[09:07] evolution-ews Henning Schild 341010 * commented commit c92e823 * https://deb.li/7fm7 [13:53] found some problems with todays canary ISO and reported it [13:55] 👍 [13:58] new installer at 100% Swedish again [15:01] gnome-shell ubuntu/master 057f91a Jeremy Bicha debian/source_gnome-shell.py * debian/source_gnome-shell.py: Don't try to report nonexistent mouse * https://deb.li/xRzI [15:34] Hello everyone! [15:35] hi [15:35] Can someone lead me to where can I find the files or source code to create the ubuntu desktop iso? or are you guys using the Debian live-build? [15:37] I was not successful in finding good information on launchpad and live-build fails crashes right before installing the os. [15:38] Maybe ubiquity has a bug in Kinetic? [15:54] Currently trying jammy to see if the same thing happens. [16:32] just found livecd-rootfs don't know how updated it is.