyper_daveesv: yes11:53
esvcan you create a pastebin of lsblk -f ?11:54
hyper_daveGive me a sec. The PC I'm using IRC on is not on the same network as the server11:57
hyper_daveesv: Will Imgur work?11:58
hyper_daveesv: https://imgur.com/a/n9PIFM412:01
hyper_daveIgnore the symbols at the beginings of the lines.12:02
esvand do you get the /bin/bash not found when run: chroot /mnt ?12:04
hyper_daveesv: Yes /bin/bash not a directory12:05
esvand does /mnt/bin/bash exist?12:05
esvand does it have rx access to the owner, group and others? or at least execute ?12:06
esvmine has rwxr-xr-x12:07
hyper_daveesv: Never faced this problem before12:09
EriC^^what's "ls -l /mnt/bin/bash" give?12:10
esvyou didn't mount /mnt with noexec, right?12:10
hyper_dave-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root ...12:11
EriC^^hyper_dave: it seems weird abit there are other /mnt/... relating to the live usb and squash, try to mount the rootfs and /boot in /cdrom12:11
hyper_daveYes I didn't mount it with noexec12:11
EriC^^run 'sudo mount /dev/....-root /cdrom'12:12
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EriC^^then type 'sudo chroot /cdrom' after that 'mount /boot' inside the chroot12:12
hyper_daveOkay let me try.12:12
EriC^^actually, before sudo chroot run this command12:12
hyper_daveI mounted /sys, /run and /dev btw12:13
EriC^^'for i in /dev /proc /sys; do sudo mount -R $i /cdrom$i; done'12:13
hyper_davecould those be what is in lsblk?12:13
hyper_daveand proc12:13
hyper_daveShould I leave /ru?n12:13
EriC^^leave it out for now12:14
hyper_daveGetting target is busy when unmounting. Trying to reboot.12:15
hyper_daveIt takes about 3 minutes to reboot.12:16
esvI used to use --bind, -R is shorter12:20
hyper_daveShould I use -t sysfs for /sys and --rbind for /dev and /proc?12:20
EriC^^not just shorter, it's also recursive, so you dont need to bind /dev/pts12:20
EriC^^esv: ^12:20
EriC^^and potentially /dev/shm12:21
EriC^^hyper_dave: nah, no need12:21
hyper_daveI mounted them before mounting root. Arghh12:23
EriC^^you can't there's no empty dirs for them to mount12:23
hyper_daveThey are scattered everywhere in /cdrom12:24
EriC^^or shouldnt be anyways12:24
hyper_daveAnd I can't unmount them with umount -R /cdrom12:24
EriC^^what's the output of "df /cdrom" under mountpoint?12:25
hyper_daverebooted again12:25
hyper_daveDamn I hate to reboot this thing. It takes forever12:26
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hyper_daveOkay going for it again.12:28
hyper_daveOkay I am getting the same thing12:32
hyper_dave"/bin/bash" not a directory12:33
EriC^^hyper_dave: try 'sudo chroot /cdrom /bin/sh'12:34
hyper_daveSame thing12:35
EriC^^could you paste the exact error, maybe it can show any insight12:35
hyper_daveAnd why is it not saying "not a file or a directory" but "not a directory"?12:35
EriC^^exactly my thought12:35
hyper_davechroot: failed to run command <ascii square block>/bin/sh<ascii square block>: not a directory12:37
EriC^^hyper_dave: maybe try to unmount a little and run fsck on the root fs12:41
EriC^^found a guy online who had a similar error, he ended up fsck'ing not sure if its relevant but it might help12:42
hyper_daveEriC^^: unmount /dev /sys and /run?12:43
EriC^^hyper_dave: actually try 'sudo chroot /cdrom /usr/bin/bash' just a throw in the dark12:44
BluesKajHi all12:44
EriC^^hyper_dave: if that doesn't work then yes run sudo umount -R /cdrom hopefully it'll unmount them all for you12:44
hyper_daveEriC^^: tried /usr/bin/bash [dash,sh] same thing12:46
hyper_daveIt is not unmounting12:47
hyper_daveumount: /cdrom/sys/fs/cgroup: target is busy12:47
EriC^^hyper_dave: reboot time?12:50
EriC^^btw in the kernel panic does it give any errors before?12:50
imimy complete machine went haywires12:50
hyper_daveumount -l worked.12:50
hyper_daveYeah but I can't scroll it so I can only look at the last lines of the stack trace12:51
imifirefox doesn't start up saying: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup12:51
hyper_daveEriC^^: Should I proceed with the fsck or look at the kernel panic?12:52
hyper_daveRun fsck. It is clean. mounted it again and chroot is still not happy12:55
EriC^^hyper_dave: ok, try mount to mount root again, then 'strace -o /tmp/chrootlog chroot /cdrom' and then upload the log "cat /tmp/chrootlog | nc termbin.com 9999"12:57
EriC^^also look in /cdrom/var/log/syslog for any errors related to the kernel panic if they're there, maybe grep -Ei "panic|error" /cdrom/var/log/syslog12:58
hyper_daveIn the meantime here is the panic https://imgur.com/a/SoR4DVt13:01
hyper_daveEriC^^: Oh might it be that the root disk is full?13:03
EriC^^hyper_dave: yeah that could be it for sure13:06
EriC^^hyper_dave: try du -sh /cdrom/* | sort -h   to see where the big files are13:11
EriC^^or if you can install 'ncdu' it's very nice to finding out what to remove13:11
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hyper_daveJust moved 1.5G worth of files and reboot time...13:13
hyper_davekernel still not happpy13:17
EriC^^hyper_dave: did you try an older kernel from the advanced menu in grub?13:24
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webchat40wow so many here14:03
ograyup, it's a cuddly place14:09
ogra(and we also always have fresh drinks for everyone)14:09
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hyper_daveEriC^^ Sorry I joined another network and got a banned ip address14:26
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EriC^^hyper_dave: no worries14:45
EriC^^hyper_dave: did you try an older kernel from the advanced menu in grub?14:45
hyper_daveDid you mention strace?14:48
hyper_daveEriC^^: I have the logs for the chroot strace14:59
hyper_daveHow do I post it to pastebin?15:00
EriC^^hyper_dave: cat /path/to/log | nc termbin.com 999915:00
EriC^^hyper_dave: i'd give the older kernel a chance too it might help15:01
hyper_daveTried it. It didn't work15:01
hyper_daveEriC^^: Anything?15:06
hyper_daveI couldn't get the sense out of it.15:06
EriC^^same here, brb15:09
EriC^^hyper_dave: why do you want to chroot btw?15:10
hyper_daveto generate a new initramfs15:11
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EriC^^i see15:12
hyper_daveIf that is the issue15:12
hyper_daveI don't know how I can debug the kernel panic15:12
EriC^^do you remember changing anything at all before it happened?15:13
EriC^^i got something about selinux online, but not sure ubuntu even uses that15:14
hyper_daveI was not the admin of the server. I am here only to fix the panic.15:14
hyper_daveBut they said they didn't touch it.15:15
hyper_daveThat is why I suspected maybe it is a file corruption and wanted to reinstall the bootloader and generate new ramfs15:15
EriC^^are you using an ubuntu iso for the live usb? maybe that might help15:16
hyper_daveI am switching between arch and debian15:16
hyper_daveto be on both extremes.15:16
hyper_daveI might have to go out now though. I shall continue tomorrow.15:17
alkisghyper_dave: dpkg -V --root=/path/to/your-root15:17
alkisghyper_dave: this will check for corrupted files15:18
hyper_daveThanks I will check it. On live arch now though.15:18
alkisgOK, yeh needs to be run from a debian based live cd15:19
alkisgUnless you can install dpkg in live arch, https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/dpkg/15:19
hyper_daveI am going to try this and go home.15:19
hyper_davealkisg: Apparently you can do that.15:21
hyper_daveRunning it . Lots and lots of mussing packages.15:21
alkisgFiles, not packages, right?15:22
hyper_daveOh yeah files.15:22
hyper_davemy bad15:22
jhutchinsSomething's killed the audio for Chrome.  FFox works fine.  Mixer has a panel for chrome, but none of the controls are active.15:22
alkisghyper_dave: try to restore the bad files, at least the important ones about libraries and shells etc, then chroot might work15:23
alkisgThen inside the chroot you can apt reinstall the bad packages15:23
hyper_daveHow do I restore them?15:23
alkisgThe easiest way would be from a similar installation / backup etc, otherwise you'd need to fetch the deb, decompress it and copy the file. It can be scripted.15:24
other_rickHi, I install xfce4-desktop using apt, but when I try to suspend the session, the system doesn't request me the password. What security approach can sugest me?15:24
EriC^^hyper_dave: you could get the list of bad files, make a one liner to get the package names using dpkg -S, and then do apt-get install --reinstall15:25
alkisgEriC^^: after he gets inside the chroot15:25
EriC^^ah right15:25
EriC^^fwiw from the strace log the man page for execve says ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix of pathname or a  script  or  ELF  interpreter is not a directory15:27
alkisghyper_dave: eh, what's the output of this command? ls -ld YOURROOT/lib YOURROOT/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu15:27
alkisghyper_dave: I'm guessing one of them is a file instead of a directory...15:27
hyper_davealkisg: https://termbin.com/qrh015:29
alkisghyper_dave: right, disk corruption has converted the x86_64-linux-gnu directory into a file15:30
alkisgStart by restoring that directory, then probably chroot will work15:30
hyper_daveHow do I restore it?15:30
alkisgIs there any backup?15:31
hyper_daveThey didn't take backups.15:31
alkisgWhich distro/version/environment is that?15:31
alkisgcat /cdrom/etc/os-release, ls /cdrom/usr/share/xsessions15:32
hyper_daveubuntu 16.04.715:33
alkisgAlso check if this exists and is a directory: ls -ld /cdrom/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu15:33
hyper_daveIt doesn't exist15:34
alkisgAnd the plan is to revive such a broken installation, or to save the data, install a 22.04 one, and migrate the data there?15:35
hyper_daveSorry it does exist15:35
hyper_daveChecked the actual root by accident15:35
alkisghyper_dave: cd /cdrom; ls . lib usr usr/lib | nc termbin.com 999915:37
hyper_davealkisg: there is a program on it that they can not find the source for and don't know where it is installed. It will be much more easier if it can be revived15:37
alkisghyper_dave: sorry, please re-do and use ls -l instead15:39
EriC^^should be easy to find where it's installed using "find", maybe then find the source from its docs or google15:40
hyper_daveEriC^^: Not a single program but a setup. And it is built by a guy they couldn't find anymore.15:41
alkisghyper_dave: try this yolo thing: sudo mv /cdrom/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /cdrom/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.bad; sudo cp -a /cdrom/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /cdrom/lib/15:45
alkisgThis will use your /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu copy as the /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu copy. If you can chroot after that, you can then use dpkg -S and apt reinstall to fix things a bit15:45
alkisgIf not, boot from an Ubuntu 16.04.7 live cd and copy that tree instead15:46
hyper_daveSame thing. I will get back to it tomorrow.15:49
hyper_daveThanks everyone.15:49
alkisgIt says not a directory even though it's a directory now after the copy?15:50
alkisgCheers, tomorrow :)15:50
lolekhi, I know that this may not be the best channel to ask for this but not sure where to go so maybe someone will have some ideas. So I'm checking the possibilities to use dropbear as a solution to allow me to unlock my server after reboot. There are some tutorials on the network but I can't find any information about how to properly configure networking for this. The thing is that I need to have vlan tag on it15:54
lolekany ideas how to solve this?15:54
arraybolt3lolek: This is a great channel for this if you're using Ubuntu or an official flavor of Ubuntu. You might also find help in #ubuntu-server, they may be more skilled with these things.15:57
lolekarraybolt3 ok thanks, I'll try on the -server then!15:57
MacwinnerHi, if I have a standard package sasl2-bin, and I want to build it almost exactly as the packagers built it except with a small tweak in flags, (and I want it to be installed in the same locations as the standard package), what would be the recommended way of doing this?16:14
lucascastromacwinner: apt build-dep <package-name>16:22
lucascastroapt source <package-name>16:22
lucascastroedit the package as needed and rebuild16:23
arraybolt3OK, silly question. I'm trying to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my ~/.profile so that I can force my Lubuntu VM to use a self-compiled installation of Qt. However, it doesn't seem to have "stuck". I put "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.15.5/lib" in ~/.profile, yet running "echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" tells me nothing.16:42
arraybolt3(Also, yes, I know this looks like a terrible horrible no good very bad idea in so many different ways, but I'm doing it in a VM so I have no fear of breaking things.)16:42
alkisgarraybolt3: for global variables in xorg sessions, personally I'm using "export VAR=VALUE" in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50local16:44
arraybolt3alkisg: The strange thing is I also did "export PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.15.5/bin:$PATH" in ~/.profile and that did work, so I'm thinking LD_LIBRARY_PATH must work different. Still, I'll try that trick.16:45
alkisgI'm guessing that some qt things will be loaded before your profile is loaded, if you put things inside /home/username16:46
alkisgE.g. if you open a terminal and launch bash, it will source ~/.profile, but I don't think xorg => session => lxpanel will source it16:47
arraybolt3Hmm, makes sense, will try.16:47
alkisgFor other examples: grep -rw export /etc/X11/Xsession.d16:48
arraybolt3alkisg: Hmm, even putting the lines in there didn't help. I saw someone suggest the use of ldconfig, maybe that will help.16:48
arraybolt3I think something must be wiping LD_LIBRARY_PATH for security reasons, since other variables don't behave the same way.16:50
arraybolt3(I guess I could just try to merge /usr/local/Qt-5.15.5 with /usr, but that could break everything, so...)16:51
alkisgSo if you put `export HELLO=there` in 50local you can then see it in any shell, but you cannot see LD_LIBRARY_PATH?16:51
arraybolt3alkisg: Sorta.16:52
arraybolt3alkisg: I'm also doing `export PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.15.5/bin:$PATH` and the changes stick.16:52
arraybolt3Though I'm realizing I have that in more than one file, one moment while I fix that...16:52
arraybolt3alkisg: OK, yes. I can set PATH in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50local, and it sticks. But the changes to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the same file don't stick.16:53
alkisgTry with HELLO=there; PATH might be whitelisted16:54
arraybolt3[m]OK, trying...16:55
alkisgTesting on Ubuntu MATE 22.04, both the HELLO and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables made it to the terminal/bash16:56
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: HELLO made it.16:56
alkisgarraybolt3: what's the output of this?   grep -r LD_LIBRARY_PATH /etc/X1116:57
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Nothing.16:57
alkisgEh, then you didn't put it in 50local :D16:57
CarlFKdoes this modprobe too?     manual_add_modules  adds  a  module (...) to the initramfs image. https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html16:58
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: I removed it intentionally when setting HELLO.16:58
arraybolt3[m]I was trying to see if maybe it was having two export commands one after the other that was causing a problem with the first one somehow. Apparently not.16:59
Macwinnerlucascastro: thank you!16:59
alkisgarraybolt3: what's the distro/de, lubuntu 22.04?16:59
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Correct.17:00
arraybolt3[m]ER, no, hold on.17:00
arraybolt3[m]Lubuntu 22.10 Daily, LXQt, Qt 5.15.6, trying to install
arraybolt3[m]And now I'm realizing I'm in the wrong room. /me goes to #ubuntu-next:libera.chat17:00
alkisgDetails... :D17:01
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Details are in the -next channel.17:02
alkisgNo I wasn't asking you to provide details, I thought it wasn't a big deal that you are in the "wrong channel" since the export VAR=VALUE stuff would probably affect any recent lubuntu version17:03
alkisgI'm testing on a lubuntu 22.04.1 live cd that I had around17:03
arraybolt3[m]Ah, I get it.17:04
alkisgAnd indeed something in lubuntu overrides that environment variable17:05
* arraybolt3[m] just did `grep -r LD_LIBRARY_PATH /`17:06
arraybolt3[m]Let's see if that turns up the grumpy component.17:07
alkisgEven replacing /usr/share/xsessions/Lubuntu.desktop => Exec=/usr/bin/startlxqt with a plain qterminal reproduces the issue17:08
alkisgSo it's probably something in PAM17:08
arraybolt3[m]Bah, lovely, now my laptop just crashed in the middle of all of this. :(17:08
arraybolt3[m]Ideally Qt would let me just install directly into /usr and then I wouldn't have this problem.17:10
arraybolt3[m]Actually, looks like I found directions to do that.17:11
fwehthello, i want to update my node installation the 18, i found some snippet on the internet `curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash -` giving me the error described here https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/cannot-get-updates-ubuntu-20-04 is whats the best solution for this?  (my ubuntu lives on digitalocean btw)17:17
fwehtshould i just run `wget -qO- https://repos-droplet.digitalocean.com/install.sh | sudo bash`?  or install in a different way?17:17
NorrinRaddI'm seeing something very strange right now.  i just apt removed apache2.  i have nginx running on port 80.  when i cannot to it, the default page I'm getting is an ubuntu apache page17:19
NorrinRaddand no logs are showing up in the log file17:19
NorrinRaddbut all the script kiddie attempts do show in the log file17:19
gordonjcpNorrinRadd: nginx doesn't log by default, for whatever reason, and you probably have leftover apache webroot files kicking around in /usr/share/html/whatever/idiocy/they/put/it/in17:20
alkisgarraybolt3: ssh-agent is the one that eliminates LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you can work around that by renaming 50local to 98local and appending this to it: STARTUP=/usr/bin/startlxqt17:22
alkisgNormally, STARTUP="/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/startlxqt", by omitting ssh-agent there you avoid the issue17:22
NorrinRaddgordonjcp good idea17:24
arraybolt3alkisg: Oh cool, thanks! Sadly I just fiddled around with installing Qt from source system-wide and may have wreaked general havoc on my VM so I just nuked it and am reinstalling from scratch...17:24
xcjxurathHi, What I need todo for enable the multiple workspace on the ubuntu desktop?18:20
buzelfor multiple workspaces, click the activities button in the top left corner, then drag open applications to the next workspace at the right edge of the screen. Settings -> multitasking will let you change some options such as having a fixed number. There are some keyboard shortcuts for quickly switching between workspaces as well.18:34
PeGaSuShello guys. I must have done something (which I don't remember what) but whenever I login to my account, two terminal windows open automatically. ideas/tips? TIA18:38
PeGaSuSI'm getting crazy because I actually don't remember what I might have done to have this behaviour on my laptop..18:43
NorrinRaddgordonjcp i was so confused lol. maybe never would have thought nginx would have been serving up a static apache file18:47
NorrinRaddmy root commands weren't in the right place in nginx.conf18:48
arraybolt3PeGaSuS: Odd. Maybe check your ~/.profile file, and see if you have commands to autostart terminals in there? I don't know if putting terminal start commands in there would even work, but that's where I'd check first.18:49
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PeGaSuSarraybolt3: my `~/.profile` only has this: https://0bin.xyz/view/57297c5b19:00
murmelPeGaSuS: anything in ~/.config/autostart?19:01
PeGaSuSmurmel: I have redshift-gtk.desktop with this content: https://0bin.xyz/view/raw/634a7f3019:09
murmelyeah that's not it19:09
PeGaSuSI'm really puzzled because I have no idea of what might be triggering this, unless its a keyboard malfunction, which I highly doubt19:11
murmelPeGaSuS: maybe going through your .bash_history could give you a hint, what could have happened? because right now it's basically stabbing in the dark19:14
PeGaSuShonestly I don't see anything special. I think I've checked any file I can remember19:20
rob0I think the GUI way to fix something like that is to close the windows you do not want, open windows that you DO want opened at login, and then logout. Your desktop environment should save your session.19:28
PeGaSuSI think that it was that the problem. I've ticked "Save session for future logins" and it kept reopening those two terminal windows. after removing any `*.state` file form .cache/sessions, the windows stopped reopening19:31
PeGaSuS*note to self: never save sessions*19:32
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oxphiI'm not sure the correct terms, but I have applications show up when I begin searching (keyboard windows key) and I want them uninstalled but can't find what their name or installation directory is... how can I find what applications show up in search?19:49
oerheksthose .desktop files are stored in  applications – /usr/share/applications/19:52
oerheksone better installs synaptic, detailed softwarecenter. oh, and all other apps are snaps.19:53
tomreynoxphi: also in $HOME/.local/share/applications20:14
yasseram downloading linux lite but am wondering if it support opengl 3,2 on intel hd 300020:31
yasseri wanna play minecraft on it and windows dosent support it20:31
yasseror maybe mesa 3d drivers20:31
tomreynyasser: we wouldn't know, we only support ubuntu here. maybe try that?20:34
yasserits a ubuntu based distro20:34
yasserthought u guys give support for ubuntu based distros20:34
murmelso? we don't know what they changed in their distro, at least they have a forum try there https://www.linuxliteos.com/forums/search/20:34
tomreynthat may be, but we don't support "based on ubuntu" here, just ubuntu and its official flavours20:34
yassersorry my bad20:34
tomreynyou could also try #linux20:35
gordonjcpNorrinRadd: it'll serve up any file you put in the documentroot20:46
gordonjcpNorrinRadd: it'll serve up a standard IIS welcome page if you let it20:46
gordonjcpwhy, if I've added myself to a group, do I not show up as being in that group, even after logging out and logging back in?20:50
murmelgordonjcp: did you wait long enough? sometimes things linger, so the session is not closed completely20:50
gordonjcpmurmel: what "lingers", and why?20:51
gordonjcpmurmel: when you log out, all your processes are finished...20:51
murmelgordonjcp: depends on if you enable linger (which means processes can run even when the user is not logged in)20:52
murmelthis is managed by logind20:52
gordonjcpmurmel: yeah that doesn't sound like something I want, that needs gone20:52
murmeland not all processes get killed the instant you log out20:53
gordonjcpmurmel: ah, more systemd brokenness20:53
murmelwhy brokenness? you have to enable it so they can run, not the other way around20:53
ash_worksiis there a way for me to find out why `add-apt-repository` might be hanging?20:54
ash_worksiI tried it on a container using `jammy` and it worked with the PPA so...20:55
murmelash_worksi: --debug20:55
gordonjcpmurmel: seems to be fixed after a reboot, even leaving it logged out for over 60 seconds didn't help20:55
murmelgordonjcp: yes, because something in your session holds it up to be ended20:56
gordonjcpmurmel: good to see that Linux is finally achieving feature parity with Windows 98, I guess, "reboot to fi20:56
gordonjcp"reboot to fix"20:56
gordonjcpas soon as you log out of your session everything you haven't explicitly left backgrounded should be gone20:56
gordonjcpthis is broken behaviour20:56
murmelidk, what you are doing, and honestly I don't add myself too often to new grps and if I use newgrp, or sg20:57
murmelgordonjcp: wow, so you just want to kill everything in comparison to ask to quit?20:57
sarnoldgordonjcp: loginctl terminate-user  https://askubuntu.com/a/1113417/3381220:57
gordonjcpmurmel: well, why should anything be left hanging around?20:57
murmelgordonjcp: to save and safely quit?20:58
murmelidk, or don't you care about your data?20:58
gordonjcpmurmel: if I care about it, I've already saved it20:58
ash_worksimurmel: add-apt-repository: error: no such option: --debug21:00
murmelgordonjcp: are you sure about the internal database of program X?21:00
murmelash_worksi: what about -d?21:00
ash_worksimurmel: add-apt-repository: error: no such option: -d21:01
murmelhm, interesting, seems like the manpages are wrong then21:01
ash_worksioh there -m21:01
ash_worksi-m, --massive-debug Print a lot of debug information to the command line21:01
ash_worksistill hangs... no output21:02
murmeloO wow, that's not even in the manpage21:02
gordonjcpmurmel: why would I care?21:02
ash_worksimurmel: I got it from the man page21:03
murmelash_worksi: which ubuntu release are you running?21:03
gordonjcpmurmel: if it's so broken that it can't keep track of its own state, why is it my problem to cope with it?21:03
murmelgordonjcp: ahh, so you want to provoke bugs/errors/or whatever, hf then I guess21:03
ash_worksimurmel: PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS"21:03
murmelgordonjcp: I assume you are also just plugging the power cable out, when turning off the PC21:04
murmelash_worksi: ahh, makes sense then, I am on 22.04, so seems like they changed it then21:04
ash_worksimaybe I'll see if it works in a container21:04
johnny_linuxUbuntu is killer.21:05
johnny_linuxkernel 6.o may be killer. I stifle.21:07
gordonjcpmurmel: no, that's an idiotic thing to assume21:09
murmelgordonjcp: no it's not, it's just on a different layer21:09
gordonjcpmurmel: idiotic assumptions are why the usability of linux has dropped so much recently21:10
gordonjcpmurmel: over say the past 15 years or so, there have been so many bone-headed assumptions about what people are doing21:10
murmellol, sure, if you believe that. I really wonder when you go back to windows, as you seem to hate about everything what linux does21:10
gordonjcpmurmel: I've never used Windows21:10
gordonjcpmurmel: I looked at it, but it appears to be some MSDOS shell21:10
gordonjcphardly seemed worth the effort21:11
johnny_linuxkidie scriptors ruin everything21:11
johnny_linuxIm logging out.. but, my ;ast word is this.. stop with the redditt style sites that are filled with garbage.. Ubuntu help knows the deal. have a good day.. and .. to the helpers.. lets put arch out of busines. thanks.21:14
ash_worksiI need to proxy everything... how I can I route all external connections through a proxy?21:18
ash_worksion ubuntu-server?21:19
murmelash_worksi: depends on what you want to proxy?21:19
tomreynUse a Wireguard VPN, or the TAILS Linux distribution, or review their approach / techniques (to ensure *all* traffic is passed through a tunnel / Tor) and apply them to Ubuntu server.21:22
ash_worksimurmel: basically everything; curl/docker/apt/wget...21:22
murmeltomreyn: how would that help with proxying?21:23
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murmelash_worksi: I wonder if that is even worthwile, as most stuff is on https anyway, and apt is quite easy to do21:24
tomreynmurmel: i'm interpreting the term more as in "tunneling" in this context.21:24
murmelohhh yeah, could also be tunneling, depending on what he wants21:25
ash_worksioh? perhaps that will work, I just don't want to have to set a proxy for every curl call, every wget, set it everywhere anything needs to connect to something..21:27
tomreynthere's the http_proxy environment variable if that's what you want.21:28
ash_worksibut, sans, that hassle, I added `Acquire::http::Proxy ...` to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf and `apt` works but not `add-apt-repository`21:29
ash_worksitomreyn: where is that?21:29
ash_worksierm you mean just set `declare -x HTTP_PROXY=`21:29
tomreyni think it's usually places in /etc/environment21:29
ash_worksiwell, declaring it will tell me if it works, right?21:30
ash_worksitomreyn: declaring it didn't work21:31
tomreynash_worksi: did you logout and login?21:32
tomreynhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Proxy_server#Environment_variables recommends placing an executable file in /etc/profile.d/ instead21:34
tomreynfor web browsers, java, maybe snaps, maybe wget, you will probably need to configure the proxy seperately.21:36
ash_worksitomreyn: `http_proxy=... sudo add-apt-repository ...` still hangs22:25
ash_worksihow do I add a repo manually?22:25
oerheksyou need to set the standard http_proxy/https_proxy variables, and use “sudo -E” to preserve the environment if using sudo. >> https://fabianlee.org/2020/11/16/ubuntu-using-add-apt-repository-with-a-proxy/22:28
oerhekssame as this 2012 answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/53146/how-do-i-get-add-apt-repository-to-work-through-a-proxy22:29
ash_worksioerheks: okay, I'll try it22:31
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caroline_is it possible to enter a terminal session from another pc on a given local network?23:20
sarnold14 seconds.. oof23:20
sarnoldjust how fast can caroline_ type?23:20
caroline_is it possible to enter a terminal session from another pc on a given local network?23:21
sarnoldtoddc: dude good job23:23
toddccaroline_: ssh allows you to use a terminal on a local network23:23
sarnoldFri 07 23:23:34 < toddc> caroline_: ssh allows you to use a terminal on a local network23:23
sarnoldcaroline_: apt install openssh-server23:24
caroline_apologies if it sent 3 times also. connection issues23:24
caroline_thanks sarnold, toddc23:28
Macwinnerwhat's the "correct" way to build a package from source locally on ubuntu that overrides a system package.. I want to avoid messing around ldd library paths23:44
cbreakMacwinner: I recommend installing custom stuff outside normal /usr, maybe into /usr/local, or some dir in ~23:47
cbreakyou can use rpath / runpath to avoid having to manually specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH23:47
Macwinnerinteresting.. haven't heard of rpath/runpath.. will look that up!23:48
cbreakcmake will allow you to add them when building. And of course you can do it manually23:49
sarnoldMacwinner: quite a lot of people like to do builds in ppas, and just smack -sarnold1  onto the versions23:50
sarnoldI'm not quite sure how folks handle the updates from the distro later :/23:50
cbreaksarnold: do they handle them? :) or just suffer from not23:51
sarnoldcbreak: good question; maybe they use aptly to decide when packages get added? I've never actually understood package pinning well enough to know if that actualy helps or not. I think it would.23:51
Macwinnerpossibly just exclude those packages from apt config23:54
cbreakor change the name23:56
cbreakand use update-alternatives to select it23:56

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